Wednesday, 12 August 2020

The Corruption Stops HERE

I am being overwhelmed with requests especially from various Republican sources for financial contributions, in this major election year.  It all stems from a short few years ago, when I retired back here in my home country - and state - from my many years of having lived abroad, and had enough savings that I felt that i could contribute to various worthy causes that came my way.  This, before I discovered how corrupt the electoral systems were in this country, and stopped throwing good money after stupid.

As I said, whilst in residency in my old home state of California, when asked if I were going to vote, and replied in the negative, and was then asked why not: “Because it is a crime to vote; at least in California.”  And then I would add: “More specifically, it is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.”  When I went to vote in the first elections upon my return, in 2012, and found that I was not asked for some - any - ID to identify that I was who I said I was, that was the beginning of my eye-opener to the terrible state of affairs regarding voting here.  As confirmed to me when I called the L.A. County Voter Registrars Office, and when I started asking them questions about their policies, and got to my question about whether they ever check the citizenship of people on the voter reg rolls, and was told no, and I asked why not, I was told, quote: “Because such people would commit perjury if they voted.”  Indeed.  And??  

That was it.  End of story.  

And so, ‘such people’ are.  And judging from the thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens currently residing in L.A. County alone, are doing so in droves.  And especially when the (Democrat-controlled) state of California - to make the pickings even more clear - has now passed a law explicitly making it legal for illegal aliens to obtain a driver’s license; which, under the Motor Voter law, automatically registers them to vote.  Unless they opt out.  And if they don’t?  

Nothing.  Zip.  Zilch.  Nada.  

And ‘they’ know it.  ‘They’: The illegal aliens (and other non-citizens).  And their Democrat Party enablers.  Of corruption.

I understand that Judicial Watch has managed recently to force L.A. County to do something of a cleaning job on their voter reg rolls.  But that only takes care, at most, of duplicate names, or the deceased.  What about the legality of the names themselves?  And no requirement for voter ID??  And the scam of Ballot Harvesting, whereby Democrat Party minions ‘do a service’ for such people as reside in nursing homes in collecting their ballots and taking them to the precinct for them, thus compromising the security of the voting process.*

We now have the computer ability to clean up our voter reg rolls completely, in checking the names against both birth registrations and naturalization records.  In concert with the need to require PHOTO VOTER ID at the voting precincts. And no more electronic voting machines, which have proven to be able to be hacked, in more than one way.  With the need to get back to a clear paper trail, with safeguards, as to who gained access to those paper ballots in the first place.  With both Mail-In Voting and Absentee Ballots, and Ballot Harvesting procedures, and the likes of Early Voting policies, opening the door for mass corruption.  

The federal government needs to send an army of CPAs into every state, with military backup, and clean up the damn voting procedures.  Said angrily, as I note that U.S. citizens are not just citizens of the state in which they reside, and they have a right to have their vote count.  Not be diluted out of all legitimate measure, by all of the voter fraud, and electoral fraud in general, going on in this country.  With it being treated like some banana republic, where the voters need to have a finger dipped in purple dye if need be, to stop duplicate/multiple voting.

If that’s what it takes to clean up the elections in this country, then so be that utter shame on us.  But make no mistake:

The Corruption Stops HERE.  The climate about to have a change.   

P.S. Pres. Trump named, in his recent press conference - which was interrupted when a man with a gun activated the Secret Service outside of the White House - those who were involved in the attempts by a cabal of Deep State players to illegally spy on his election team, and labeled it for what it was: “treason”.  Result: Total silence from the MSM on the subject.
     That silence won’t last long.
     Nor on the even more outrageous subject, of what is euphemistically called ‘child sex trafficking’.
     Torture?  Harvesting for both adrenochrome and organs?  And other such obscene and abysmal activities by what is called Homo sapiens??…
     As ‘Q’ says - 
     and as any reasonably aware person would know, for the Law of Karma to operate:
     We Have It All.
     And it is all about to come out.  As this Earth turns
     from Dark
     to Light.

* Or as was caught once on a surreptitiously mounted CCTV camera posted at such a precinct site, when no one else was present, and the two women running the precinct process were seen in a cheating operation, one standing guard whilst the other dumped a whole bunch of votes in the ballot box from their private collection.  The voting operation being ‘private,’ indeed.


P.P.S. And speaking of corruption, and the great need for an end to be put to it:

From YouTube: ‘“The Ingraham Angle’ exposes Kamala Harris’ “radical” views’ - August 11

1 second ago (August 12)

Fact Check: Kamala Harris is ineligible for the job.  She is not a "natural born" citizen.  A natural born citizen, according to the definitive tome of the day when the constitutional Framers made that an eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency, and as subsequently extended to the office of the VP by amendment (a logical move, given the constitutional terms for acceding to the presidency), is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  One or both of her parents were not citizens of the U.S. at the time of her birth.  And that eligibility requirement for either of those offices STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  A perceptive reader will note that that requirement rules out the illegal administrations of Barack H Obama as well.  It is time and past that we in this country got back to the rule of law.  Or we will commit suicide.  That is to say: By our own hand.  Being asleep at the switch of our country, to rule by despotism.

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