Friday, 6 September 2019

Book 'Em, Danno

(Further on my point in my last post of early this morning as to how our EMs have been planning on melding the U.S. into a One World totalitarian Government on the order of Red China, complete with a Social Credit system, that can result, at its extreme application, in the death of the dissenter) 

So let’s see.  Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, many of them of a business/Confidential nature, being posted on an unsecured email server (and not only thereby subject to hacking but its having been proven subsequently that those emails were all automatically forwarded to a Red China Front site) were deemed by the Director of the FBI at the time, James Comey (a man who has a prior personal link with the Clintons; but to continue), as, quote, ”extremely careless” but not the “grossly negligent” level that he reckoned would result in a proven charge against her in a court of law, and therefore not rising to the level that he would recommend such an actionable outcome to be taken.  So: “Extremely careless,” as opposed to “grossly negligent”.  Oh.  That’s alright, then.  I think.  (We are given to think.)

Let’s see.  Synonyms for ‘grossly’ and ‘negligent’. First: ’Grossly.'  Mmm…ah.  Here: 


And let’s see for ‘negligent’.  Mmm…ah.  Here:


And so the words are interchangeable.  

Do not meet the specific letter of the law.

But clearly meet the spirit of the law. 

And given the stakes…

Book ‘em, Danno.

Book ‘em all.

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