Thursday, 26 September 2019

On The One Hand

    Going My Way

It’s a shame that the Democrat Party has fallen on such ignoble days; has been taken over by its far left fringe.  It used to be a legitimate member of a two-party system in this country.  Now, they seem to think that they were ‘born to rule,’ want to be the party of a one-party state and system.  As in Red China.  For that arrogant attitude, they deserve to go down to resounding defeat at the polls in 2020 - via clean elections, with institutional voter and electoral fraud wrung completely out of the system.  

On the other hand, they have set up the ‘space’ for breakthrough on Earth as a whole.  From corrupt ‘business as usual’.  To 


They deserve some credit for that.  For their role in

The Process.

But oh, those poor Bolshevik-minded Jews amongst the lefties…

…who had to chafe, all these years, under the ‘traditional family values’ of Norman Rockwell’s America, when they wanted to be able to engage in the likes of ‘free sex,’ including pedophilia, and even, apparently - given the evidence out of Hollywood and New York City - eating the bodies of their enemies (or the children of them), without all those damn Christians looking down their long noses at them, and their ‘uncouth’ ways.  Oh, the insult!  When they were born to rule.  Having been pharaohs and all in the past (read: the Shepherd Kings), and princesses; with a special ‘pass’ from their god to wreak havoc on their neighbors.  ‘Hebrew’ being a word - from ‘habiru’ - meaning ‘the bandits from across the river’.(1)  I.e., the Nile.  The ultra Zionist Jews (whom David Icke calls ‘Rothschild Zionists,’ or ‘ultra Ultra Zionists’)(2) now wanting to create an Eretz Israel - a Greater israel - between ‘The Two Rivers’.  in this case, the Nile and the Euphrates.  And enlisting - willingly or not - the U.S. in their hegemonical - and megalomaniacal - plans.  The Plan that was behind 9/11; in order a) to embroil the U.S. in conflict in the Middle East to serve their overall strategy, and b) to fasten the beginnings of a police state on this country.  Which they have had their termite (or reptilian) eyes on for a good long while, for takeover totally.  To accomplish their ultimate end.  Which is to rule over the entire world.  To be accomplished with unlimited funds from - courtesy of - the money presses ‘of’/under the control of the (unaudited) Federal Reserve. 

But don’t let me get started on The Past.  All that matters now is

NOW.   And our return to

The Garden of Eden.  After

The Fall.

Like a ripe apple.  From a tree.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Leading to

The Tree of Life.

And life everlasting.  Once we get rid of the notion -

the rebellious notion - 

of going our own 


And thus, make our way out of

this Illusion

that we have created;

which proves -

in its outworking to this deplorable outcome 

in the likes of Transhumanism - 

Machined Man 

(a pitiful substitute for the real thing) - 

that we can’t be trusted on our own.

Need to finish our schooling first.

As apprentice gods.

The apprentice gods 

That we all are.

As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of

our Creator Source; and, ultimately, of -

in perfect alignment with the Will of -

The All That Is.

Hallowed be the name of

The One.


(1) It is translated as ‘Those from across the river’ for the uninitiated.
   The uninitiated into the truth of the matter.

(2) And whom others, including Ben Fulford, call the Khazarian mafia,  The Khazars having been a Turkic people in a ‘nation’ in Middle Europe who were forced by their neighbors, tired of their incessant robbing of travelers through their territory, to take on a religion, in an effort to civilize them.  Their king decided on Judaism, which, in the event, suited them quite well, in its belief in the Jews being a Chosen People, and who, therefore, could do no wrong.  Which caused the Khazars - aka Ashkenazi Jews; to distinguish them from the Sephardic Jews of North Africa, who were in fact true, bloodline Jews - to end up being kicked out of many a nation in Europe over the centuries, for their incessant plotting of takeover, and for other nasty attitudes.  
   And we come now down to our day.  And their same attitude(s) being played out.  Big time.    


P.S. Speaking of Setting Things To Rights: A friend has emailed me about a couple of things, one dealing with the new book out by Edward Snowden.  My response:

‘Snowden: I'm not sure what to think about the guy.  On the one hand, he is/seems a hero, of the whistleblower variety.  But on the other hand, I read somewhere that he was part of a 'silent' battle between the NSA and rogue elements of the CIA, where said rogue elements were part of the Deep State apparatus working to take down the U.S., and needing to undercut the work of the NSA which was more in the hands of the God Guys (albeit with a little 'corruption' there, with the whole War on Terror/Patriot Act thing a cover FOR the Deep State, to set up their police/surveillance state).  So, a bit of a confusion in the picture.  I'd be interested to hear what you have to say after reading his book.
     ‘It's a sorry old world.  Desperately in need of A Fresh Start.  And best: on a higher turn of the spiral at that.



Next: Probably something on Identity Politics.  Very disgusting stuff.  Extremely divisive.  Sorely in need of moving beyond.  Straight out of the Marxist handbook on class warfare.

I would wish that more Americans would show some sign of being able to see that.  But the ‘younguns’ especially seem to have drunk the Kool-Aid on it.

We certainly have our work cut out for us.

But - as I have indicated in these pages - All the better for a more meaningful outcome.  The bar having been set rather high; demanding more from us.  To make it through

the Ring Pass Not.       

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