Monday, 30 September 2019

On One Thing Leading To Another

The U.S. federal government, under the terms of its Constitution, guarantees to each State in the Union “a Republican Form of Government”.  That means that the U.S. citizen residents of each State elect their representation to their respective governments, local, county and state level.  Said governing persons, then, are not to be there by appointment by anybody or any body assuming power over the citizenry.  Including - by definition - non-citizens.

The State of California is being run by people who were elected, in large part, in many areas of the State, by non-citizens.  Fact. 

'Residents' or no: Same difference as outright usurpation: highhandedness.  Which could even be called, and considered, a state of Invasion.  

Likewise guaranteed by the federal Constitution to be redressed by the federal government. 

This ignoble state of affairs must not stand.

What to do.

The Voter Registration rolls in the State need to be secured by Federal Marshals and cleaned - by the quantum computers now available - of the names of all non-citizens, of dead people, and duplicate (or multiple; intrastate or interstate) voters - CLEANED.

Cleaned should mean cleaned.  Thoroughly.  Not halfway measures, that would allow continued corruption to slip in.

If the rot has set in so far, so deep that the NWO crowd refuse to abide by - 

let’s call it for what is needed: to obey -

the law of the land -

and including the recent declaration by the State government that it will not allow ICE agents into this State to do their job - 

 then -

to avoid a civil war in this country -

I will take over now.  And move this State - 

and this country - 

out of harm’s way.

Out of the swamp.

And into the light.  The Light

of  a -

the -

New Day.

And the likes of the Black Nobility can go to hell.

Their choice.

For, the Dark side will not rule this planet.

Not by a long shot.

So to speak.

Considering the likes of a plethora of AR-15s in the country, and all.  In more hands of the citizen patriots than in those of the propagandized, and hardcore NWO-ites. 

Which outcome is it to be.


And outright, or effective, Satanist.

Your call.

And I suppose that you all should know

that that Call

has already been made.

And the Light wins.  Because

it is

the Light.

Without which

there is

no Dark.

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