Friday, 13 September 2019

Lies And Damned Lies

I realize that it all apparently has to happen - all the 'sick' needs to get out, so that the 'well' can have the room to take over, in the human psyche.  But sometimes it gets a bit much.

9/11 - the anniversary of which we just passed through - was bad enough, with all of its unanswered questions, even to this day.  My gosh: 18 years later, and STILL not Justice done regarding it.  That's some measure of control over our political and media scene in this country.   But consider as well, these dark days:

* The biggest search engine going is not only censoring conservative/Christian sites - because of their political bias -  but now as well a) 'anti-vaccine' and alt med sites, and b) drug side-effect info sites.  Why/  Good guess: Because their parent company has entered into a major, multi-million-dollar deal with a major member of Big Pharma.(1)
     So, suppression of free speech is one thing.  But also consider:  

* Outright lying, as in the NDAA of 2012 authorizing the government to lie to us.(2)  As an outcome of the so-called War on Terror.   Occasioned by the 9/11 atrocity.  Which was the work of our EMs; not a handful of Saudi patsies.  As all of the evidence would point to.  If we would but look at it.  Not 'over here' where the MSM wants us to look.  And where the Social Media giants control the info.

All of this, then, is bad enough.  But when Pres. Trump seems to be buying the narrative - drinking the Kool-Aid - on gun control/confiscation (including elements of the 'Minority Report' predictive- programming film), The People don't have a man in the White House that they can trust, after all.  A man who, even though he just got rid of a NeoCon in his circle, seems to be somewhat of a captive of his advisors.  And of his daughter.  And of her Zionist husband.

None of these are good signs.

Unless we can look at them - all - as signs that

it is darkest before dawn.     

The Dawn of

a New Day.

When none of these sorts of things will happen any longer.

Because they will be incompatible with the energy signature of 

The New Order of Things.

The New Order of The Ages.

Whatever you want to call it.

I call it


Our of The Old.  Into

The New.

Having learned our lessons along

The Way.

Those of us, at least, who make the grade.

See you there.




(1) The suppression of into regarding the downside of vaccines is also a concern for the New World Order crowd/our Erstwhile Masters directly, in that they plan on using vaccines as a vector for delivering stuff into the populace that they wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole if they knew about it.  And thus, the move, in states like California and New York, as an example to others, to make vaccines absolutely mandatory - no exemptions.  We must all be subject to their total control. 
   As in the story about The Snake: It's what they do. 

(2) And thus circumventing the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 forbidding the government to do such a thing.  Hey - easy peasy.  
   When you have effective control of the Congress.
   And via effective control of the MSM.

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