Monday, 30 September 2019

On One Thing Leading To Another

The U.S. federal government, under the terms of its Constitution, guarantees to each State in the Union “a Republican Form of Government”.  That means that the U.S. citizen residents of each State elect their representation to their respective governments, local, county and state level.  Said governing persons, then, are not to be there by appointment by anybody or any body assuming power over the citizenry.  Including - by definition - non-citizens.

The State of California is being run by people who were elected, in large part, in many areas of the State, by non-citizens.  Fact. 

'Residents' or no: Same difference as outright usurpation: highhandedness.  Which could even be called, and considered, a state of Invasion.  

Likewise guaranteed by the federal Constitution to be redressed by the federal government. 

This ignoble state of affairs must not stand.

What to do.

The Voter Registration rolls in the State need to be secured by Federal Marshals and cleaned - by the quantum computers now available - of the names of all non-citizens, of dead people, and duplicate (or multiple; intrastate or interstate) voters - CLEANED.

Cleaned should mean cleaned.  Thoroughly.  Not halfway measures, that would allow continued corruption to slip in.

If the rot has set in so far, so deep that the NWO crowd refuse to abide by - 

let’s call it for what is needed: to obey -

the law of the land -

and including the recent declaration by the State government that it will not allow ICE agents into this State to do their job - 

 then -

to avoid a civil war in this country -

I will take over now.  And move this State - 

and this country - 

out of harm’s way.

Out of the swamp.

And into the light.  The Light

of  a -

the -

New Day.

And the likes of the Black Nobility can go to hell.

Their choice.

For, the Dark side will not rule this planet.

Not by a long shot.

So to speak.

Considering the likes of a plethora of AR-15s in the country, and all.  In more hands of the citizen patriots than in those of the propagandized, and hardcore NWO-ites. 

Which outcome is it to be.


And outright, or effective, Satanist.

Your call.

And I suppose that you all should know

that that Call

has already been made.

And the Light wins.  Because

it is

the Light.

Without which

there is

no Dark.

The Ineluctable Conclusion

It’s ironic, in a way.  I returned to my home town, in Southern California, to retire.  And I ended up right smack in the middle of 

It All.

What am I talking about.  

I am talking about how my home state of California is ‘right smack in the middle’ of a major faceoff, now.  Between, not just it and the federal government.*  And considering the ramifications: between the continuance of the federal constitutional republic of the United States of America and the collapse of the Union.  But between the Forces of Dark and the Forces of Light.

Between, that is to say, the totalitarian, jackbooted New World Order of the Forces of Dark.  The Dark of rule by ugly Force.  And its reverse image.     

One can only come to the ineluctable conclusion that it’s time, either for

civil war



To attempt to deal with a problem on the level of the problem.  Or

to go up a notch.  Or two.

And out, into a

New World.

Which has been called Nova Earth.  By those who have been anticipating this day.  Which, now having come, shines for us


All, that is to say,

who choose to enter that kingdom.

There is a choice.

That choice.

To go 


Or to go

down.  Into the Dark side of things.

For more seasoning.  In a 3D realm.  

Somewhere else, than on this planet.

For, this planet - known as Gaia; and a living entity in itself - 

is going Up as well.  

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.

See you on the other side of 

the Great Divide.



Or later.

Or conclusively

not ever.

The outcome - whichever - is up to


Inheriting your highest potential.

Or squandering it.

In a tragedy far, far beyond any acted out on this Stage.

This Stage

of development.

Life having meaning, and Purpose, beyond just in and for itself

after all.

Is said. And


For those who choose the Way of the Light, get ready

for a major


And burst of that sort of Light.

One could say: 

For God - our mutual Creator Source - to emphasize - 

to put a point on it -

that our Creator Source -

in perfect alignment with the Will of The All That Is, aka the Prime Creator -

will not be mocked.

(Transhumanism, indeed......)

* Telling the federal government - particularly of Pres. Trump’s administration - that it won’t allow ICE into the state, for those agents of the federal government to do their job?  It’s showdown time.

On Various Dragons - And Beyond

(A friend has sent me a short series of newspaper articles on the Trump ‘impeachment’ farce (mostly from the U.K.’s Guardian) that, though from the left, do refer to the dangers in the whole thing to the Dem Party.  My response:) 

The Dems are shooting themselves in the foot, and any non-wackos among them know it.  But it is helping to make things clearer: the Democrat Party is no longer in the mainstream of U.S. politics, in its two-party system.  It has succumbed to its far Left fringe, and is showing, and in spades, its totalitarian tendency, as another Soviet Union and Red China, 'born to rule' with an iron fist.  No more Constitution: rule by The Party.   

Actually, I think this is all part of a larger Process, and they are playing their part to a 't'.  But in the meantime, things are getting very dangerous, for the U.S.  And the world.  It can't be allowed to go on much further, on the path that it is on.  There lie dragons.



This whole thing - the Revolution going on in the U.S. - has been caused particularly by the Jews being tired of being called kikes.  (And thus, wanting to outlaw ‘hate speech'.  Which they are getting to, step by careful - and devious - step.)  They feel that they are superior to the goyim, and resent the cattle calling them names, and not knowing their place.  And I daresay they would even go to the extent of exercising a Samson Option if they had to, to put the cattle in their place.  In the form of whatever - a nuclear device or devices going off in the U.S. Homeland, GMO mosquitoes to kill people that way (while they themselves retreat to their DUMBs), vaccines laced with killer agents, 5G/EMF weapons frying people’s brains.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  The Saul Alinsky approach to life.  Rather than the approach to fife expounded on by a being called Saul through John Smallman, for good example. 

For evidence: look at all of the Jewish names being involved in the current Revolution, and historically as members of the Communist Party, and making up the greater number of the Bolsheviks in the Russian October Revolution, and financing it.  Granted, there are Jews on both sides of the ‘equation’.  There are good conservative Jews, and liberal Jews.  Not all of them could be called Rothschild Zionists, or Khazarian mafia, as the ‘ultras’ have been called.  But there is a major Jewish influence - both males and females - in the current Revolution going on.  It doesn’t take a particularly astute observer to see that.  But it takes a brave person to comment on the fact, such is the power of the likes of the ADL and AIPAC and the MSM.  

Let’s get it all out, and on the table, for observation, and comment.

And moving beyond.  In gestures of reconciliation, and a mutual endeavor to climb out of the morass that we are in.  And move up a notch, or two, in consciousness.  Into - at least - 

Fifth Dimension consciousness.

As a start.  On the spiral stairway to the heavens.  

So, come: Let us build cities of Light.  Together.

As One.  

One species of incarnates.  To glorify our Creator Source, in all that we do.

It’s called


As part - a vital, integral part - of

The Plan.

Sunday, 29 September 2019

...And On The Other

“Neither capitalism on the one hand nor communism on the other.”   What did I mean.

A different ‘ism’.  Try: kingdom.

Made up of elements of both ’sides’ of The Process.  On the one hand: honoring the Individual, as ‘a spiritual being having a human experience’.  But doing it in a way that is a cooperative effort.  On Planet Earth.  As our ‘base of operations’.  As we begin to explore the heavens.

In both meanings of the term.

So: the idea will not be: ‘I need to make some money.’  But: ‘I need to earn some credits.’   Everybody contributing to the Whole.  As a pattern, a parallel experience to serving the Whole.  

The Light Whole at the Heart of the Creation itself.

Here, at our Final lesson.

Of Obedience.

And, having passed that Final,

all else will be added unto


In the way of free energy devices.  And replicators.  And med beds.  And teleportation.  And.   And.  And………

“The bell doth toll for him that thinks it doth; and though it intermit again, yet from that minute that that occasion wrought upon him, he is united to God.”
                                                    John Done.  From his Meditation XVII. 

All Bets, Being Off

A Hot Time In The Old State Tonight???

Conservative commentator ‘Dave’ at his X-22 Report constantly talks about how “the Patriots” are in charge, how Pres. Trump is leading the Deep State into a trap, and we just need to be patient for all the pieces to fall into place; that the Deep State has run out of ammunition, etc.  Well, perhaps not, Dave.  Consider a move, now, by the ‘Social Justice’ Democrats - read: the NWO crowd - in California to make a move towards secession.  First, the move, and my response, and then some commentary.

from ‘ICE Is Declared Illegal In California - Time for Trump to Declare Martial Law and Start to Arrest California Democrats’ - Dave Hodges - September 28
(Self-explanatory.  “”You can’t change federal law at the state level.”  My comment, under the Subject heading ‘High Time’:)

Stan Stanfield - September 29

Good call.  As a conservative Californian, I have been deprived of my vote because of all of the illegal aliens in this State who have been allowed to get on the voting rolls, because a) this State doesn't require any ID to vote, and b) IAs are now even ENCOURAGED to get a driver's license - which automatically registers them to vote - with the State having made it officially legal for them to obtain them.  Thus, the Dem government (pronounced 'damn') has done all it can to get the IAs to vote - for them, of course.  Thus, I as an American citizen resident in this State have been disenfranchised.  Thus, I wholeheartedly support a complete sweep in the State of those in power, and a complete clean of the Voter Registration rolls - stat.    

This has been brewing for some time, now, with a group calling itself CalExit even opening an ‘embassy’ in Moscow, thinking to be a state on its own under UN protectorate.  But most commentators seem to think that that initiative - which also has some connections with Red China - has died down.  (There has even been an initiative by some patriots to have northern California break off from the State and form their own State.  But the same thing there, lately: crickets.  Besides, it is complicated by the fact that Humboldt County up there has become a major pot-growing site, and they want to do their own thing.)  But the people behind the attempted takedown of the U.S. are not, were never, going to go quietly into the night.  This time period was their big chance to get out from under the strictures of the Constitution,(1) and they mean business.  Even unto breaking the U.S. down into enclaves, if they can’t take it over wholesale from the center.  Carved up into ‘regions,’ to become part of the NWO global gulag that way.

No, Dave from the X-22 Report.  The Deep State is far from being defeated.  The stakes are too high.  Megalomaniacs don’t give up quite that easily.  

I don’t wish for armed conflict, in a civil war.

You can’t successfully deal with a problem on the same level as the problem.

Violence begets violence.(2)               

But when it comes to Good vs. Evil -

and on a planetary level at that - 

all bets are off.


(1) Notice how the likes of the SPLC include ‘Constitutionalists’ in their litany of ‘potential domestic terrorists’??  Thus being enemies - and particular enemies at that - of the NWO crowd???

(2) As I said in my last blog: ‘One thing leads to another.’

P.S.  As for 5G, and its dangers to humans, even though it’s great for some people a) to be able to make a lot of money - which, of course, is the point of life.  Innit - and b) to be able to surveil us and control us with even more capability:
     That sort of thing will all come out in the wash.
     When we wash ‘profit’ - along with fiat and interest-bearing money (and fractonal-reserve banking) out of the system.
     As we move beyond either capitalism on the one hand, or communism on the other.  Going, now, for
     the Real Thing.
     There being a true Point to life, and all.

     (“Despite the potentially serious dangers, however, Waking Times reported recently that a collaboration of tech giants and defense contractors will soon be launching huge, football-sized drones into the stratosphere above Hawaii, from where they will beam massive amounts of 5G radiation down to the Earth below. (Related: Experts WARN — 5G technology will blanket the Earth with ultra-high microwave frequencies.) 
  - ‘5G drones to blanket the nation, beaming down cancer-causing radiation from the skies… and there’s nowhere they can’t find you’ - Tracey Watson (orig. at Newstarget) - September 28)
     I think we’ve gone just far enough on this path that we are on, thank you very much.  It’s time to move beyond it.
     And Up.
     A notch.  Or two.
     Whatever we can manage.
     In the way of


Saturday, 28 September 2019

For Want Of A Nail

Many years ago, before getting back into a ‘serious’ job, after engaging in a life-altering event that interrupted the treadmill I was on (all another story), I took a temporary job as a Fuller Brush salesman.  For those of you too young to know of that little bit of Americans, there was a time in this country when the Fuller Brush door-to-door salesman was as iconic as the Good Humor Man and Avon Calling and Tupperware parties.  All, requiring ‘the lady of the house’ to be home, and not at work; the latter an economic and social condition that the likes of the Rockefellers managed to put in place, so that more Americans would be paying income taxes that the likes of the Rockefellers could then siphon off into their pockets.  (All another story as well.)  It happened near the end of the year, and, being outdoors all day, and not eating well, I came down with a bad cold.  I had to keep making my rounds, to make some money to get back on my feet; so, after spending a day or two in bed with it, and fortifying myself with large doses of vitamin C (a bit late, that prophylaxis, but better late than never) and some garlic, I set back out on my rounds.  At the first house I came to, I showed the lady of the house my kit, with its display of some of the items I was pushing, and went into my short opening spiel; whereupon she suddenly disappeared back into the house.  She hadn’t closed the door, so I waited for a bit; and then needed to be on my way.  Walking back down the entranceway I noticed, through the kitchen window to the side of the front door, that she was in there, bathing her eyes in her kitchen sink.  Oh, I thought, rather too late.  My bad. 

I thought of that incident in my life when I read, and then commented on, an article by Dave Hodges at his The Common Sense Show site last night.  He went into a whole lot of possible reasons for why there is so much illness around in such an affluent country as the U.S., going into such subjects as GMOs, and our diet, but only as regards the likes of so many people being overweight.  First, my comment, to him and his article, and then my further comments for this particular blog.              

from ‘Why Haven’t Healthcare Advancements Kept Up with Technological Advancements?’ - Dave Hodges - September 27
(Hodges didn’t quite get into the picture of the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex…)

Stan Stanfield - September 28

Diabetes: In the absence of vitamin B6 (part of the vitamin B complex that is found in nature in good healthy amounts in wheat, before it has been stripped of much of its nutrient value in a high-speed roller milling process), an amino acid named tryptophan malfunctions and turns into a substance called xanthurenic acid.  This kills cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, which is needed to convey sugar from the bloodstream into the cells and tissues.  The blood sugar level builds up until one 'spills their sugar' into their urine, which is a symptom of diabetes.  For want of a nail.  And cancer is as well largely traceable to faulty nutrition, before the environmental factors are included in the sorry story of that condition. Poor us.

‘This, this, therefore this.’  Logic.  Reason.  Deduction.  Thinking clearly.  Versus somebody doing your thinking for you…and as Hodges goes on:  

from ‘American Science Has Degenerated From Being Fact-Based to Voodoo Oriented’ -  Dave Hodges - September 27
(Hodges -  who has taught Statistics at college level - is disheartened at all the propaganda that is being imposed on our youth, rather than a spirit of inquiry - as our universities are supposed to inculcate.  He uses Climate Change as an example, where, it is being reported, students can’t question that ‘fact’ or they will be graded down.  Straight out of ‘1984,’ and the old Soviet Union.  And the current Red China.  And the soon-to-be U.S.  Unless…)  

Stan Stanfield - September 28

Thanks, Dave.  Well put. It would appear that we don't even have to go as far as Transhumanism.  Our youth are already programmed. 

An American Tragedy, Revisited.

We need to come out from under our mesmerization with allopathic medicine, and its progenitor, the medical-pharmaceutical complex, having morphed insidiously into the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.  And its counterpart in Big Ag, with their bag of toxic tricks.  And so forth.  Our corporate masters.  Who have hijacked the Republic of the United States.  And, in concert with statists on the ‘Left ’- while they themselves are residing at the top of the pyramid of power, where the ‘environmentalist’ cannon fodder on the ground can’t, or at least don’t, see them; perched there like vultures, waiting for the kill - are going for a totalitarian New World Order, and One World Government, under their iron-gloved control.  Keeping us, the duped masses, in our deep-sleep state.

Or doing away with us altogether, with their moving of us into a Transhumanist vessel.  Part Man, part Machine.  Because - as 'fallen angels' (3D-bound fractals of the Whole) - they don’t know how to create a soul.  Can only approximate it.  In totally controlled performers for the State.

Who are waking up, to their danger.

Hopefully, in time.  And in enough numbers.  To throw off their EMs.   

And go for gold.

Not iron.

The iron of a prison.

But the gold of a future far beyond anything that our EMs could ever hope to create.

Being the washouts that they are.  In

The Plan.  And the blissful Outcome thereof.

Which, for want of a nail, could be lost.

The nail

of Awareness.


P.S. For a good take on what is going on from a scientific perspective (Terraforming, etc.), see: - Mike Adams.  All good food for thought.

I don’t agree with everything that he concludes.  But 

he is thinking about it all, at least.

Not letting somebody - or somebodies - do his thinking for him.

Like our youth seem to have allowed.  In their ‘thinking’ on Climate Change, e.g.

The bottom line:

A basic ‘good idea’ - part of the purpose of a good university - would be to look at an issue from both sides, and preferably from a ’third side’ as well, that would consider the issue from a perspective of incorporating aspects of both sides of the issue.  For, it is all part of

a Process.

One thing leading to another.

from ‘New Netflix movie fantasizes about time-traveling liberals carrying out the “pre-crime” murder of patriots to prevent an American uprising against globalism’ - Mike Adams - September 28
(A powerful indictment of the Left by Mike Adams of Natural News/Newstarget etc.
(My comment; under the Subject heading ‘Speaking Truth to Power’:)

Stan Stanfield - September 29

Hear, hear.  Thanks for carrying this, Dave.  We really need to call'em as we see'em.  Free speech is disappearing as we, er, speak.

Friday, 27 September 2019

On Identity Politics

‘Identity Politics’ is used to conduct class warfare.  It is very Marxist in origin, and application.  It is designed even to kill; e.g., ‘white male supremacists’.  Or at the least, to neuter ‘them’ - white males.

Item.  The Mexican-American head of the New York City school system is eliminating, or at least downgrading, what he calls ’toxic white supremacy culture’ from the history books.  Shades of ‘1984,’ and the old Soviet Union.  

And then there is the executive editor of the New York Times.  (The New York Times?  Remember that newspaper?  ‘All The News That’s Fit to Print’?  Now ‘evolved’ into ‘All The News That’s Print to Fit’?  Yes; that one.)  Pushing the refrain that ‘America is a racist country’.  Ah.  Trump is a ‘racist’ because the U.S. is a racist country.  Okay.  Got it.  Pres. Trump is a ‘racist’ because he is enforcing the country’s immigration laws.  Keeping the hordes of unvetted ‘immigrants’ at bay.  Including MS-13 gang members (trained assassins), ISIS terrorists (of which there are cells "in all 50 states," according to the recent Director of the FBI), drug and gun runners, child and adult sex traffickers.  And all those potential Democrat voters.  (Become citizens or not.)

Sweet.  And corrupt as hell.

And inciting black Americans to feel ‘victim’ status.  (Forget - overlook; magically transfer attention to the other hand - that black Americans have been afforded the opportunity for advancement beyond any other country in the world.  But the U.S. is a ‘racist’ country, don’t you see.  That’s what needs to be kept uppermost in everybody’s consciousness.  Gotta have that good class-warfare stuff, to be able to take over the country.)  And  LGBTQ-ites.  (An aberration that is long overdue for correction, so that incarnate souls can have a ‘pure’ experience of Duality.)*  And.  And………

You get the picture.

Their picture.

‘Their’.  Alt those people who are attempting to take over, not just the U.S.  But the world.  And turn it into one giant gulag.  Controlled by ‘them’.  Who have opted out of The Plan - the real Plan.  Of consciousness development.  Of apprentice gods, on their way to earning their wings.  And attempting to be gods without putting in the hard yards.  

‘Can’t create a soul?  Easy peasy - we’ll just create a Transhuman.  Half human, half machine.  And control it.  With our input.  

‘You won’t let us be full-fledged gods unless we do it Your way?  Tough.  We’ll do it Our way.

‘What’s that?  We’ll stay stuck in 3D matter if we do?  Well - well… - Tough.  Hey - what more could there be, anyway?’

Wouldn’t you like to know.  You washouts.  Denying - 

deliberately - 

your true identity.

* The fetal brain can be patterned at a particular, early stage of fetal development, by the hormonal bath in which it is developing, that, if imbalanced, can result in a male-patterned brain being ‘wired’ into a genetically female body and vice versa and every stage along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  The causes of such an imbalance are varied.  A fault in the developing adrenal glands of the fetus or of the mother or both.  Estrogen mimics/endocrine disruptors in the environment - from the likes of plastics, pesticides, and The Pill.  Stress, of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional (it is known, e.g., that there are more homosexually-inclined babies born in the wake of wars than the normal background ‘noise’ can account for).  But perhaps most alarmingly is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus.  
   The LGBTQ phenomenon, then, is akin to a canary in a coal mine; and the alarmingly large amount of LGBTQ ‘result’ - evidence - going on should have awakened society to a major problem in its environment long ago.  To any decently aware society.
   Not controlled by deliberate society-wreckers.  Creating class warfare - and fanning it - in order to accomplish their end
   Which now, even, includes the end of humanity per se.
   But I’m getting a little ahead of myself, there.  Read on.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

On The One Hand

    Going My Way

It’s a shame that the Democrat Party has fallen on such ignoble days; has been taken over by its far left fringe.  It used to be a legitimate member of a two-party system in this country.  Now, they seem to think that they were ‘born to rule,’ want to be the party of a one-party state and system.  As in Red China.  For that arrogant attitude, they deserve to go down to resounding defeat at the polls in 2020 - via clean elections, with institutional voter and electoral fraud wrung completely out of the system.  

On the other hand, they have set up the ‘space’ for breakthrough on Earth as a whole.  From corrupt ‘business as usual’.  To 


They deserve some credit for that.  For their role in

The Process.

But oh, those poor Bolshevik-minded Jews amongst the lefties…

…who had to chafe, all these years, under the ‘traditional family values’ of Norman Rockwell’s America, when they wanted to be able to engage in the likes of ‘free sex,’ including pedophilia, and even, apparently - given the evidence out of Hollywood and New York City - eating the bodies of their enemies (or the children of them), without all those damn Christians looking down their long noses at them, and their ‘uncouth’ ways.  Oh, the insult!  When they were born to rule.  Having been pharaohs and all in the past (read: the Shepherd Kings), and princesses; with a special ‘pass’ from their god to wreak havoc on their neighbors.  ‘Hebrew’ being a word - from ‘habiru’ - meaning ‘the bandits from across the river’.(1)  I.e., the Nile.  The ultra Zionist Jews (whom David Icke calls ‘Rothschild Zionists,’ or ‘ultra Ultra Zionists’)(2) now wanting to create an Eretz Israel - a Greater israel - between ‘The Two Rivers’.  in this case, the Nile and the Euphrates.  And enlisting - willingly or not - the U.S. in their hegemonical - and megalomaniacal - plans.  The Plan that was behind 9/11; in order a) to embroil the U.S. in conflict in the Middle East to serve their overall strategy, and b) to fasten the beginnings of a police state on this country.  Which they have had their termite (or reptilian) eyes on for a good long while, for takeover totally.  To accomplish their ultimate end.  Which is to rule over the entire world.  To be accomplished with unlimited funds from - courtesy of - the money presses ‘of’/under the control of the (unaudited) Federal Reserve. 

But don’t let me get started on The Past.  All that matters now is

NOW.   And our return to

The Garden of Eden.  After

The Fall.

Like a ripe apple.  From a tree.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Leading to

The Tree of Life.

And life everlasting.  Once we get rid of the notion -

the rebellious notion - 

of going our own 


And thus, make our way out of

this Illusion

that we have created;

which proves -

in its outworking to this deplorable outcome 

in the likes of Transhumanism - 

Machined Man 

(a pitiful substitute for the real thing) - 

that we can’t be trusted on our own.

Need to finish our schooling first.

As apprentice gods.

The apprentice gods 

That we all are.

As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of

our Creator Source; and, ultimately, of -

in perfect alignment with the Will of -

The All That Is.

Hallowed be the name of

The One.


(1) It is translated as ‘Those from across the river’ for the uninitiated.
   The uninitiated into the truth of the matter.

(2) And whom others, including Ben Fulford, call the Khazarian mafia,  The Khazars having been a Turkic people in a ‘nation’ in Middle Europe who were forced by their neighbors, tired of their incessant robbing of travelers through their territory, to take on a religion, in an effort to civilize them.  Their king decided on Judaism, which, in the event, suited them quite well, in its belief in the Jews being a Chosen People, and who, therefore, could do no wrong.  Which caused the Khazars - aka Ashkenazi Jews; to distinguish them from the Sephardic Jews of North Africa, who were in fact true, bloodline Jews - to end up being kicked out of many a nation in Europe over the centuries, for their incessant plotting of takeover, and for other nasty attitudes.  
   And we come now down to our day.  And their same attitude(s) being played out.  Big time.    


P.S. Speaking of Setting Things To Rights: A friend has emailed me about a couple of things, one dealing with the new book out by Edward Snowden.  My response:

‘Snowden: I'm not sure what to think about the guy.  On the one hand, he is/seems a hero, of the whistleblower variety.  But on the other hand, I read somewhere that he was part of a 'silent' battle between the NSA and rogue elements of the CIA, where said rogue elements were part of the Deep State apparatus working to take down the U.S., and needing to undercut the work of the NSA which was more in the hands of the God Guys (albeit with a little 'corruption' there, with the whole War on Terror/Patriot Act thing a cover FOR the Deep State, to set up their police/surveillance state).  So, a bit of a confusion in the picture.  I'd be interested to hear what you have to say after reading his book.
     ‘It's a sorry old world.  Desperately in need of A Fresh Start.  And best: on a higher turn of the spiral at that.



Next: Probably something on Identity Politics.  Very disgusting stuff.  Extremely divisive.  Sorely in need of moving beyond.  Straight out of the Marxist handbook on class warfare.

I would wish that more Americans would show some sign of being able to see that.  But the ‘younguns’ especially seem to have drunk the Kool-Aid on it.

We certainly have our work cut out for us.

But - as I have indicated in these pages - All the better for a more meaningful outcome.  The bar having been set rather high; demanding more from us.  To make it through

the Ring Pass Not.       

On The Edge Of Infinity

In my last blog I talked about The (historical) Process having come full circle, as it were.  Dr. Mike Adams has nailed it, in an article titled ‘IT’S HERE: D-Wave announces 2048-qubit quantum computing system, theoretically capable of breaking all classical encryption, including military-grade’ - carried originally at Newstarget, and on - September 24/5:

Sadly, the deep state will probably use this technology to surveil humanity and enslave everyone with AI facial recognition and “precrime” predictive accusations that get translated into red flag laws. Once the tech giants profile you psychologically and behaviorally, a quantum computing system can easily compute your likelihood of becoming the next mass shooter. You could be found guilty by “quantum law” even if you’ve never pulled the trigger.

“As with all technologies, this one will be abused by governments to control and enslave humanity. It doesn’t mean the technology is at fault but rather the lack of morality and ethics among fallen humans.”

Ah yes, those “fallen humans”…

Thus, the need for an Answer.

Which we just so happen to have.

As sort of ‘explained’ in the expression:

‘Beam me up, Scotty.’

In the meantime, we are facing the likes of the - former - United States of America being simultaneously subjected to 5th Column activity and invaded, and carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey. 

I don’t really like the idea. 

Any takers on the activity needed now??

Which has to do with both the temporal.  And the spiritual.

Time related. And infinity related.

And spare me the excuses if you prefer to stay stuck in the moment.

Yes, the propaganda has been powerful.

The better to sort you out with, my dears.

Think about it.

And act accordingly.


that nobody promised you a rose garden.


P.S. I see that the Fed is now monetizing the (quadrillions in) federal debt.  Meaning, that it is flooding the economy with fake money.  
     It can’t be long, now.


P.P.S. Sign Of The Time
from The Portal - September 25 late

Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:12 PM PDT

Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle. So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on the scale never experienced since the creation of the universe.