Friday, 6 September 2019

Now, That's More Like It

The John Birch Society - as solid a group of patriots as you will find in the country - made me groan in near despair a couple of years ago when ‘they’ said (allowed to be said), in an article in their (excellent) bi-weekly magazine The New American, how “we zealously defend our rights guaranteed by the First Amendment”.(1)  I remember thinking at the time, ‘Et tu, the JBS?’   But ‘they’ have more than made up for that sop to the zeitgeist in a recent issue of TNA (No. 16, August 19), in an article (by Luis Miguel) entitled ‘Sound Money: The Bedrock of Liberty’.  In talking about the difference between paper/fiat money backed by nothing but a promise to pay in itself, as opposed to ‘sound’ money backed by gold and other precious metals,(2) it said:

“All this is why the [constitutional] Framers specifically denied the power to emit paper money (called ‘bills of credit’ in the Constitution) to the states by explicitly prohibiting it.  

“No State shall … coin Money; emit Bills of Credit,’ (Art. 1, S. 10).

“The Constitution denies the federal government the power of printing money by not granting it.  [Emphasis in original.]

“Proponents of paper money argue that the Constitution’s lack of language explicitly prohibiting federal emission of bills of credit means the authority exists as an implied power.

“But that was not the view of the Framers. George Mason admitted that striking out language allowing the federal government to print paper money was equivalent to prohibiting it.”  And even more definitively, the article goes on:

“As Alexander Hamilton explained in The Federalist, No. 84, specific prohibitions of government powers ‘are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution but would even be dangerous.  They would contain various exceptions to powers which re not granted, and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted.  For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do.’


“In other words [the article goes on], explicitly stating what the federal government cannot do is dangerous because it can give the impression that the government possesses all powers not prohibited it…”

And just so has the Bill of Rights proven to have been a danger.  Even with the declarative amendments 9 and 10,(3) it has been taken - and even taught, by at the best, misguided teachers, and at the worst, revolutionaries attempting to take down this country from the center, rather than having to do it piecemeal, as in a true federal form of government - to mean that the federal government has basic power except as explicitly denied it by the Bill of Rights.  Rather than the government of limited and delegated powers that it in truth is.  Of enumerated powers.  “Few and defined,’ in the rather authoritative words of the Father of the Constitution, James Madison (The Federalist, No. 45).(4) 

But to go on, to finish the thought from the article:

“What money powers does the Constitution grant the federal government?

“Article I, Section 8 states that Congress shall have power ‘to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.’                

Nothing about the power to issue fiat/unbacked money.

How did that happen?

Too long to go into here.  For my purposes here, let me just say that We have been bamboozled over the years by shyster lawyer types regarding the Constitution.  Some conclusions to all this:

* The federal government can do whatever it wants that it is not specifically prohibited from doing: WRONG.  The federal government is a government of enumerated powers.  By the Constitution - its, and this country’s, rule of law.  

* ‘Free speech’ etc. is not up to the federal government either to monitor or control - you need to secure such rights in your state’s constitution.  The states, in a federal form of government, a) being closer to its citizenry, so as better to reflect ‘local’ values (subject to 14th Amendment limitations); and b) acting as laboratories for various initiatives.  But

* The public airwaves interstate is a federal matter.  The government can have its regulatory agencies, particularly the FCC in this regard, make sure that the Social Media platforms are neutral arbiters of their content (called Open Forum laws), instead of being gatekeepers of information, as in a police state.  No censorship of opposing socio-econo-political views.   THIS IS NOT A POLICE/TOTALITARIAN STATE. To say: A total state ruled by Force, and considering its subjects as sheep to be sheared, cattle to be culled. at its will. 

Having said all that - having clarified all this, for lesson-learning purposes - 

* Everything is now up for Final Change.  The socio-econo-political evolutionary Process -

the stakes having been raised up to the global level, now, with our EMs attempting to meld the U.S. into a  One World totalitarian Government on the order of Red China - 


For the individual incarnate soul each to advance on their spiritual path.

Or not.

Your choice.


(1) In an article in their July 24,2017 issue entitled ’Cussing & Cultural Decay,’ by one of their (otherwise) stellar contributors, Selwyn Duke.

(2) and gave as an example how, during the War for Independence, “both the Continental Congress and the states freely issued paper money,” which resulted in a situation where “(cr)editors ran from debtors like the plague to avoid payment with the depreciated money”.  And thus the enduring - and far from endearing - term ‘not worth a Continental’.

(3) Amendment 9: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” 
   Amendment 10: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

(4) The federal government has assumed the extended powers that it has taken unto itself by such measures as a ‘principle’ called ‘incorporation,’ whereby presumably the 14th Amendment turned the Bill of Rights on its head and says (the likes of) ‘The powers formerly reserved to the States or to the people shall now reside in the federal government.' WRONG.  This is legalistic legerdemain, pure and simple.  It has been accomplished by fraud.
    And most of our legal beagles know it.

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