From thecomonsenseshowdotcom ’52 people shot in NYC over the 72-hour weekend as left-wing lawlessness explodes due to “defund the police” agenda’ - Ethan Huff, newsargetdotcom - August 18
The article - which goes into some facts regarding the situation in New York City, and what has led up to the carnage - concludes:
“'Defund the police isn’t working, especially when criminals get a free pass and law-abiding citizens are treated like trash,' wrote one commenter at The Epoch Times. 'Good luck, New York. You’re getting what you voted for.'
“'NYC gov doesn’t care about the decent law-abiding, hard-working citizens,' wrote another. 'They’re all on board with the ‘agenda’ to descend us into chaos. I see no heart in these creatures.'”
No heart in these creatures…I think there’s truth in that observation. And as ‘portrayed’ by various actors in the covid-19 Drama going on, wherein and whereby our Wannabe Masters are attempting to create a ‘New Normal’ of arbitrary law imposed by ‘the authorities,’ resulting in such prison-running measures as lockdown, social distancing, and mask wearing; the latter a rather graphic symbol of submission and subjugation to Authority:
Don’t talk back. Just Obey. ‘You, our slave; muzzled - kept from your oh-so-precious ‘free speech’ - like the dog that you are. So: Sit. Roll over. Beg.’
Snicker, snicker…
What do we have here? Answer: The makings of a dystopian future, beyond anything even Orwell envisioned in his prophetic novel, '1984'. And the signs?
Besides the people-control measures occasioned by the pandemic-that-isn’t-really,(1) there are such factors as those mentioned in the U.S. Army’s FM 3-39.40 titled ’Internment And Resettlement Operations,’ which includes the following statement involving the role of a PsyOp Officer (and team):
“Develops PSYOP products that are designed to pacify and acclimate accept...facility authority and regulations.”(2) And with Internment camps designed to house either 4,000 or 8,000 inmates, and with a smaller size to house 300. For whom? Ostensibly for those either refusing to be tested or testing positive for the covid-19 virus who refuse to be quarantined ("non-compliant detainees"). The camps to be called Medical Camps; but with no facilities designated in their operations manual for major medical treatment.
Go figure. And note as well such other measures planned for us - by these soulless creatures amongst us (or at least, having become devoid of any soulular component, like empathy) - as a Universal Basic Income, in a technologically-advanced world, whereby our contact with each other is reduced in a major way; and schools - because of The New Normal, with the scare of the covid virus to keep us permanently in a state of control - all to go online, for the same reason (besides the propaganda element, of orchestrated ‘learning materials’): reducing our social contact, and thus need for it, as preparation for a time of Transhumanism, when we will be bred as part-Man and part-Machine. All, to perfect control over us by those who consider themselves the equivalent of a Master Race.(3)
You Americans do understand your need to keep your right ‘to keep and bear arms,’ don’t you??? As the Reaction to this scenario kicks in, and we move, not just back to the Old Order. But to the real New Order.
With the NWO crowd’s dystopian vision for the future being the reverse image of
the Real Thing.
A technologically advanced civilization, alright. Just not the one planned for us by our Wannabe Masters. Rather, the one planned for us by
our Creator Source. Of which we are all a part.
Except those souls who choose - of their own free will - to reject their proper inheritance. In attempting to become gods before they have graduated the course. And, having flunked, need to be set aside. As the rest of us move on on our -
the -
P.S. I have just learned that one of the conservative sites that I follow - in fact, the one that I quoted at the beginning of this blog - has been demonetized by YouTube. Why? The stated reason: ‘Harmful content.’ Meaning, in truth: Conservative content.
And my blogs here, where I often refer to info - on a lot of subjects, but including this, on the pandemic-that-isn’t - that I have gleaned from the alt/independent media?? How long will I be ’allowed’ to report here on such material??? Before I, too, become embedded in a state of
‘Mask - ON.’
(1) With both the infection rates and the fatality rates having been proven - via info from the (still-available) Independent Media - to have been inflated, thus giving away the agenda going on of TPTB: to use the purported ‘pandemic’ and its over-the-top lockdown measures to destroy the Western economies, thereby to create the Crisis conditions for Opportunity takeover by the totalitarian New World Order crowd. (The Covid-19 epidemic actually more on the order of a seasonal flu. And with a number of excellent treatments for it already available to boot. All, another subject for another time.)
(2) “PSYOPS products”. Like, say, fluoride in the drinking water, to ‘sedate’ them. As in the former Soviet Union’s gulags. And lithium as well, to, er, “pacify” them. And vaccines, to…well. Another subject in itself.
(N.B. Thanks to Lisa Haven for referencing this FM lead. Also Dave Hodges or similar leads in official materials. Both of whom have now been censored by Facebook. Go figure.)
(N.B. Thanks to Lisa Haven for referencing this FM lead. Also Dave Hodges or similar leads in official materials. Both of whom have now been censored by Facebook. Go figure.)
(3) Sounds a lot like the film ‘They Live,’ doesn’t it.
Which brings up the subject of ‘predictive programming’. But to continue, here, for now.
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