Many years ago, before getting back into a ‘serious’ job, after engaging in a life-altering event that interrupted the treadmill I was on (all another story), I took a temporary job as a Fuller Brush salesman. For those of you too young to know of that little bit of Americans, there was a time in this country when the Fuller Brush door-to-door salesman was as iconic as the Good Humor Man and Avon Calling and Tupperware parties. All, requiring ‘the lady of the house’ to be home, and not at work; the latter an economic and social condition that the likes of the Rockefellers managed to put in place, so that more Americans would be paying income taxes that the likes of the Rockefellers could then siphon off into their pockets. (All another story as well.) It happened near the end of the year, and, being outdoors all day, and not eating well, I came down with a bad cold. I had to keep making my rounds, to make some money to get back on my feet; so, after spending a day or two in bed with it, and fortifying myself with large doses of vitamin C (a bit late, that prophylaxis, but better late than never) and some garlic, I set back out on my rounds. At the first house I came to, I showed the lady of the house my kit, with its display of some of the items I was pushing, and went into my short opening spiel; whereupon she suddenly disappeared back into the house. She hadn’t closed the door, so I waited for a bit; and then needed to be on my way. Walking back down the entranceway I noticed, through the kitchen window to the side of the front door, that she was in there, bathing her eyes in her kitchen sink. Oh, I thought, rather too late. My bad.
I thought of that incident in my life when I read, and then commented on, an article by Dave Hodges at his The Common Sense Show site last night. He went into a whole lot of possible reasons for why there is so much illness around in such an affluent country as the U.S., going into such subjects as GMOs, and our diet, but only as regards the likes of so many people being overweight. First, my comment, to him and his article, and then my further comments for this particular blog.
from ‘Why Haven’t Healthcare Advancements Kept Up with Technological Advancements?’ - Dave Hodges - September 27
(Hodges didn’t quite get into the picture of the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex…)
Stan Stanfield - September 28
Diabetes: In the absence of vitamin B6 (part of the vitamin B complex that is found in nature in good healthy amounts in wheat, before it has been stripped of much of its nutrient value in a high-speed roller milling process), an amino acid named tryptophan malfunctions and turns into a substance called xanthurenic acid. This kills cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, which is needed to convey sugar from the bloodstream into the cells and tissues. The blood sugar level builds up until one 'spills their sugar' into their urine, which is a symptom of diabetes. For want of a nail. And cancer is as well largely traceable to faulty nutrition, before the environmental factors are included in the sorry story of that condition. Poor us.
‘This, this, therefore this.’ Logic. Reason. Deduction. Thinking clearly. Versus somebody doing your thinking for you…and as Hodges goes on:
from ‘American Science Has Degenerated From Being Fact-Based to Voodoo Oriented’ - Dave Hodges - September 27
(Hodges - who has taught Statistics at college level - is disheartened at all the propaganda that is being imposed on our youth, rather than a spirit of inquiry - as our universities are supposed to inculcate. He uses Climate Change as an example, where, it is being reported, students can’t question that ‘fact’ or they will be graded down. Straight out of ‘1984,’ and the old Soviet Union. And the current Red China. And the soon-to-be U.S. Unless…)
Stan Stanfield - September 28
Thanks, Dave. Well put. It would appear that we don't even have to go as far as Transhumanism. Our youth are already programmed.
An American Tragedy, Revisited.
We need to come out from under our mesmerization with allopathic medicine, and its progenitor, the medical-pharmaceutical complex, having morphed insidiously into the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex. And its counterpart in Big Ag, with their bag of toxic tricks. And so forth. Our corporate masters. Who have hijacked the Republic of the United States. And, in concert with statists on the ‘Left ’- while they themselves are residing at the top of the pyramid of power, where the ‘environmentalist’ cannon fodder on the ground can’t, or at least don’t, see them; perched there like vultures, waiting for the kill - are going for a totalitarian New World Order, and One World Government, under their iron-gloved control. Keeping us, the duped masses, in our deep-sleep state.
Or doing away with us altogether, with their moving of us into a Transhumanist vessel. Part Man, part Machine. Because - as 'fallen angels' (3D-bound fractals of the Whole) - they don’t know how to create a soul. Can only approximate it. In totally controlled performers for the State.
Who are waking up, to their danger.
Hopefully, in time. And in enough numbers. To throw off their EMs.
And go for gold.
Not iron.
The iron of a prison.
But the gold of a future far beyond anything that our EMs could ever hope to create.
Being the washouts that they are. In
The Plan. And the blissful Outcome thereof.
Which, for want of a nail, could be lost.
The nail
of Awareness.
P.S. For a good take on what is going on from a scientific perspective (Terraforming, etc.), see: - Mike Adams. All good food for thought.
I don’t agree with everything that he concludes. But
he is thinking about it all, at least.
Not letting somebody - or somebodies - do his thinking for him.
Like our youth seem to have allowed. In their ‘thinking’ on Climate Change, e.g.
The bottom line:
A basic ‘good idea’ - part of the purpose of a good university - would be to look at an issue from both sides, and preferably from a ’third side’ as well, that would consider the issue from a perspective of incorporating aspects of both sides of the issue. For, it is all part of
a Process.
One thing leading to another.
from ‘New Netflix movie fantasizes about time-traveling liberals carrying out the “pre-crime” murder of patriots to prevent an American uprising against globalism’ - Mike Adams - September 28
(A powerful indictment of the Left by Mike Adams of Natural News/Newstarget etc.
(My comment; under the Subject heading ‘Speaking Truth to Power’:)
Stan Stanfield - September 29
Hear, hear. Thanks for carrying this, Dave. We really need to call'em as we see'em. Free speech is disappearing as we, er, speak.