When I was in South Korea, in the short wake of the war there - my time of military service being the period 1957-’58 - as a draftee (more specifically, as a ‘c.o.’ - conscientious objector; another story), I managed my way from being stationed in the Seventh Division’s Medical Battalion into its Special Services branch, where I shortly became the Director of its Entertainment Section. In that capacity I helped to write and produce Soldier Shows - entertainment for that Division’s troops, and the troupe going on from there out on tour to other military units in South Korea and even over to Japan - and booked and made all the arrangements for other such soldier troupes to tour throughout our Division, along with doing the same for stateside show troupes, via the U.S.O. and other organizing entities. It was a great way to spend my two-year hitch in the military, until I could get back to my main interest in my post-college life, which was to find out what Life itself was all about, and, in the meantime, what all was going on in it, especially regarding what this, er, business of wars was all about. It seemed so - foreign, to me. I mean, yes, there were different races and religions and nationalities and political ideologies; but we were all in this bigger business of Life together, were all the same in our essence: why weren’t we acting like it, and pulling together, in common cause???
I wasn’t the only guy in our Entertainment Section who felt the same way (as I took it at the time). There was a Jewish guy - from New York City (a big hint as to where I am going with this report) - who felt similarly, and planned, upon his return to civilian life after his own time as a draftee, to go to wok for the UN - “to help create a better world”. I wasn’t sure what precisely that would entail for him, but it sounded like a noble aspiration, and I supported him in his idea, of a life’s vocation. Little did I know then what that precisely might entail, and what his intention in that endeavor precisely might be.
For by then in my life’s pursuit of answers, both as to the Big One and the smaller ones - just a year out from my having dropped out of my pre-Med studies in university to go searching for answers in particular to the Big Question, about Life itself - I didn’t know of one of the hard specific facts: of how so many Jews - to become better known to me, in my research, as Khazarian Jews, and then as ‘the Khazarian mafia’* - were involved in their clandestine and very long-time plot to take over the world and impose on it their totalitarian ’New World Order’ - a vision, and regime, of controlling all the world’s peoples to within an inch of their lives, including, but not limited to, what they could say or do, or even think. Which was hardly my vision for the world. Was, to be more specifically, the exact opposite, in spirit, of my vision for the world, even by then in my search for answers about Life.
Theirs being characterized by brute Force. (As exemplified in our day by the Bolsheviks who took over Russia - with the invaluable assistance of some American bankers - and the current regime controlling Red China, with their Social Credit system being an example of 'The New Normal' that our Wannabe Masters want to impose on the world.) Mine being characterized by, in a word: Love. In the spirit of our Creator Source. Wishing us well, in our passage through the educational, bramble bush-filled experience of 3D Life, in a Dualistic world.
And now, here we are. At a cosmic Completion stage of The Journey. On the verge of
Two Roads Diverging In the woods. And which one we take will make
all the difference.
With the Khazarian mafia having served The Plan. In their way. So, may they be cut some slack, as they are tried for their treasonous actions along
The Way. Which can well be described, as well, as
The Royal Highway. As befitting
gods in the making.
But needing to graduate from The Course actually to make it to that end.
P.S. And believe me, the pedophiles who are part of the revolution trying to take down the U.S.A. and install their totalitarian NWO on its ruins are not going to be considered in the same category of those revolutionaries who deserve to be cut some slack. That’s not what I am talking about, when I refer to those who are just playing a part in this Drama that we are involved in, in which and by which to catch our consciences. They know precisely what they are - have been - doing. And it is
Not. On.
As for the rest:
By their auras they will be known.
* My understanding of that historical situation goes like this (with a nod including to, but not limited to, Arthur Koestler, and especially, in that larger category, to Flavio Barbiero, in researching genetic lines): The Khazarians were a Turkic people, at an early point nomadic but then many settling in the area of Europe roughly occupied by Crimea and Ukraine today, who got a terrible reputation for their people robbing travelers through that area, to the point where the leaders of the countries to the east and west of their territory met with their king and insisted that he impose a religion on his people, in order to get them to start behaving in a civilized manner, and between Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism, he chose the former. History doesn’t record if he did that because of the idea of being a Chosen People, which would fit his, and their, arrogant attitude towards their neighbors; in any event, that was the origin - more or less - of the Khazarians having the Jewish faith, who then began settling further afield, especially to the west, and became the nucleus of what has become known as the Ashkenazic Jews, as opposed to the Sephardic Jews of northern Africa and Mediterranean and Middle Eastern origin. Many of the latter undoubtedly being of actual Jewish blood, with the bulk of the former being Jews by, er, virtue of conversion. And to this day, there are major differences of socio-political opinion between the two ‘tribes’.
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