Sunday, 23 August 2020



‘“We Have A Lot of Evidence That It’s A Fake Story All Over The World” – German Doctors on COVID-19 – Collective Evolution’

 More than 500 German doctors & scientists have signed on as representatives of an organization called the "Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee" to investigate what's happening on our planet with regards to COVID-19.

“Why are so many professionals and experts in the field being censored, ridiculed and shut down by organizations like the WHO? Should we not have the right to examine information openly, freely, and transparently?”

This from an article at CE by Arjun Walla posted on August 17 - making the case that the COVID-19 virus is in fact no worse than a seasonal flu - as sent to me by a friend today.  My generic response, as triggered as well by certain circumstances coming up in my personal life:

I am being blocked, by way of frozen-off download, from sites and specific articles on sites that the Censors don’t want to give me, and presumably others, access to, for political reasons, because of their ‘sensitive’ subjects.  This is unacceptable behavior.  It must be stopped.  Immediately.

And on another side of that same ’story’: Although I am not being kept in lockdown in my state, as others unfortunately are in their home states, I am being muzzled, by this nonsense masking going on - with masks that don’t even work against the novel coronavirus; which shows that it is just for the symbology of it, of our being submissive to our Wannabe Masters.  And I DO NOT CONSENT.

There is no good reason for all of this lockdown business.  It is merely serving the purposes of the NWO crowd, in order to bring us out from under the protections of constitutional law in this country, and to help set up Crisis conditions in all our countries, which the NWO crowd intend to, er, ‘capitalize’ on, in their plans for overthrow of the status quo.  It is all part of their plot to fasten a totalitarian regime on the planet, to be based on Force; which is the Dark side’s reverse version of

the Real Thing.  As we prepare, in actuality - on the other side of the, er, 'crowning' of The Process - for Liftoff.

Hang on.  This is going to be an interesting ride.  Into

The Light.  Of

A New Day.


P.S. And I note that, as part of The Process still,  the state of Massachusetts has just mandated that all K-12 students have to have the season's flu shot (with other such scrofulous states, like California, quite likely to follow).  Not only is this sort of thing a version of Red China's approach to its subjects, and part of 'the New Normal' that the NWO crowd wish to impose on this country.  But my understanding, from my research in the independent/alt media on these sorts of things, is that the flu vaccine can set up people for dangerous and even fatal reactions to such as a season's coronavirus du jour, as happened in previous such outbreaks.  So, our Wannabe Masters are trying to get as much mileage out of this manmade novel coronavirus as they can, in killing us off, and/or weakening us, for their totalitarian takeover.
     These are really evil people.  More like termites.  Or reptilians.
     Rise to the occasion, People - and throw them off with such determi-nation that they either come over to the Light.  Or disappear from our experience.  As we go Up.  Out of this vale of tears.  
     And receive our just reward.  For having passed
     The Test.

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