Wednesday, 25 September 2019

If Truth Be Told

I have harped in these pages on the ineligibility of BHO for the office of the presidency of the United States, based on the Constitution.  Not the ‘living document’ that has been made of it - attempted to be made of ti - by termites to the rule of law in this country, and being replaced with the rule of men, aka arbitrary law, aka tyranny.*  One of the sites on the Internet that I have called on this issue, Golden Age of Gaia, with its host, Steve Beckow, has been a particular bane of mine regarding it.  Because he relies so heavily on the ‘word’ of a couple of his favorite channeled sources, who call BHO a ‘high spiritual being’ who apparently in their ‘eyes’ can do no wrong.  He comes back at me with comments regarding their take on the birth certificate - that it was a fake, put in place by enemies of good-guy Obama in order to attempt to entrap him - even though I come back at him with the strong recommendation that he look rather at the issue of BHO’s parents, which is the stronger proof in the matter.  (I have pointed out to him that if BHO Sr. was in fact his birth father, BHO Jr. is guilty of fraud, perjury, and treason, for not being a ‘natural born’ citizen; and if BHO Sr. was not his birth father (as seems likely), he is guilty of the same charges.)  He hasn’t responded to me on that point - not a good sign, for a man who puts himself out there as a very moral being, capable of being entrusted with huge amounts of money in the Reval coming up (according to his channeled sources, and other, incarnate ones).  But he did refer, in his last response to me, to something that is in the background on the Internet.  Almost in an ‘Oh well’ way, he ‘pointed out’ (in words to the effect): ‘And anyway, George H.W. Bush wasn’t born in this country, either’. 

Leaving aside the matter of two wrongs being attempted to make a right: He was referring to the fact that a German national (name of Otto Skorzeny) has claimed that Bush Sr, was born in Germany, with the family name of Sherff (and was a Nazi spy).  If so, his official bio has certainly been put chockfull of phony references to his childhood growing up in this country.  But that specific issue aside, let’s look at this whole thing.  To wit:

If that is even the truth, and part of the Big Lie that we have been living in for so long in this realm (and particularly including that whole dark business with Bush Jr. and Cheney et al), it will go by the boards now, along with all the other lies and deceit in/of 3D life.  As we leave the Old behind, totally.  And welcome the New.

In harmony with Love and Light.  The building blocks of the Universe.

(For more on which, see David Wilcock’s latest sharing.)           

P.S. For those who doubt that, or at least wonder if, Justice will ever be served: Consider how The Plan works, complete with the Law of Karma.  As many people have reported, who have had Near Death Experiences and come back to ‘tell the tale’: On the other side of this ‘screen’ on which we act out our parts and learn our lessons in doing so, there is a Life Review of one’s life, to gain as much in the way of insight as one can from the experience, before ‘moving’ - depending on one’s advancement  on The Path - either higher up the spiral stairway to the heavens, or back into another life in a 3D ‘set’, to work out one’s karma; the idea being not so much ‘penalty’ as balance.  Leaving one’s slate clean.  Before moving on.  And


But apparently we are facing a major, wholesale Initiation, with a mass Ascension in the works.

May you be counted among

The Ready.       


* Today on my daily constitutional (I couldn’t resist using the word, especially considering the context of this blog) I passed a tree with a handwritten sign on it, that read: ‘This tree is infested at its roots with termites.  And they are alive.’   I couldn’t help but think: How appropriate, given what is going on in this country these troubled days.

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