Monday, 30 September 2019

On Various Dragons - And Beyond

(A friend has sent me a short series of newspaper articles on the Trump ‘impeachment’ farce (mostly from the U.K.’s Guardian) that, though from the left, do refer to the dangers in the whole thing to the Dem Party.  My response:) 

The Dems are shooting themselves in the foot, and any non-wackos among them know it.  But it is helping to make things clearer: the Democrat Party is no longer in the mainstream of U.S. politics, in its two-party system.  It has succumbed to its far Left fringe, and is showing, and in spades, its totalitarian tendency, as another Soviet Union and Red China, 'born to rule' with an iron fist.  No more Constitution: rule by The Party.   

Actually, I think this is all part of a larger Process, and they are playing their part to a 't'.  But in the meantime, things are getting very dangerous, for the U.S.  And the world.  It can't be allowed to go on much further, on the path that it is on.  There lie dragons.



This whole thing - the Revolution going on in the U.S. - has been caused particularly by the Jews being tired of being called kikes.  (And thus, wanting to outlaw ‘hate speech'.  Which they are getting to, step by careful - and devious - step.)  They feel that they are superior to the goyim, and resent the cattle calling them names, and not knowing their place.  And I daresay they would even go to the extent of exercising a Samson Option if they had to, to put the cattle in their place.  In the form of whatever - a nuclear device or devices going off in the U.S. Homeland, GMO mosquitoes to kill people that way (while they themselves retreat to their DUMBs), vaccines laced with killer agents, 5G/EMF weapons frying people’s brains.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  The Saul Alinsky approach to life.  Rather than the approach to fife expounded on by a being called Saul through John Smallman, for good example. 

For evidence: look at all of the Jewish names being involved in the current Revolution, and historically as members of the Communist Party, and making up the greater number of the Bolsheviks in the Russian October Revolution, and financing it.  Granted, there are Jews on both sides of the ‘equation’.  There are good conservative Jews, and liberal Jews.  Not all of them could be called Rothschild Zionists, or Khazarian mafia, as the ‘ultras’ have been called.  But there is a major Jewish influence - both males and females - in the current Revolution going on.  It doesn’t take a particularly astute observer to see that.  But it takes a brave person to comment on the fact, such is the power of the likes of the ADL and AIPAC and the MSM.  

Let’s get it all out, and on the table, for observation, and comment.

And moving beyond.  In gestures of reconciliation, and a mutual endeavor to climb out of the morass that we are in.  And move up a notch, or two, in consciousness.  Into - at least - 

Fifth Dimension consciousness.

As a start.  On the spiral stairway to the heavens.  

So, come: Let us build cities of Light.  Together.

As One.  

One species of incarnates.  To glorify our Creator Source, in all that we do.

It’s called


As part - a vital, integral part - of

The Plan.

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