Monday, 24 August 2020

On Things Coming To A Head

Let me count the ways that our Wannabe Masters are beginning to close the trap, in order to establish their Luciferian New World Order.

1. To build on the ‘beta test’ going on now in New Zealand - under their oppressive female prime minister, who has decreed that all those in, er, ‘her’ country testing positive for the novel coronavirus must go into isolation camps (and so much, then, for the scientific and longstanding concept off herd immunity) -  the WMs in the U.S. plan (copies uncovered) to activate FEMA ‘medical martial law’ camps.  From which there is planned to be no return.  As the preparatory presence in this country of a huge number of discovered guillotines attests to.   Except, perhaps, for those worthy, er, souls selected to be chipped, via the vaccine to be rolled out ostensibly to counter the ncv, but in reality to prepare the ‘inductees’ to be slaves to the LNWO; while their insidious and longstanding plans to cull the ‘herd’ of all extraneous “useless eaters” goes into effect.  (And as telegraphed as well by the intentionally created mass famines which are creeping towards the mass of humanity, on sinisterly silent feet, as we speak.)

2. A ‘morality’ pill introduced into our water supply (similar to the induction into it of fluoride and lithium to keep us docile and sedated; which, of course, has already been going on.  Our WMs not missing a trick) - building on Jose Delgado’s Mind Control experiments starting in the ’60s - to keep us amenable to staying in at least varying states of Lockdown.  While they use the current pandemic-that-isn’t to trash our economies, and cause societal collapse; exercising the Opportunity of Crisis to further their odious plan.*

3. No ”contrary material” to be allowed to be either printed or broadcast.  Such a position - of censorship - being finessed as we speak by both the MSM and Social Media platforms.
   (A point of awareness: All of this sort of thing was pioneered in the former Soviet Union - where, e.g., all written material, and including the samizdat ‘subversive’ publications, was printed on paper that the Soviet administrative commissars could identify by their watermarks - and is personified in our day by Red China’s Social Credit system.  Which form of totalitarianism is championed by the U.S.’s LNWO crowd of our day, as an ideal ’New Normal’ prototype for this country.)

4. Mosquitoes are being released in this country as we speak that have been genetically modified to block fertility in female mosquitoes.   
   Mosquitoes carrying an anti-fertility agent…What could go wrong?  Especially in the hands of extreme statists??  Who already are involved with plans to marry Man with Machine, in a movement called Transhumanism???

There’s more.  But you get the idea:

The world currently is in the controlling hands of some ‘people’ - for the lack of a better word at the moment - who need to be replaced.  By people acknowledging that they are, essentially, spiritual beings having a human experience.  And who need, now - at this time of high urgency - to live up to their potential    

in that direction.

Understanding that we are living in a simulation, before we can be trusted with

the Real Thing.  Which reflects our higher state of consciousness  - of awareness - at that time.  And so, must be earned.

P.S. It turns out that the situation in New Zealand is even worse than indicated above: Those in the quarantine camps who were put in there because they refused to be tested and who continue to refuse to be tested will be forced to stay in the camps for another tract of time (14 days, to be precise), and another, until they give in to their Big Momma.  Seriously.  
   ‘Feminism’ having run amok.  And as in this country, with various Democrat-party female mayors and governors showing that they can be just as arrogant as - and sometimes more so than - their male counterparts.  Taking The People of their cities and states out from under the protections of the rule of law, and putting them in the hands of petty little dictators.
     It would almost be amusing if it weren't so serious.

* You did know that both the infection rates and fatality rates for the CoVid-19 epidemic have been inflated, didn’t you?  And if not, why not?  The info has been readily available on - oh.  That’s right.  It’s only readily available on the independent/alternate media.  And some - a lot - of you have chosen to get your info, of what all is going on in the world, from the MSM.  Thus playing right into the hands of our WMs.  
   It must be the fluoride, and/or lithium.  So that’s alright, then.

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