Friday, 21 August 2020

Some Of You Are Going To Hate Yourselves...

      In The Morning

I have now finished reading a most impressive and dare I say ‘woke’ article in the (early-arriving) August 24 issue of The New American magazine entitled ‘Monumental Hypocrisy’.  And I wish to say something here, in the heat of my emotions generated by the substance of this article, and all that is going on in this country - my country - of a dark nature these dark days, before the dawn of a new One.

To this nation’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, and including in that latter category all those mindlessly tearing down the monuments to and of this nation’s history, I say:

Nobody overthrows the United States of America.  Not on my watch.  And that of its Protectors.  

A nation that was founded not just by men of their times, but men of all times; taking one possible and practical step at a time towards their ultimate goal, of a nation - and a world in consequence - where “all men” - and by intended meaning, mankind; in our day better known/referred to as humankind - “are created equal,” and “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”.  As children all of the same Creator Source.  To say, as a learned French gentleman once put it: as “spiritual beings having a human experience”.  To become, ultimately, gods in their own right, as pieces of that Continent, parts of that Main.  Once they have graduated from

The Course.

Which includes learning from their history. 

Not erasing it.  

And thus:

All the statues and monuments that have been toppled down and defaced - which are monuments to this nation’s history, and the lessons to be learned therein and by - need to go back up, or be replaced with exact replicas.*  And those who wreaked that havoc on this nation’s memorials to its history need to be engaged in some way in that activity; to whatever extent that they can reasonably manage, whether financially, hands-on, or some combination thereof, or in whatever form.  As this nation heals from its wounds, and thence moves on, into a new era.  An entirely New Era.  And with the world at large. For all those who are ready to move on.  And.Up, into The New.  Characterized by an understanding of what life is all about.

That it is all about the education of apprentice gods, on their Path to Perfection.  

And you - you - will not be able to make those magnificent next steps if you fail to make amends for wrongs that you have inflicted on your nation, and your fellow actors and actresses on the stage of Life.  This school that we have been given, and ensconced in.  Life after life.  Preparing us for our graduation, into the higher realms; the higher degrees of that educational process.

Don’t be left behind.  It would be a shame to lose your presence.  In the New World aborning.  

And I assure you, that it is not to be the totalitarian New World Order planned for it by the Dark side of

The Process.  Giving us the free will to make our Progress by.

P.S. And for those of you who have been engaged in wreaking havoc under the banners of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and those politicians and media persons who have aided and abetted all the mayhem that has been engaged in in the wake of the death in police custody of George Floyd, I have a word as well.  To wit:
     That was a terrible triggering event.  But there was something very suspicious about it.  It had the appearance of being staged for ‘the cameras’.  So, we will get to the bottom of that appalling, and unfortunate, event.  As we will get to the bottom of all of the scenarios and agendas that have been acted out on this Stage in recent times, in furtherance of the plans of the powerful people behind the attempt to fasten a malevolent New World Order on humanity.  For, in this just universe that we are strutting and fretting our hours upon the stage of, nothing is left to chance.
     And All will be revealed. 
     Including what has been in your heart.
     Unless you have  been deprived of such qualities as empathy, by your Wannabe Masters.  In which case, that sort of factor will come out as well.  In the wash.  Leading us to said
     New Era.  On the spiral stairway to
     the heavens.


* If they are to come down, they will come down by a vote of the appropriate authorities involved.  Not by force.  This being a government of, by, and for The People.  Not either the mob or The Powers That Be.  Increasingly, now, The Powers That Were.

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