Friday, 21 August 2020
How To Eliminate Problems
Illuminate them with facts.
Example 1. 'The masks.'
There have been a number of reports of 'altercations' over people not wearing 'the masks'. The latest: Two reports from passenger planes. On one, a woman with six children was unceremoniously kicked of the flight because she was having trouble with getting her 2-year-od daughter to wear her mask. On the other, two women got in an actual fight over one of them not wearing 'the mask'. Let's look at some facts of the matter.
1. The masks don't really work. And in fact, can cause sickness, from their being receptacles, of our noxious exhalations, rather than effective barriers.
2. The 'pandemic' isn't. Both the number of infections and the number of fatalities have been inflated. (Including with the tests notoriously 'infected' with giving false positives.) And even at that, the fatality incidence puts the novel coronavirus in the category of a seasonal flu. And you don't put the whole country in a state of quarantine/lockdown over a seasonal flu, or cold.
3. It has a specifically targeted segment of the population: the elderly and/or those with underlying medical conditions/a compromised immune system. Every other cohort of the populace is basically asymptomatic - and need to circulate, in order to build up herd immunity. And in any event:
4. There are very successful treatments for this virus (or whatever it is; it has never been fully purified/isolated). Among them: Hydroxychloroquine or Budesonide or Ivermectin, each in a treatment 'cocktail' with zinc and either the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline for secondary infections. Plus various nutraceuticals for beefing up one's immune system, esp. vitamins D3 and C. (See a good naturopath or holistic/Complementary Medicine allopath on proper treatment for you.) And note that the treatments work best at the first sign of symptoms, not too far into the infection. Or can be used as prevention.
So let's stop with the masking already. This is a political issue. Not a medical one per se. And speaking of the political-issue side of the matter: Whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE. Another story in itself. And: STOP THE ROLLOUT OF 5G. Also a subject too long to go into here. Just to say that it is involved in this whole sorry mess of an agenda. By people who are trying to inflict a total state of control over humanity.
And along that same line:
Example 2. The LGBTQ+ 'phenomenon'.
Notice how messed up things have gotten with so many people involved in the LGBTQ+ political issue these days? Biological males insisting on being treated like a female, and vice versa, and permutations in between?? And many people insisting that it is simply a mental illness and Christians insisting that it is 'sinful'??? Well, actually, 'it' is is both of those, but neither. I will explain.
There has been scientific evidence for a good long while that the fetus can have its brain affected at a particularly early stage of fetal development (I think it's about the 8-10-week period; it has been some time since I read material on this subject), by the maternal hormonal bath that it is developing in, whereby male-patterned brains can be 'wired' into biologically female bodies and vice versa and every stage along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies. There are a number of causes of this imbalance. Faulty adrenal glands of the developing fetus or the mother or both. Endocrine disrupters/estrogen mimics in the environment, from such as plastics, pesticides, and The Pill. Stress - of all kinds: physical, mental, emotional (there is evidence that more homosexually-inclined male babies are born in the wake of wars than the normal background 'noise' can account for, e.g.). But perhaps most alarmingly is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus. We have, in short, not been paying enough attention to what has been going on in our society FOR TOO DAMN LONG.
And this situation has been exacerbated by the outright satanists amongst us, who, knowing of this possibility, have been deliberately inflicting 'gender dysphoria' on their babies. Why? Because Ordo Ab Chao. Crisis 'breeds' Opportunity. They have been behind the scenes of our current social unrest. And have been lusting to take over the world for the Dark side for millennia; and know all the tricks. Including some new ones.* And 'we' have been falling into their trap. Like the dumb animals that they think of us as being.
Its time - and almost past, ladies and gentlemen, to
Wake. The. Hell. Up.
And claim your proper inheritance As a spiritual being having a human experience.
And understanding your responsibility in that matter.
* Like how to induce terror in children, so as to be able to harvest them of their adrenochrome, from which they get a high. And then dispatch the children, as having served their purpose. And often, eating them as well. Because they are into that 'sin' as well.
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