Tuesday, 24 September 2019

On A Moveable Feast

Dave Hodges, host of The Common Sense Show, has recently therein castigated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for apparently not knowing the Constitution, in promoting the idea of getting Pres. Trump indicted for various perceived crimes, and then passing legislation that will be able to get him out of the office that way, instead of the normal Impeachment process.  Hodges says that she doesn’t understand that the Constitution outlaws ex post facto laws, meaning laws passed ‘after the fact’ - attempting to make something illegal after the fact.  

But who’s being dumb here?  Hodges likes to say of Democrats that they are “dumber than a box of rocks”.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  He apparently doesn’t realize that they think of, and treat, the Constitution as ‘a iiving document’ - and have good reason to believe of it that way.  Since they got away with such a major assault on it as slipping a ringer into the Oval Office - and for two terms at that.   And are building on that ‘precedent’ with another ineligible candidate among the current batch of Democrat presidential hopefuls, in the form of Kamala Harris.  Who, according to the Constitution - as written - can be a federal senator.  But she can’t be a president.  Except under the ‘living document’ that they have - so far - been able to put in place of the real thing.

I am reminded of how, some years ago, the House had passed a ‘rule’ that whoever proposed a piece of legislation had to as well state what term of the Constitution it came under.  That requirement doesn’t seem to have lasted very long: I remember as well, under the Obama faux administration, some reporter once asked Speaker ‘We have to pass it to see what’s in it’ Pelosi if some peace of legislation or other was constitutional; and after a momentary setback, she retorted, “Are you kidding.  Are you kidding.”  That was her total - and honest - response.  Because - as I say - the Democrats don’t think of the Constitution the way that, er, ’constitutionalists’ think of it.  

For them, this nation has become simply a democracy; in the hands of whoever has the most clout, at any given time, with the Constitution in the background as a wet noodle, to be shaped in whatever form that they wish to shape it in.

Welcome to a major Opportunity.  To earn Ascension points.

As I have said before recently in these pages: We seem to have been set a very high bar, for Ascension.  Thus making this a very special occasion.

Make the most of it.  Citizen.

Understanding, that Truth reigns on those levels.

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