Friday, 20 September 2019

On Times And Seasons

Speaking of fowling our nest, as I did in my last blog:

We now have super-mutant mosquitoes loose in the wild, because ‘experts’ decided to release (in Brazil) a batch of male mosquitoes genetically modified to be infertile, thinking that, over time, that would cull the population.  What could go wrong?  What has.  The modified genes have been passed on in the wild, to other mosquito populations, creating a problem, with viable hybrid offspring being introduced, and thus a strain of mosquitoes that may be resistant to all known insecticides.   And as well, the original target population has now rebounded to nearly pre-release levels.*  

This all sounds strangely familiar.  Ah yes: The same as what has happened to bacteria, with the advent of antibiotics, and their use overdone, which has created super-resistant strains of such bugs.

What to do.

First of all, stop the procedures that are causing these sorts of problems.  If you are digging a hole that is threatening to cave in on you - first: stop digging.  (For example: Stop taking drugs for conditions that can better be treated by dealing with the cause, rather than just dealing with the effect(s).  Under the latter approach to ‘’medicine,’ the condition will simply get worse, and worse, and worse, until it collapses on you.)  

Second.  And third.  And fourth.  And…:

With our world 'economy’ about to be hydrated with sufficient gold backing currency for everybody to live a comfortable life, 

* let a Jubilee be declared, wiping out all debt; 

* eliminate fiat and interest-bearing money (and its partner in sleight of hand, fractional-reserve banking);

* move out from under the profit motive, into a more spiritual frame of consciousness; 

* declare NESARA and GESARA in place; and

proceed as directed.  Into

the New Age.

Where God reigns.  Not Mammon.  That Time

Over.  As we go Up a notch.  Or two.  In the first stage of Ascending

the spiral stairway to the heavens.  On our way


All the Way.

And just in time, it would appear.  On manly fronts.  Of the Battle that has been going on.

For our souls.

* Females began avoiding to mate with genetically-modified and less-virile males.  Hey - Nature is no dummy.  ‘Continuation of the species’ is, as it were, in their genes.
   As an article on this subject by Mike Adams (reposted at The Common Sense Shoe) has said:

   “In 2012, we published a warning about the risks associated with self-replicating science experiments that are released into the wild. In one article, we wrote, ‘The human race is gravely threatened by out-of-control science that has already begun to reveal alarming unintended consequences across our planet.’ We also wrote:

“‘Humanity has reached a tipping point of developing technology so profound that it can destroy the human race; yet this rise of “science” has in no way been matched by a rise in consciousness or ethics. Today, science operates with total disregard for the future of life on Earth, and it scoffs at the idea of balancing scientific “progress” with caution, ethics or reasonable safeguards. Unbridled experiments like GMOs have unleashed self-replicating genetic pollution that now threatens the integrity of food crops around the world, potentially threatening the global food supply.’ 

“…GMO mosquitoes are ‘self-replicating pollution.’ The mad scientists have released weaponized genes into the wild, and now the genetic makeup of mosquitoes in South America can never be pulled back from the brink.”

As Mike also said back in 2012: “Technology without wisdom is suicide.”  Amen.  He now adds:

“How could I see all this seven years ago? It wasn’t difficult. The arrogance of modern science sticks out like a bad case of genital warts. Today’s GMO scientists are the most arrogant, dangerous and criminal-minded lunatics on the planet. Or I thought so, at least, until I learned about the Harvard mad scientists who are working to collapse the entire planet with stratospheric pollution that will dim the sun, impair all solar panels across the planet and collapse global food webs by inhibiting photosynthesis.

“The bottom line is that all life on Earth is being assaulted by modern scientists and their insane experiments that almost always go wrong. Their vaccines don’t work most of the time, their mind-altering medications drive people even more insane, their GMO crops keep failing and their global pollution schemes will lead to worldwide famine and mass starvation.”

As they say: A little knowledge is dangerous.

His bottom line:

“The proper pursuit of science has real value. I’m a published scientist and top science author. I run an ISO-accredited science lab and I carry out important science every day. But I also understand that science must be moderated by ethics and morality. The Precautionary Principle has been utterly abandoned by the mad science lunatics who run vaccines, pharma, GMOs and geoengineering experiments. And if they are not stopped, they will annihilate humanity and destroy our biosphere.”

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