Friday, 27 September 2019

On Identity Politics

‘Identity Politics’ is used to conduct class warfare.  It is very Marxist in origin, and application.  It is designed even to kill; e.g., ‘white male supremacists’.  Or at the least, to neuter ‘them’ - white males.

Item.  The Mexican-American head of the New York City school system is eliminating, or at least downgrading, what he calls ’toxic white supremacy culture’ from the history books.  Shades of ‘1984,’ and the old Soviet Union.  

And then there is the executive editor of the New York Times.  (The New York Times?  Remember that newspaper?  ‘All The News That’s Fit to Print’?  Now ‘evolved’ into ‘All The News That’s Print to Fit’?  Yes; that one.)  Pushing the refrain that ‘America is a racist country’.  Ah.  Trump is a ‘racist’ because the U.S. is a racist country.  Okay.  Got it.  Pres. Trump is a ‘racist’ because he is enforcing the country’s immigration laws.  Keeping the hordes of unvetted ‘immigrants’ at bay.  Including MS-13 gang members (trained assassins), ISIS terrorists (of which there are cells "in all 50 states," according to the recent Director of the FBI), drug and gun runners, child and adult sex traffickers.  And all those potential Democrat voters.  (Become citizens or not.)

Sweet.  And corrupt as hell.

And inciting black Americans to feel ‘victim’ status.  (Forget - overlook; magically transfer attention to the other hand - that black Americans have been afforded the opportunity for advancement beyond any other country in the world.  But the U.S. is a ‘racist’ country, don’t you see.  That’s what needs to be kept uppermost in everybody’s consciousness.  Gotta have that good class-warfare stuff, to be able to take over the country.)  And  LGBTQ-ites.  (An aberration that is long overdue for correction, so that incarnate souls can have a ‘pure’ experience of Duality.)*  And.  And………

You get the picture.

Their picture.

‘Their’.  Alt those people who are attempting to take over, not just the U.S.  But the world.  And turn it into one giant gulag.  Controlled by ‘them’.  Who have opted out of The Plan - the real Plan.  Of consciousness development.  Of apprentice gods, on their way to earning their wings.  And attempting to be gods without putting in the hard yards.  

‘Can’t create a soul?  Easy peasy - we’ll just create a Transhuman.  Half human, half machine.  And control it.  With our input.  

‘You won’t let us be full-fledged gods unless we do it Your way?  Tough.  We’ll do it Our way.

‘What’s that?  We’ll stay stuck in 3D matter if we do?  Well - well… - Tough.  Hey - what more could there be, anyway?’

Wouldn’t you like to know.  You washouts.  Denying - 

deliberately - 

your true identity.

* The fetal brain can be patterned at a particular, early stage of fetal development, by the hormonal bath in which it is developing, that, if imbalanced, can result in a male-patterned brain being ‘wired’ into a genetically female body and vice versa and every stage along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  The causes of such an imbalance are varied.  A fault in the developing adrenal glands of the fetus or of the mother or both.  Estrogen mimics/endocrine disruptors in the environment - from the likes of plastics, pesticides, and The Pill.  Stress, of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional (it is known, e.g., that there are more homosexually-inclined babies born in the wake of wars than the normal background ‘noise’ can account for).  But perhaps most alarmingly is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus.  
   The LGBTQ phenomenon, then, is akin to a canary in a coal mine; and the alarmingly large amount of LGBTQ ‘result’ - evidence - going on should have awakened society to a major problem in its environment long ago.  To any decently aware society.
   Not controlled by deliberate society-wreckers.  Creating class warfare - and fanning it - in order to accomplish their end
   Which now, even, includes the end of humanity per se.
   But I’m getting a little ahead of myself, there.  Read on.

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