1. I see that the MSM is pushing ‘Climate Change’ like, well, like there is no tomorrow; to lead us into their stack’em and pack’em city apartments, and so forth (the UN's 2030 scenario for humanity). Listen up: There is no Man-made Global Warming or Climate Change going on to speak of. That is hogwash, designed to bring ultimately the whole world under the control of our Erstwhile Masters (known as globalists, or the Cabal, or the Illuminati, or the Deep State, or as I call them, the NWO crowd). Check it out, by discontinuing to take just the MSM’s word for the matter, and do some digging into the facts, available on the alt media.(1) For now. No telling how long our EMs are going to allow that info to be made available to the public Consummate shits that they are.
And that reminds me. It is ridiculous that users of the public airwaves, like the social media platforms, can get away with their censoring of info (like the Bolsheviks of old). They should be treated under Open Forum laws, not as ‘publishers’ responsible for their content and thus capable of being sued for such as libel. Just carry the material, and leave your Big Brother big stick behind.
Which they soon will be doing, anyway, if they are still in ‘business’. Because they will no longer be in business for a profit. Because we are leaving the profit motive behind. (Along with the money system that we have been under the spell of. For long enough, now.) And so, many of them will cease to exist; not being interested in purveying their propaganda in The New Order of Things. With The Play being left behind. As humanity takes a turn up the spiral stairway to the heavens.
And those sorts of characters can choose to join in the festivities, or not. It being up to them to choose their fate. But this is not a game.
I encourage them to join in the Real Thing. But as I say.
2. And the same goes for the likes of state senator Ben Allen in California, and his cohorts. First, the NWO crowd has made vaccinations mandatory for all children going to the public schools in that/my State (as a lead-in for other States to take that baton and run with it). No exceptions; not even for health reasons. The better to pump toxicity into everybody, my dears (including anti-fertility agents, and nano chipping, to facilitate the death of the person if he or she(2) gets out of hand of the total state). And then - get this - Sen. Allen has spearheaded a law to ban the use of latex gloves in restaurants, because some people are allergic to the latex.
At first blush of anger at all this high-handed statist stuff going on, one might think just of the irony of it, how Sen. Allen et al show concern for people with allergies on the one hand, but not for the major cause of allergies on the other. But on further thought, one can see that Ben Allen et al, knowing that their mandating of vaccinations is going to cause a huge increase in allergic conditions, are just trying to cover their butts.
Throw them out.
They have had their day in the sun. That party is
(2) or ‘it’. Another - albeit allied - subject for another time, all its own.
P.S. And speaking of vaccines, and the Sun, and our EM’s plans for us:
I note that Bill Gates and a group of scientists’ at Harvard have a plan - called the SCoPEx Project - to use the (manufactured) excuse of Climate Change to block out the Sun’s rays. What’s ‘up’ with this initiative? Well, since it’s taking too long for anti-fertility agents in our vaccines to do their job (of population control), and to get more people mandated to have them, our EMs have hit on the idea of blocking photosynthesis, in plants and plankton, thus to cause a collapse in the food chain. To starve us to death. And have been pushing, in our media and the, er, entertainment industry, the idea of cannibalism - to give people the idea of eating each other. When the food runs out.
Hint. Hint.
(Mike Adams has the story. Check it out, at OblivionAgendadotcom.)
P.P.S. A final note for today/tonight on our EMs:
from thecommnsenseshow.com; ‘’Rep.Presley Represents the “Enemy Within”’ - Dave Hodges - September 20
(Hodges goes after Rep. Pressley for her call for impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh, which shows how our Democrat Reps are not beholden to the Constitution anymore, simply to their own personal socio-political proclivities. The Dems think this country is simply, now, a democracy.)
Stan Stanfield - September 20
'the rule of law' in the country has taken a hit. Democrats think this way because the Constitution has been allowed to be trashed, and they know it, because they did it, when they got away with nominating - and then the country electing - an ineligible candidate for the office of the presidency. I speak of BHO, who is not a 'natural born' citizen. And when that constitutional error was allowed to stand, that was, in effect, the end of the rule of law in the country, and the takeover of the rule of men. Aka arbitrary law. Aka tyranny. (Definition of an NBC: A person born in the country of citizen parents. Both.)
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