The Purpose of Life - as we currently know life; in this realm of Duality - is to hone yourself against the cutting edge of the free-will device; the latter now to recede from view (like the spider in my kitchen, with its fragile web) as we move further up the spiral stairway to the heavens. Of which there are enough to see us through to Completion - back to
With our True Essence - our
Creator Source
and beyond
than we ever were
our schooling
as apprentice
To say,
our highest
And row need to stop denying
And get on
Most of our troubles in life - on our school playground - is due to our not understanding this basic truth about ourselves, this one particular ’fact of life’. If you have a beef with someone, for example, I suggest a Clearing technique that we sometimes used in the spiritual community where I was a member for many years, if the particular circumstances required a ‘heavy hitting’ process:
Sit down opposite the person, with a ’Referee’/Timekeeper present, and preferably with a lit candle present, as symbolic of it all being ‘held in the light,’ and each of you say in turn to the other (you first): ’I am God. You are God. We are One,’ until you can both feel that any obstructing ’charge’ between you is dissipated (at least for the time being), so that you can go on with the process of Clearing in a calm manner. Then start by taking, say, an agreed 10 minutes to state your case, with the other person then taking the same amount of time (if required) in rebuttal; then take, say, five minutes in response, and the same allowed the ‘Defendant;’ then down to, say, three minutes in such a process, and then, say, one minute, or until each of you affirms ‘I am complete at this time’.
If your beef is in the context of a group, they can sit in a circle around the three of you - all of this taking place in chairs or on cushions, and at any time, if they feel that they have something constructive to add to the process, have a cushion or chair as an ‘Observer’ position that they can come and sit on, and with the permission of both the ‘Plaintiff’ and the ‘Defendant,’ make their - short - observation, then to move back into the holding circle of the group. And one person can act as a Process Observer, at the end giving a short appraisal of how they saw the process.
We are all apprentices in this process; here, to help each other grow, through
The Process.
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