...I Feel Like I Have
A Hot Hand.
Or Is It Just
A Hot Head?
I know how JFK felt when he said, albeit in his characteristically jocular fashion, when asked during a press conference how he felt about some criticism coming his way in the press of the day: “Well, I am reading more and enjoying it less.” Some cases in point for me:
* We can’t discuss the Puritan colonists in school, or have them appear in our history textbooks (not even in the Mayflower??), because of the 1962 Supreme Court Engel v. Vitale decision regarding separation of church and state? Bullsh-evik. It’s history. Not religious instruction.
* A single mother can receive more of a welfare payment from ‘the government’ by remaining single than by marrying the father of her child? Give me a break. And as for children:
* I understand that ‘they’ are teaching polyamory now in lesson plans for 12-year-olds.
Polyamory?! For 12-year-olds?!
Enough. Wake the hell up, America. You have been screwed for a very long time, and it’s time you got rid of the political sex toys dominating your life.
Before the Constitution disappears entirely, a word:
Perhaps John Adams said it about as well as it could be said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” To say: In the hands of a less-than-honorable people, essential liberty becomes license. Self-governance becomes the governance of those who aspire to Power Over Others. (Or POO for short.) And they dominate the scene, under such code words as ‘democracy’. Which is code for mob rule. And the rule of those behind the mob.
And ‘the mob’ is an apt description of our erstwhile masters. They are gangsters. Perhaps a bit more fancy in their political actions than your everyday mob, of drug and gun running and sex trafficking fame. But s mob nevertheless. And various mobs in competition with each other. Run by capos. But in our day, the whole sorry scene concentrating into the one major mob, best called the one behind the New World Order. And to include the monopolistic-like Mainstream Media and Social Media platforms, whose minions are largely in cahoots with the main culprits in the caper. As errand boys and girls for them.
I guess you could call it a case of polyamory.
A word of awakening, folks. Before that state becomes imperative, for your Next Steps.
A lot of our youth are truly sincere in their belief in Anthropogenic Global Warming-er-Climate Change, and how Americans are responsible for most of it, via our affluent lifestyle, and so need to be cut down to Third World size and environmental effect. But I wonder how many of them understand that that meme was crafted by people who simply wish to impose total control over the people of the planet, and turn it into a prison planet - one big gulag - that they run, for their benefit. Not for the learning benefit of us ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.
I could go on. (As, e.g., how they want to break down the family unit, because it stands in the way of 'the government' being our parent.) But you do get the picture, don’t you? That you leftists have been had? By a mob that doesn’t care for either you or the planet, except as how they can control the whole business? Red China ’Social Credit’ style?? And simply exterminate you, without batting a reptilian eye, if you won’t go along with their Game Plan???
It’s time for a Great Awakening, fellow pilgrims on the Path. To get with the High Road.
Or be left behind. For some more seasoning.
And controlling, by your inferiors. Who have chosen - of their own free will - to stay stuck in the lower realms. As dark as they are.
Since they prefer things that way. Being creatures of
the Dark.
Whose job it is to seduce you. If they can get away with it. Because
Misery loves company.
Best wishes, in the Graduation Exercise going on.
As we speak.
And another quote from this country's Founding Fathers, in this general regard; this, fromThomas Jefferson:
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
But then, what did this master student of history - along with other such titans as James Madison - know about such things...
(P.S. Speaking of the need for Americans to educate themselves about things going on in their self-governing republic: A friend has sent me a link to the Sept. lineup of events by the ae911truth.org group. My response:)
Yes, I’m following this initiative; thanks. Important stuff. Let's see how awake the American public is, to check these things out on their own, without the MSM censoring/controlling such info.
The state of People Control 'technology' in this country is atrocious. TPTB hardly even need the Red China extent of Social Credit tech and info to keep us in line. The sheep are well conditioned. Let's hope enough of them break rank with such info as this to start turning things around.
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