Wednesday, 11 September 2019

9/11 - A Reminiscence

First of all, let me acknowledge something.  Whenever I sent Sen. Dianne Feinstein a copy of a petition, or even just an email off my own bat on some subject or other, I always got a response from her staff over her signature, that went into the issue in some detail, explaining her position on it, and thanking me for contacting ’her,’ even though my position on the particular issue was, more often than not, contrary to hers.(1)  So, there is that.

Now then.

There is every good reason to believe, based on some of her political positions, and particularly her staunch stance specifically against weapons of self-defense in the hands of the citizenry - for self-defense both of a personal/family and property nature, and against a potentially tyrannical government; the latter being the major reason for the 2nd Amendment - and the fact that it turns out that she has had a Red Chinese spy on her staff for some twenty years,(2) together with financial dealings of her husband, Richard Blum, that have resulted in the Red Chinese taking over much of the farmland in California (at distress-sale prices; another, albeit related, story), that Sen. Feinstein (and her husband) are part of the New World Order crowd, in their attempt to collapse this country - and meld it with its intended partner, Red China, into a global gulag, controlled by them, our erstwhile masters - down into its footprint.

As the NWO crowd did on 9/11.

With The Simpsons in their TV cartoon show having signaled the deed some years earlier.

Along with some other signals from Hollywood.

Run - these days - both by Jews and Red China.

As Masters of Deceit.

In the long-standing plot to take down - however it has to take place - the federal constitutional republic of the United States of America, with its rule of law - the Constitution for the United States of America.

The main bulwark against tyranny.  Not just in this country.  But in the world.

As the dissidents in Hong Kong are demonstrating, so valiantly, as we speak.

And who must not be let down, in their graphic desire to live in a state of human dignity and freedom from the oppression of an almighty state, determined to crush them under its heel.

I trust that the basic human spirt - of us ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - will prevail.

And against traitors at home as well. 

P.S. And to be crystal clear: As I refer to the difference between Red Chinese and Chinese, so I make a distinction between some Jews and all Jews.  There are some very good American-citizen Jews.  (As, e.g., there was in the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, where the judge was a very fair-minded Jew, upholding the law of the land.)  They are not all what have been called Rothschild Zionists, aka Khazarian mafia.
     Which brings up the allied point that not all Jews are bloodline Jews, in any event.  But enough on all that for today.  
     Today is to honor those who died on 9/11, and subsequently from the effects of that dastardly plot.
     May they be long remembered.  And have Justice done in their name.    


(1) Which is far more than I can say for the other senator from California for some time, Barbara Boxer, whose office simply sent out a form-letter acknowledgement of receipt.    
   At least her successor, Kamala Harris, has had the decency to do more than that.  But whose background as AG of, first, Alameda County and then of California as a whole, shall we say, leaves something to be desired.  As does her candidacy for the higher office - the highest office in the land - of the presidency.  But that’s another story for another time.  

(2) How can she not have known.  
   Plus, there are those trips that she has taken to Red China.  And all of their infiltration into California, in a number of ways.  On her watch. as the senior representative of her state to the federal government.
   Either she is naive.  Or stupid.
   Or something else.


P.P.S. from ‘Three Thousand Americans Cry Out For Justice From Their Collective Graves’ - Dave Hodges - September 11
(He lists 20 Questions of his regarding that still-to-be-investigated-thoroughly and exposed atrocious event.)

Stan Stanfield - September 11

Thanks for this post, Dave.  Yes, please keep it alive.  This subject must NEVER die.  Too much depends on the answers to the many questions regarding it.  Including the biggie: Truth itself.

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