Saturday, 22 August 2020

Color Me Red - In Anger

1) Calling Kamala Harris “colored” gets a news anchor on the radio in Cleveland fired.  What??  When did the word ‘colored’ become Politically Incorrect???

Le’s see.  There’s the NAACP, which stands for the National Association of -  oops.  Sorry.  I just about made an offensive comment.  I think…

And then there’s the fact that Joe Biden was being pressured by the far Left of his political party - and as widely reported on the MSM -  to pick as his running mate ‘a woman of c- ‘ - oops.  Sorry!  

And then there’s the current ‘identity politics’ going on of the far Left pitting ‘whites’ against ‘people of c- -  oops.  Golly gee, I almost said it again…

Madness.  Sheer madness.  

P.S. From ‘Radio Broadcaster Fired After Racial Description of Kamala Harris’ - Johnathan Jones - August 22

“WTAM issued a statement saying that cutting Cornell over his Harris comment was an easy decision.

“‘We are aware of the reference made on WTAM by Kyle Cornell. We take this matter very seriously and addressed it immediately,’ the station said.

“‘The term used is extremely offensive and does not align with our station’s core values and commitment to the communities we serve. He is no longer with WTAM,’ the statement added.”

Dear WTAM Management:

You are a fool.  And as a fool, you have been fooled.


Duane ’Stan’ Stanfield

P.S. A woman of color.  A woman of color.  A woman of color.  The far Left of the Democrat Party called for Biden to pick, as his running mate, “a woman of color”.  Got it?


2) (A friend emailed me an article today, with embedded video, on adrenochrome, with the video going into all manner of references to satanic orgies and such, by ’the Elite’ and their minions.  My response:)  

Sometimes I'm tempted to believe in Dualism, that 'the world' is the creation of a demiurge.  [Based on] how evil stuff can be here.  But at other times - the majority thereof - I take it all as part of The Process.  To know, really, how bad - and seductive - things can get, and can we really and truly choose The Way of The Light.  And I don't mean Light as in Luciferian.

I am reminded of the scene in one of the Indiana Jones films where our hero is in a face-off with a Middle Eastern bad hombre who goes through a whole panoply of moves demonstrating his ability with his sword, and Harrison Ford finally, with that look on his face, of having had enough of this silly business, just ends the whole drama by pulling his gun and shooting the guy, downing him with one bullet.  It's 'that look' that I feel sometimes.  As in, Do we really have to go through all this nonsense??  Apparently the answer is Yes.  Some people learning the very hard way.  To really get The Lesson.     



And that's my report for today.

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