Thursday, 26 September 2019

On The Edge Of Infinity

In my last blog I talked about The (historical) Process having come full circle, as it were.  Dr. Mike Adams has nailed it, in an article titled ‘IT’S HERE: D-Wave announces 2048-qubit quantum computing system, theoretically capable of breaking all classical encryption, including military-grade’ - carried originally at Newstarget, and on - September 24/5:

Sadly, the deep state will probably use this technology to surveil humanity and enslave everyone with AI facial recognition and “precrime” predictive accusations that get translated into red flag laws. Once the tech giants profile you psychologically and behaviorally, a quantum computing system can easily compute your likelihood of becoming the next mass shooter. You could be found guilty by “quantum law” even if you’ve never pulled the trigger.

“As with all technologies, this one will be abused by governments to control and enslave humanity. It doesn’t mean the technology is at fault but rather the lack of morality and ethics among fallen humans.”

Ah yes, those “fallen humans”…

Thus, the need for an Answer.

Which we just so happen to have.

As sort of ‘explained’ in the expression:

‘Beam me up, Scotty.’

In the meantime, we are facing the likes of the - former - United States of America being simultaneously subjected to 5th Column activity and invaded, and carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey. 

I don’t really like the idea. 

Any takers on the activity needed now??

Which has to do with both the temporal.  And the spiritual.

Time related. And infinity related.

And spare me the excuses if you prefer to stay stuck in the moment.

Yes, the propaganda has been powerful.

The better to sort you out with, my dears.

Think about it.

And act accordingly.


that nobody promised you a rose garden.


P.S. I see that the Fed is now monetizing the (quadrillions in) federal debt.  Meaning, that it is flooding the economy with fake money.  
     It can’t be long, now.


P.P.S. Sign Of The Time
from The Portal - September 25 late

Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:12 PM PDT

Interstellar sources are communicating that cosmic shift is accelerating, and the whole universe is going through a phase transition into the new cosmic cycle. So what we are about to experience is not only the Galactic superwave, but a cosmic shift on the scale never experienced since the creation of the universe.

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