Wednesday, 19 August 2020

My Home State Is Leading The Way...

…into perdition.  A letter from Jay Alan Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), has just informed me/us on their mailing list:

“Go to church — but don’t sing.

“That’s the troubling mandate handed down by radical government ‘leaders’ in California.

“In their quest to protect people from the spread of COVID-19, they’ve overstepped their bounds … and are trampling all over your reiigious freedom

“(T)oday, we need concerned citizens like you to stand with us — immediately — to help us stop a troubling precedent emerging in California … and beat back this assault on your religious liberty before it happens in YOUR church…

“The ACLJ has long warned that radical liberals have been trying to weaponize COVID-19 to push their agenda.*

“Churches have just taken a direct hit.

Banning singing in church — a fundamental part of worship as evidenced in Scriptures — is one of the most draconian abuses of power in a pandemic.

“Consider this: 

“=> Churches have led the way in protecting their members from the very real threat of COVID-19.  Yet even when following CDC and state-mandated guidelines, some churches are being banned from singing in worship, an additional burdensome and UNCONSTITUTIONAL restriction.

“=> At the same time, karaoke is still permitted at the bar down the street … protestors are permitted to sing and chant.  Places of worship are the ONLY ONES being told not to sing.

This is clearly a targeted attack — on churches and your religious freedom

Banning singing in church is an unconstitutional abuse of power that sets a very dangerous precedent.

“If left unchecked, aggressive anti-freedom measures like these will spread farther and wider, and more quickly, than you can imagine.”

Oh, I can imagine it, alright.  The agenda of the NWO crowd is very clear, by now.  But to continue:

“We al want to keep America safe right now, and the ACLJ has been hard at work to do that.  But NOTHING should be allowed to trample your rights.

We won’t allow this violation of the First Amendment to stand — not in California, and not in YOUR state

“Verse after verse in the Bible commands us to lift ur voices in song.  Singing is part of our faith…”   [Emphases in original.]

And that, of course, is the point: with the atheistic NWO crowd attempting to stamp out people’s religious faith, in order to replace it with their loyalty, and subservience, to the state.  

And it’s not just California leading the way into TPTB’s Brave New World, from the Left Coast of the - fragmenting - United States.  New York City itself, over on the other coast, has long been a hotbed of communists/globalists, and they want to, er, capitalize on this/a ‘pandemic’ scare, in order to wreck the economy and move the country into control by arbitrary law and out from under the protections of the Constitution, so that this country - the linchpin of the Free World - can be taken over by them, and made, wholesale or piecemeal, into but a region of their totalitarian New World Order.  With Lucifer, and what are called ‘the fallen angels,’ in control.  Free at last to practice their preferred activity, of the likes of pedophilia, and pedovoria.   Being the rebels that they are at heart. 

And that expression only so to speak.   

P.S. And just to note: I am not a Christian.  But I subscribe to the sentiment as attributed to Voltaire; to wit:
     ‘I disapprove of [or ‘’do not agree with’] what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.’

P.P.S. And further to note:  I find it interesting that some Jews are on both sides of this major presenting issue.  Which helps us to be, er, discriminating in our application of blame, for it not to be attributed to a whole people.  Whether of 'race or religion or national origin'.   But to treat people as individuals.  With individual rights.
     Precisely what the NWO crowd is committed not to do.  In their lust for Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.  

* COVID-19 being the name of the disease caused by the ‘novel coronavirus’ out of Wuhan.  Which investigation reveals to have been a man-made virus; with some shady, and very powerful, people having referred to it before it ‘hit’.  But more on all that, another time.  Just, here and now,, to say that ‘weaponizing’ the virus and its resultant disease is a fair way of expressing this appalling and outrageous matter.  But that’s free will for you.
   But to continue.

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