Sunday, 9 August 2020

It's Showtime

1) Pres. Trump is distancing himself from public appearances because of his awareness that he has now gotten very up the noses of some very wealthy people who don’t want him raining on their parade of this country and the world into their New World Order.  So, something major is up. 

2) A (basically liberal) friend has asked me what I think of the report that the Postmaster General, “a major Trump donor,” has “ousted” some top officials .  My response, late at night:

I don't know enough about this matter to comment.  All I know about the USPS is that there are a large number of reports of how messed up they have made the delivering of Mail-In Voting ballots, which compromises that issue right there, let alone the massive voter fraud that that practice opens up.  The whole thing is built on a hoax anyway: both the no. of infections from the CoVid-19 virus and the no. of fatalities from it (not from a whole bunch of other things) have been reported as having been grossly inflated, so that even with that obvious fraud, it is proving to be in the same ballpark as a seasonal flu; so it is not a pandemic, we should be allowed to get back to our lives, the elderly and/or those with underlying medical conditions/a compromised immune system need to be careful is all, and even then, there are a no. of treatments for the virus that have been proven - if one monitors the independent media on these things - to be extremely effective against it, so people can use these treatments for both prophylaxis - i.e., prevention - and treatment.  The main such treatment being the hydroxychloroqine cocktail, of it + the antibiotic azithromycin + zinc (used the earlier the better).  Plus beefing up one's immune system with a whole lot of known nutritional modalities.  But that's getting into another subject.  

To finish this one: the totalitarian New World Order crowd are trying to keep this hoax going long enough to a) try to steal the Nov. elections with such measures as Mail-ln Voting, and b) make it last until a vaccine can be come up with for it, which will be manufactured with toxic materials in it, including the ability not only to control us but to kill us.  (Particularly with a substance called hydrogel.)  That's the main thing these our Wannabe Masters want: to force us all to have their 'mark,' which will be a digital ID, that we will all have to have in order to engage in all manner of social interactions (a la Red China's Social Credit System).  They want us to be merely a bunch of cattle, subject to their whim, of control, and culling.  It is Showtime.  A major time to be incarnate.  In this culminating war between the Dark and the Light.  Culminating, at the least, with the end of one Era, and the beginning of another.


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