I could be an obnoxious kid sometimes when growing up. I can remember, e.g., speaking up in my 8th grade Social Studies class once without permission, and doing some whispering to the kid sitting in front of me in that same class.(1) It was as though I were saying, ‘Here am I. See me. Don’t take me for granted.’ Perhaps that - that somewhat rebellious streak in me - is why I am so fervent in my adult life, about such matters as seeming injustices; and especially if they impinge on me.
I would like to see some political leaders in this country - from either or both major political parties, but from a patriot’s perspective - say, and very loudly (to say, with a big media microphone):
Don’t Tread On Me.
For example.
When I came back to my old home town in Southern California from having lived abroad for many years of my adult life, I got a State-issued photo ID card - available in lieu of a state driver’s license, for those of us citizens who don’t, for whatever reason, drive (in my case because of my age; plus not being able to afford a car, anyway), in order to conduct all manner of business: Opening a bank account and cashing a check, getting a Library card, and a Seniors pass on public transport; etc. For which I had to show a Registered Copy of my birth certificate; which was simple enough to obtain. And I fully expected that I would have to show it when I went to vote in the 2012 elections.(2) But they didn’t ask me, at the Check-in table, to show it, when I gave them my name.
They just took ‘me’ for granted.
I was offended. And almost as if personally. Anybody could have showed up and voted under my name.
Been ‘me’. As far as the State was concerned.
The hell.
How come? I asked a person in charge at the precinct. This State even provides residents with a photo ID, for which they had to show a copy of their birth certificate, or proof of naturalization. The ‘I’ standing there checking in and getting a ballot to vote could be anybody. Why didn’t you ask me to prove who I am??
The answer, simply: Because that is not a requirement in this State. Just provide us with a name, (3) and move along. Nothing to see here.
‘And shut up about it,’ was the feeling I had about it. Complete with a sense of appalled outrage, at how this system was lending - could lend - itself to corruption.(4)
And hence - and ‘lo and behold,’ said facetiously - the state of corruption that the State of California is in today. With untold thousands - even into the millions - of Illegal Aliens voting in our - ‘our’ - elections. Local, state, and national. Where it is now even specifically legal for IAs to obtain a driver’s license. Whereby - by virtue’ of the Motor Voter Law in the State (and others) - one is automatically registered to vote. Unless one personally chooses to opt out. A neat gimmick. In taking the onus - the responsibility - off the State, and putting it on the individual.
As the young man said, when I called the L.A. County Voter Registrar’s Office to inquire about this whole business: “Individuals sign up to vote on penalty of perjury.”
- And??
That was it. End of their responsibility in the matter.
Can you say ‘corruption’???
I will see that this system is cleaned up before I’m through.
But I do understand that I have a personal axe to grind in the matter as well. To do with my Identity. (And how I feel as though I stand for America.) But I also see that I could be accused of a bit of hypocrisy on my part in it all, as well. To wit:
It’s not as if I personally am squeaky clean in the matter of life’s dealings.
I just want everybody else to be.
P.S. I understand that the governmental watchdog Judicial Watch has recently forced, via the courts, the State of California to “clean” its Voter Registration rolls, Primarily of names of those who have not voted for a long time, whose names therefore could be used corruptly. But that ‘clean’ includes the likes of me, as I have refused to vote, because I don’t want to commit a crime. To say, more specifically: I don’t want to aid and abet in the commission of a crime. (Voting, in this corrupt-to-the-gills State, is a crime.) So - good for JW. But just updating the voter registration rolls is not enough. They need to be cleaned of all non-citizens.
And we can do that detailed sort of thing especially now with our quantum computers. Which allow us to do all sorts of things, now, that would have been close to impossible (timewise) to do before their advent.
Unfortunately, corrupt things as well. Like a police state keeping close tabs on its subjects. (Think of Red China in this regard.) But that is the reverse image - the Dark side - of
The Real Thing.
Which it is the time for
And Note: I see this blog is/as building on my last few, and the theme of Mistaken identities; using ‘building blocks’ leading to where? To my I AM, I suppose; with the ‘idea’ (a word that I found myself emphasizing previously, for whatever reason then I had no, er, idea of) that I worked hard for my Identity. For who I AM. You have no right to take that from me. Under false pretenses. And as in forcing me to compromise in life. Your corruption dictating to me how life in it will be.
And sharing all this for what it’s worth to you, too. In building your edifice, that you are raising, towards who you are, really.
As we all come closer to the same conclusion.
(1) I still got an ‘A’ - for overall Achievement - in the class for the semester; although she gave me a ‘C’ for ‘Citizenship’. (Which I think was the only ‘C’ I ever got in any classification of my K-12 classes. Or on into college, for that matter.) But I never bothered with what those other classifications on our Report Cards said. Only the overall Achievement grade counted, when one said that they got all A’s for the semester, or whatever. All that other stuff amounted to hooey, as far as I was concerned, or felt that any of my classmates ever felt, about ‘the system’.
And so much for ‘systems’. But to continue.
(2) Having registered to vote in front of the local Walmart shortly after having arrived back to live in this area in my retirement years. Via a person registering people to vote. On behalf of a particular political party, or doing so simply as a part-time job, I knew not; that made no difference to me. At the time.
(3) And signature. But whoever checks that???
(4) In - for example - teams of ringers being bused around to various precincts (and even interstate), to vote in the names on the lists that they ere given.
For a small payment, of course. All being aboveboard, and all. In this scam.
Late entry, but very a propos:
“You are well beyond the need to continue seeking for God and spirituality as these practices flow from a sense of separation. Instead, begin to identify with the reality of your being, the I AM, the Divine Consciousness that you are.,,
“Divine Consciousness is all that exists–omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Consciousness flowing Itself as all that is.
“Everything is this one Consciousness expressing ITself in, as, and through individual consciousness which then manifests it on the level of their personal conditioning or attained state of consciousness…
“The spiritual journey is simply the evolution of individual consciousness which on earth is done through lifetimes in which a person gently or painfully learns to move beyond that which is false in his consciousness…”
- from The Arcturian Group Through Marilyn Raffaele - Sept. 22
(onenessofalldotcom) - as posted at GAoG - September 23
As I say: We have earned our ‘identity’. Not to be trifled with.
“Divine Consciousness remains forever fully present awaiting recognition in every individual regardless of how limiting their present belief system may be…”
Let’s go, folks. We have a ways to go, yet. Before
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