Monday, 10 August 2020

Economics 101

You want to bring down the numbers of the novel coronavirus infections and fatalities?  Forget the masks (which don’t work anyway, as many studies show), social distancing (the guideline for which is insufficient to do any real good), and the ’quarantining’ lockdown of the healthy (which makes nonsense, especially in undercutting the valuable condition of ‘herd immunity’).  And simply eliminate the financial incentive factor.

Hospitals are paid big bucks by Medicare for the numbers of novel coronavirus infections that they report in relation to ‘just’ pneumonia or other viral infections, so the numbers of ncv infections go up - and those for pneumonia and other viral infections go down.  And they are paid even bigger bucks for treating severe cases of CoVid-1 - as ‘proven’ by reported fatality figures - so, many such cases are reported, resulting in treatment with ventilators (which have been found in fact to cause deaths, because it is the wrong treatment for such patients), one, and two, death certificates are being reported, by honest members of the, er, ‘healing’ profession, as having been filled out as a fatality caused by CoVid-19 even if it was only in cases with the virus, not of the virus - and even, in some cases, if the virus wasn’t even present.  All, because of the truism that

Figures lie and liars figure.

And this is all not even to get into the scam about the tests themselves, and their false positives - and even in the absence of having taken the test itself.  With a number of people around the country reporting - at least as carried in the independent media - that they got tired of waiting in line for the test and left, only to receive notice that ‘they’ had tested positive.

All of this, of course, not occasioned merely by venality.  But because it is part of the New World Order crowd’s push for regime change, via the ‘principle’ of Ordo ab Chao - that Crisis = Opportunity.  As the Dark side mounts its big, last push for the rule on Earth of the ‘principle’ of Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.  As the side of The Light readies its reactive response to this initiative.  And, in the end (of this Process), wins.

Because the Dark needs the Light for its very existence.  Whereas the Light



And, not so incidentally, is healing in its own right.  

Another subject for another time.

Coming up.  And literally.  As we approach

Ascension.  Out of elementary school.  And into 

our Graduate courses.

For those who make the grade.

This go-Round.

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