Wednesday, 18 September 2019

On Reading More And Enjoying It Less

I am getting sorely, even thoroughly disgusted with all of the lying and deceit going on in the upper echelons of this country, especially regarding the Left’s attempts - bordering now on utter farce - to bring down (the duly elected) President Trump.  It’s terrible.  And all the other lying and deceit going on, as with Rep. Ilhan Omar and her family shenanigans.  Enough!

All of these atheists and satanists - and Islamists who believe in taqiyya - who think that the end justifies the means; that what is right is whatever advances your agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it, that all is relative, there are no absolutes - ENOUGH.

I’ve had enough of you miserable lot defiling the Creation, with your arrogant attitude of wanting - lusting after - Power Over Others.  POO for short.

May the Cleansing


They have had enough time to dig their own graves, many times over, if that's the direction that they choose to go in.

Even if Rep. Omar has it right to question the official story on who was behind 9/11, she is stilt not off the hook for all of her hijinks.  And spare me the ’racist’ crap.  It has been so long that the NWO crowd have said the truth about anything that they have probably forgotten how, or the difference between it and anything that that lot spout.  

And as for the Illegal aliens and crocodile tears: Who can possibly doubt that the Democrats - and their comrades in the MSM - would be singing a different tune on the issue of the border if it were thought that the vast bulk of the IAs were going to vote Republican??

Spare me from hypocrisy.

It really is time to end this charade.

Even if a Play is unfolding, that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.

Having to live in this atmosphere, of chicanery and deceit, and outright evil, is suffocating.

Light!  More light!

Not more Lights!  Camera!  Action! stuff.

Been there.  Does that.  It’s time for

the Real Thing.


P.S. And having had enough of lies and deceit goes as well for our EMs attempting to make vaccines mandatory, i.e., without any exception; as has just happened in my home state of California.  I saw this scenario developing in Australia many years ago whilst living Down Under, and did my homework on the subject, and thus found out how dangerous these shots actually are, with their unintended - or intended - side effects.*  Long story short: This is a scam, designed by our globalist EMs not just to make huge amounts of money, but to set us up for inoculation with people-control substances, including anti-fertility substances, and nano-chips that can be communicated with to cause death. 
     As I say:
     And don’t get me started on pedophilia being marketed to our youth as merely a ‘sexual preference’ or ‘orientation’…
     Have you had ENOUGH???

* Including ADD/ADHD/ASD/LD/MBD/OCD/PDD & PDD-NOS, arthritis/arthralgia, asthma, epilepsy, lupus, SIDS (aka SUID; & in conjunction with low levels of vitamin C, and as well sometimes caused by toxic gases outgassing from crib mattresses), and the cause of most allergies - from the casein and gluten in them, e.g., thus the body trained to trigger a reaction to those substances when they appear - and even anaphylactic shock, and of so-called autoimmune diseases, again because of the ingredients in them, which can include aborted fetal tissue, which causes the body’s immune system to attack the body’s own tissues.  I could go on.

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