Saturday, 22 August 2020

On The (Eduction) Path, And The Last Test Thereon

In my last bog I talked about us humans becoming gods, as we move on and up the spiral stairway to the heavens via The Plan, and return ultimately - at least, given the opportunity to do so - to Unity.  And I would like to highlight one aspect of that situation.  Having to do with reincarnation.

Consider.  1) There is considerable evidence in by now, from studies and oral and written reports with elements of confirmation, of, as I call it, ’the natural fact of reincarnation and its attendant Law of Karma’.  (And thus that the universe is a just universe.)  2) If we are indeed ‘chips off the old block,’ we are imbued with the essence of our Source.  And that makes us potential gods in our own right.  How would we come to embodying fully that potential?  Through a Process of Education, and raising of our consciousness thereby.   And no soul could reasonably accomplish that ‘job’ via just one incarnation in this realm of Duality, where such education, and resultant progress (on The Path that I have referred to repeatedly in these pages, for emphasis), takes place (including the karmic balancing-out aspect of the matter).  Otherwise we would just stay on a level of relative childhood.

Some would say, and have argued, that that is all there is, as we simply eternally adore our Creator.  But I would ‘argue that there is more, far more to The Plan than that.  That  ‘the Mormons’ have it essentially right when they talk about how ‘As Man is, God once was, and as God is, Man may become’.  They have just couched their belief in the terms of a religion that fails to appreciate just how that ‘may’-ness condition can come about, in its being based on centuries-old ideas about Sons and children of God, and so forth; an ancient concept even at the time - the purported time - of ’the Messiah,’ called Jesus.  ‘Recorded’ In a ‘New Testament’ that is sorely in need of closer inspection, by large numbers of people.  Mainly of very sincere people, wanting to do the ‘right’ thing.  But unaware of the larger context of that religious concept, and the political background to that ‘testament’.* 

And I am fully aware of the whole ‘Anti-Christ’ thing, which will put some very sincere people off in considering all this.  For awhile.  Until they ‘tune in’ for themselves to their precise, underlying natures (and The Plan of Life).  And not take someone else’s word for their understanding of

how it all works.

This, the last test.  Before


Which involves


Of gods in the making.

P..S. A note of awareness:
     TPTB, aka ‘the globalists,’ had it partly right. in going for a One World - One Government - One Religion.  Just under the wrong flag.  The flag of the Dark side.  But it was part of a deliberate Process.  Of our education.  As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.
     I have referred to this historical Process before in these pages.  To recapitulate: In (what I think are valid) Hegelian terms, a ‘thesis’ - a socio-econo-political position - is established, which generates an ‘anti-thesis,’ in an action-reaction way (as exemplified by the Law of physics called To Each Action There Is an Equal And Opposite Reaction), which results in a ‘synthesis,’ i.e., a position/condition taking on parts of both sides of the ‘equation’; but since the process is incomplete until it reaches its conclusion, that synthesis just becomes the ’thesis’ of a further unfolding, until the process has run its full course, to the global level.  Our Dark-side Wannabe Masters have taken the Process to that level, by pushing for a global government, controlled by them with an iron fist - by Force, rather than by Love.  There is built into this dynamic the unfolding as well of the religio-spiritual component, where the NWO crowd, who are essentially atheists (forget the satanic aspect for the moment, for ‘demonstration’ purposes), are opposing ‘religion’.  Out of the whole dynamic in fact is to come a One World with not either a ’normal’ religious component or an atheistic component, but a spiritual component - i.e., Truth personified - taking The (historical) Process to its natural Conclusion:
     A - the - kingdom of heaven.  As part of the spiral stairway to the heavens, just a cut above the old 3D realm of Duality and (seeming) Separation.  Now to function on the 5th Dimension level (the 4th being part of the 3rd; a bridging level).  On our way to the consciousness- raised level at the end of the whole Process.  Which some investigators into all this have said is the realm - of Unity - just above the last of the ‘stair steps,’ the 12th Dimension.  Those details don’t matter, at this point.  At this point, all that matters is that   
     life on Earth is going Up.
     With you.
     Or without you.  

And just to mention one little detail of this Process, before its Conclusion: 

The UN is planning to carve the former U.S. up, like a turkey, into regions controlled by China, Canada, Russia (half of Alaska, the other half to be controlled by Canada), Mexico (‘La Raza’/Aztlan +), the EU off the - former- East Coast, and Japan to control the Hawaiian Islands,   And there are other ‘plans’ for such a carve-up. My Message to both the UN and the other planners:

 In your dreams.

P.P.S. As we approach the November elections, and the Democrats are making very emphatic noises about not accepting a potential Trump win - in large part because it’s all ‘on the line ‘ for them now, with prison awaiting a lot of them if he does - is a civil war in this country inevitable?  My Answer:
     Only between supporters of the Dark side and the side of the (true) Light.
     And that war has been going on for time immemorial anyway.

P.P.P.S. And I see that New Zealand, under their female commissar, is beta testing the outlawing of barter for The People’s ability  to get around TPTB’s intention to take down coinage, in deer to impose a cashless society, and thereby put us all under their thumb by forcing us to go online to engage in such exchanges - a ’service’ that can be turned off at the whim and will of our Dark-side Masters.
     “Who controls the food supply controls the people.”   Henry Kissinger.
     As part of a larger, globalist commentary and perspective: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”  Thus the nee for all those aspects of social life to be taken out of such cynical, and untrustworthy, hands.
     Coming up.

* Which I have gone into in these pages before.  Not to deal with that subject here.

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