I first learned that we were living in a lie during the latter stages of my high school days, and then more so during my time at university, before I gave up the treadmill I was on and set out on my own, to find out what the hell was going on, and what was the capital-t Truth behind it all.
The first inkling of The Lie that I had was when I vaguely heard stories about ‘Communists in the government’ while in junior high and then, when I was a senior in high school, came across a copy of Whittaker Chambers’s ‘Witness’* It wasn’t so much the idea of a high-ranking person in our State Department having been a Soviet agent, as what that portended: A major infiltration of this country. Going on beneath the daily scene. That Average Joe and Jill American didn’t seem to be very aware of. Or was outrightly oblivious to. How some of their fellow Americans viewed them. As The Enemy. To be duped, deceived, demoralized. Until they could be overthrown. In part, from the outside. But mostly from the inside. In a pincer movement. A scheming that has continued to grow over the years, even with the demise of the old Soviet Union.
I have spent many years being angry about all this. How ‘somebody’ was - termites were - trying to take down MY country. But I also came to realize that there was a larger picture to all this. That it was all part of
a Plan.
As I have just said on the Internet:
from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘Big Tech Algorithms Will Replace Government and the Constitution’ - Dave Hodges - September 23/24
(“Monolithic corporations will soon replace governments. In effect, algorithms Will Replace the Constitution.” Hodges points out how Google has moved his site way, way down in its search engine placement. A sign of the times…)
Stan Stanfield - September 25
I take all that is going on as the reverse image of the Real Thing, in a Process of unfolding. Technology itself is neutral. Once the Dark side 'goes global' - has brought things to the global level, with its plans for a planetary gulag, it triggers the reaction to it: the New Earth.
It's axiomatic.
I have referred in these pages recently to quantum computer technology. This can be used for ill or good, by those in charge.
And that means that we have come to ‘the end of line’ - the end of
The Process.
The final Synthesis.
Requiring us to awaken to The Call. From our Higher Selves.
Can we do it? Paul Craig Roberts (a good man) has concerns about that:
"American democracy is dysfunctional, because the people live in the false reality of controlled explanations. Americans have no idea of what really is going on, and increasingly seem not to care."
in consciousness.
Before we are terraformed. Transhumanised. By our erstwhile masters.
Who are doing the best they can for their side. In - as I say -
The Process.
Which is it to be for you.
Tyrants in charge. Or God.
Take your pick. It's down to that choice, now.
Choose well.
But know -
really know -
that it is
your choice.
* He was a Communist agent who, before becoming disillusioned with that dream, was the courier between, among others, Alger Hiss, high in our State Department (and a key player behind the establishing of the UN; and previously having been a key advisor to FDR), and the Soviet Union. He used to hide some of the purloined material that he was given by the likes of Hiss, either until he could arrange delivery to the Soviets or as ‘life insurance’, in hollowed-out pumpkins in a field by his Maryland farm home. Thus giving rise in history to the name of The Pumpkin Papers.
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