‘The LGBTQ spectrum reflects an abnormal spectrum of brain-patterning that needs to be corrected, so that society can get back to a state of normality in this regard.’
‘I am offended by what you just said.’
‘I’m sorry to hear that. I trust that you will be able to get over it soon, so that we - ’
‘You don’t understand. What you just said really offended me. I want you to apologize for it.’
‘Let’s be clear, here. You have chosen to be offended by what I just said in truth. You are in charge of your feelings. No one else. As for me: No offense intended. I didn’t incarnate intending to go around offending people. if they take exception to what I have to say, that’s on them. Not me. All I can say to you at this point is the truth: No offense intended. I can’t, and won’t, apologize for something that I didn’t do.
‘We have work to do, together, to clean up this environment. In many ways, on many levels. Let’s get to it. Together.
‘Your individual choice.’
I hear a lot of Democrats, presidential candidates and others, use the term ‘voter suppression’ when describing measures to clean up the voting process. Surely they have left out a word in that seemingly favorite phrase of theirs? They must mean ‘illegal-voter suppression’. Suppression of illegal voters. For, all of the activities that I have heard about, in this regard, are measures to keep the voting honest: the requirement of photo ID cards - you know; as is required in order to engage in a whole lot of activities in life - and mandatory cleaning of the voter registration rolls of the names of dead people, and duplicate names, including interstate, and so forth. Are all simply ways to eliminate, or at least cut down on, voter and electoral fraud, in order to have a state - the desired state - of Election Integrity.
But since that is the term that many Republicans use, to describe such measures - and the desirability of them - perhaps that is why the Democrats have come up with their own term to describe the same sort of activity? So as to have their own ‘imprint’ on the activity??
For obviously, they couldn’t mean that they want just anybody showing up to vote, without any sort of ID, and thus perhaps not only voting under another name, but voting multiple times, in multiple precincts, and even states. One does hear of that sort of thing going on. But surely the Democrats are not advocating that sort of activity. Activity that makes a mockery of the whole process. That is disgusting, in its undercutting of the integrity of the electoral process. Meant to be limited to citizens of the country. Not just anybody simply in residence of the country.
Or brought in, just for the occasion.
I mean, think of the results of such an attitude, then. The primary one being the elimination of the whole notion of a nation.
With borders. And a sense of social cohesion. And the like.
Or would we, on this Planet of Choice, just be one big happy family, then?
Choosing to be?? Of our own free will???
It is certainly something to think about.
In the meantime, we have distinct countries.
And distinct citizens thereof.
Who are eligible - or not, depending on various circumstances - to vote in their country’s elections.
A process that needs to be honest. For the outcome to be accepted.
By its citizens.
Or be rejected, as being fraudulent.
And on that basis
P.S. I understand that there is a little history here, whereby the Republican Party was officially censured for some activity some years go that undercut the integrity of the elections in a certain area, and caused extreme measures to be introduced against them in consequence. But perhaps that is why the Republican Party has come out so strongly in these days - alongside a number of conservative organizations - on the side of Election Integrity measures. To make sure that neither side engages in wholesale cheating.
Otherwise, it becomes a situation of, ‘Don’t get mad. Get even.’ And demonstrating, by such a spiteful attitude, just how ‘uneven’ getting even can become, instead of engaging in wholesale correction.
I suggest that we put a stop to the whole thing. And spend some time considering:
just what ‘the whole thing’ is, really,
all about.
In this classroom for apprentice gods.
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