With Yet A Happy Ending In Sight
“Students leaving American University will be graduating with a costly degree that isn’t worth the paper upon which it is printed.”
Warner Todd Huston: ‘Now it is “Racist” to Correct a College Student’s Grammar’ - Godfather Politics - September 11
“American University has once again made itself a laughing stock, this time by hiring to teach its staff a professor who says that proper grammar is ‘racist.’
“The university recently hired Asao B. Inoue, a professor at the University of Washington in Tacoma in interdisciplinary arts and sciences. Inoue is also the director of Univ. of Washington’s writing center.
“Inoue is well known for pushing the idea that a student’s writing ability should not be considered as a criterion to grade him because it is ‘racist’ to assume everyone should be able to speak and write in proper English…”
And thus does the dumbing-down of eduction in the U.S. continue. But it gets worse:
“Not only is it ‘racist,’ as far as this nut is concerned, he says proper grammar promotes ‘white language supremacy.’”
Got it. The ‘white male supremacy’ card.
“Instead of considering proper grammar to assess a student, Inoue thinks teachers should only consider how much ‘effort’ the student revealed…”
Tell that to a prospective employer in the real world, Prof.
Although, I have come across, in my own experience, a very telling anecdote along that line. Not too long ago I read a woman’s remark in a Comments thread on something or other wherein she reported that she found a discrepancy in her bank statement, where they had charged her $36 for a check that she had written out for $30. She called the bank on the matter, had the supervisor that she was speaking to bring up her check on their screen, and pointed out to the man that it was written out clearly for ‘Thirty and no/100 dollars”. The supervisor explained to her the problem: The employee of the bank responsible for entering such matters in people’s accounts couldn’t read writing. Come again? That’s right: The employee had not been taught to read writing, only printing. So she misread the printed amount as $36, and that was as far as her education could take her.
What in blazes has been going on in this country - they don’t teach cursive writing any longer???!!!
And don’t get me started on the widespread inability in this country - judging by people’s contributions to Comments threads on the Internet - to spell correctly. I used to keep a record of such terrible examples, until I gave up - it was taking up too much space in the back of my workbooks. Horrible, horrible stuff.
And I know darn well that it is all on purpose. As part of our dumbing down. To make the U.S. a Third World country - far, far from the idea of ‘American exceptionalism’ - and thus allow the rest of the world to ‘catch up’ with us. To the extent of all of us being ‘a Third World country’. Purportedly so that neither we nor they can use up the world’s resources to the extent that an affluent society does. Because a) it’s too hard on the planet, doncha know, and, er, well, actually b) a dumbed-down populace is easier to control than an educated one.*
Our erstwhile masters are snickering at us.
Stop standing for this crap, America. Take your country back from these, the true, vandals. There are other ways to ‘clean up the environment’ than by letting totalitarians control The People to within an inch of their lives, in many ways, and ultimately by the brute force of the state, stomping with its hobnailed boot on the face of the Individual. Who is, in actuality, ‘a spiritual being having a human experience’.
And having a particularly difficult time of it right now. But this, too, shall pass. As we head out of this dark Valley, and ‘go for gold’ - in the sunlit highlands of our true destiny.
Patience is a virtue. Acquiescence to tyranny is not.
* Particularly in the - former - U.S.A., where, with the quiet discontinuation of teaching the populace (former ‘citizenry’) how to read cursive writing, they will no longer be able to read the original documents of the nation’s founding, will have to rely on their, er, teachers to teach them about all that, with the assistance of likewise ideologically-driven textbooks. Sweet.
The Stasi couldn’t have organized it all any better.
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