Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Speaking Of The Constitution

1) Strengths and weaknesses of the federal form of governance. 
   * States serve as laboratories for trying out things, that other States can learn from.  
   * It is not as easy to overthrow a federal government as it is a central government.  In the former form of governance it would have to be done piecemeal, and which would draw attention to the activity.

   * no single culture and values, which lends to a sense of unity,  (Even in diversity,  as characterizing a nation of a citizenry from various national and cultural backgrounds.)

2) The 14th Amendment.
     a) So-called ‘anchor babies’.
         There.  Is.  No.  Such. Thing.

      b) “Equal protection of the laws” means there is to be no discrimination between peoples under the law, which is to be ’color blind,’ in specific effect, or to apply equally to the rich man as to the poor man, for another example.  And now we come to the main point of this particular blog.  To wit:

     How the Southern states, with their legacy of slavery, got around this provision, in having separate schools for the blacks and the whites, e.g., was to make sure that they were ‘equal’ - were equally funded, in a state of being called ‘separate but equal’.  It was a bit of sophistry, as far as I am concerned - called Jim Crow laws -  and destined to fall, given the nation’s basic founding values, as enshrined in Thomas Jefferson’s immortal words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”  - not, you will note, that the state is to be all-powerful OVER the governed, rather, its primary purpose being to secure their rights against such oppression.  So there is a fundamental issue here, of the difference between Western civilization’s emphasis on the Individual - in the context and nature of being a child of God - and the Eastern civilization’s emphasis on the collective, as historically espoused by such as the Persian Empire, and in our day and age, by the collectivism of (atheistic) Communist China, and of the former Soviet Union.  But to finish my point about the 14th Amendment: 

     The best way, in my opinion, in terms of the founding principles of this nation, to deal with such as the so-called Jim Crow laws in the South - to say, ‘separate but equal’ - would have been to let nature take its course.  Or what I have termed the Branch Rickey way, or the American way.  The ‘essential liberty’ way, honoring humanity’s free will, as this nation was espoused to.  Branch Rickey having been 'a man responsible,' as general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team in the National League, who wanted to win the league championship, in order to play off with the champions of the American League and have a shot at being the so-called World Champions of U.S. Major League baseball; and who knew of the great baseball skills of members of the Negro baseball league.  And not one to miss a chance at the championship - amid whatever all other reasons he may have had to do what he did - he brought such a player onto his team.  Name of Jackie Robinson.  Whom you undoubtedly will have heard of, even if you haven’t heard of Branch Rickey.  Anyway, my point:  The latter did it, not just His Way.  But what could fairly be called the American Way.

     What do I mean.  I mean the ’natural’ way, for a nation founded on the principle of ‘essential liberty’:  An individual took the initiative for what could well be called a ’game changer’.  The managers and owners of baseball teams - in order to be winners - would follow suit.   And at first there would be such difficulties as in traveling, especially in the South, if a sports team had Negro players on it, and a hotel, er, balked at putting the team up there; whereupon they would ultimately find a hotel that would put them up - for the business.  And the same with restaurants.  And so forth.  And things would have changed gradually, and then more quickly, as the race barrier proved to be well and truly broken.  

     The (theistic) American way.  A way that could have saved a lot of the pain and mayhem that has been created in the country from the perceived highhandedness of the federal government dictating the terms of the country’s social mores.  So that the change doesn’t, couldn’t, feel that it came from The People.  But from The State. 

     The so-called Persian way.  But in terms of the current state of political evolution, more accurately to be described as the (atheistic) Communist Chinese way.  The historical ‘interchange’ leading us to the crowning, Synthesis-like achievement of

The Plan’s Way.    

Whereby ‘capitalism’ and ‘communism’ converge.  Both the Individual and the Collective honored.  Under our Creator Source.

Beyond ‘religion’ per se.  But into Truth.  The terrain of

The future Kingdom.  Having been arrived at

at long last.  From the educational slog along

The Way.

For apprentice gods.  Facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of -

ultimately -

The All That Is.         

P.S. Meanwhile, back in The Drama:
     From FoxNews/YouTube: ‘Tucker: America is witnessing a brazen power grab’ - July 30 
(Carlson spoke disparagingly of Barack Obama’s blatant political pontificating at the funeral of Rep. John Lewis.  Comments by Carlson in this hard-hitting address of his:
“The Democrats are working to dismantle the country’s core institutions…We must defend our systems in the face of revolution.”)

Stan Stanfield - August 3

The Electoral processes in this country should have been cleaned up a long time ago.  The main reason they haven't been?  Don't look to the Democrats for your answer; look to the Republicans, for failing to be a real member of a two-party system.  What do they have to gain from all this corruption?  Cheap labor from legal and illegal immigrants.  Both categories of whom are being systematically entered onto the voter reg rolls.  Rather shortsighted of the Republican bigwigs.  
Or is it.  Think in terms of a pyramid of power in the country, not a linear format.  With the same nest of vipers at the top.  And their NWO All-Seeing Eye.


“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”  - Thomas Jefferson

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.” - Socrates

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