Monday, 16 September 2019

On Ilegal Aliens...

...And Other Matters

           On Illegal Aliens

The Left wants them to flood up here
               so that they themselves
Can take over, and rule the roost
Like the cocky creatures
That they are
                    helping the Process
The Way.

And speaking of IAs…

There must be many Democrats who are embarrassed by how their poetical party condones corruption.  Take all the IAa in the country, for example.  Whatever happened to the old Bracero programs, of temporary/seasonal visas for farm workers?  That seemed to work well for all concerned.  The system has been turned into a honey pot by the NWO crowd to attract IAa to come here to live permanently, and become voters for the Democrat Party, in order for the Left to take over this country permanently; and as signaled by the Cloward-Piven Strategy, to bankrupt the old Order in order to build the new (totalitarian) socialist Order on its ashes.

Pure cynicism.  Pure arrogance.  Pure corruption. 

Not to be endured any longer.

P..S. A word to our youth flirting with socialism because they have bought the NWO crowd’s Kool-Aid regarding Climate Change:*
     Conservatives are natural environmentalists.  They want to conserve things, and jot just traditions and cultures.  They are careful bout not being too ‘spendthrift,’ and that includes with the likes of the environment.  So, keep an open-end s to who your natural compatriots re, when you listen to people regarding these sorts of issues.
     You have more than you are apparently aware of in common with ‘the Right’.  

* Check it out, if you don’t believe it.  Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) was a ruse developed by the Trilateral Commission to attempt to get the world involved in carbon credits as a way not just to make themselves a lot of money, but to gain major control over people’s lives, for the global gulag that our EMs are attempting to incarcerate us in.  But when even the computer forecasts weren’t working out for their best-laid plan, they switched to the idea of ‘Climate Change’.  Anything to attempt to keep the idealistic youth on board their NWO Express.         


As for the Democrat presidential candidates pushing the idea of taking away ‘big scary’ weapons of self-defense from U.S. patriots; the best counter-argument that I have ever heard on this sort of matter is:

‘When You Outlaw Guns, Only Outlaws Will Have Guns’

We will have a better world.  But not the way that the NWO crowd are attempting to bring it about.  Theirs is the Way of a totalitarian police state.  Run by satanists, and arrogant others.

Time for Something New on poor old kicked-around, taken-for-granted Gaia.

Liberals and conservatives to join in bringing it about - together.

P.P.S.  And about the general subject of red shoes, and that appalling and outrageous like:
     Don't get me started.
     Another time.
     As we set about cleaning up this planet of the Dark forces infesting it.
     And who have.  For long enough.

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