Friday, 31 May 2019

On Giving The Poor Dogs A Bone

I echo Prof. Alan Dershowitz's casting of shame on S.C. Robert Mueller for exceeding his role, and giving a bone to the Democrats in Congress to chew on, for a while longer.

We really need to move on to and with things.  Out with the Comey Report, and the Declass, and the  unsealing of the indictments.  So that we can get to the Next Stage of Operations on Planet Earth:

the new monetary system; and all that goes with it.  As we near The End of

The Play

and The Beginning of

The Real Thing.

And it is only

a beginning.

So: A lot to look forward to.

Let's get on with it.

I for one didn't incarnate at this time to waste my time.

And I bet - for you who are bothering to read this - you didn't, either.

So; Hold the vision.

And help make it come about on the physical.  Every which way that you can.

Starting with how you treat

one another

on a daily basis.

And things will ripple out from there.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

On False Flags

from ’World War Follows False Flag Attacks on American Ships’ - Dave Hodges - May 29
(Hodges ‘recalls’ the U.S.S. Maine at Cuba, and the U.S.S. Arizona at Pearl Harbor, and the U.S.S. Maddox off South Vietnam, in the Gulf of Tonkin ‘incident’.  But wait - there’s one more major one…)  

Stan Stanfield - May 29

And then there was the U.S.S. Liberty…

Don’t forget that one, Dave.  It’s coming back around.

As to that sentiment.  Of how Liberty - as primarily exemplified by the U.S. - is under attack.  A summary:  

NWO globalists, with the help of such as MS-13 gang members (and ISIS terrorist cells) brought into this country (particularly in a flood under Obama in 2014) for just this purpose, in conjunction with the widespread/orchestrated policy of 'diversity' creating disunity, will incite domestic unrest (possibly beginning in my home state of California), in order to bring in the UN under the Kigali Principles - to ‘regain control’ - and thus take over the country.  It has all been thought out very carefully  The one-world globalists have left little to chance.  Including pulling various plugs if they see that their will is not going to prevail.

Which it won’t.

Because this planet is returning to its higher, angelic state.  Because

it’s that time.

And so, their best-laid plans will go awry.  But not, very possibly, without some damage, to people and property.  But such is the nature of

The Process, which has included a spell for us in the free-will arena of 3D.

For us to learn lessons.  

In that classroom.   

And hopefully, as many of us incarnate souls as possible will have learned them sufficiently to advance on our spiritual paths.  If not:

Your choice.

That's the nature of

The Plan.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

On Tactical Morals

In my last blog I referred to the “tactical morals” of Obama in being both a Marxist and a Muslim.  To expand on the subject.

I have recently uncovered, in my bachelor-flat clutter, of books and magazines and mail (the latter of which has good stuff in it but which I know darn well that I will never get back around to) and papers, a little pamphlet titled ‘Islam: Religion of Bigots’.  By an intrepid researcher on Islam by the name of Robert Spencer, it goes into the horrific underside of the so-called ‘religion of peace’.  Which would seem to refer to the fact that Islam exerts such a heavy hand on whatever country it takes over that no one can mount an opposition to it, and therefore, there is ‘peace’.  Of a sort.  The sort of a gag.  And I kid you not.  Speak out against Allah or His Messenger, and you will be subject to being killed.  That sort of thing.(1)

All of this in this country, courtesy of TPTB who wish to bring this country down, as an impediment to their lust for power.  For Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.  

But hey - nothing is worse than our own homegrown brainwashed whites who have drunk the Kool-aid and are so sold on it that they are lacerating themselves, if only figuratively - have become self-hating.(2)  Like those Jews whom the Zionists amongst their tribe think are not sold enough on their superiority to join in the takeover plot.

As to that.

The Zionist Jews - emulating their forebears, the Bolsheviks - in order to take over the U.S. for the establishment of their totalitarian New World Order (in cahoots with other, powerful families; aka fascists), knew that they would have to subvert and secularize the country’s dominant culture on the one hand - a la Hollywood - and set up a competitive religion on the other - Allah Islam, and duke it out with said supremacist religion (to whom we infidels are more than that, are dimmis; aka dummies) after the deed was accomplished; figuring that with their superior intelligence, and help from the Dark  Lord - whom they give supplication to; think child sacrifices, and loosh, etc. that they have been offering as tokens of their best regards - they could cary that job, and challenge, off, too.  

And just so have we been subjected - a good word, that, in this context - to the ‘likes’ of tactical morals, emanating from both the Zionist Jews/atheists amongst us and the Muslims.  Think taqiyya on the one hand; and on the other, think Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’.  ‘Whatever It Takes.’  ‘By Any Means Necessary.’  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever it takes, to accomplish your end.  The end justifying the means.  There being no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so.  What is right is whatever advances my agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.  Because there are no absolutes.  (And for the atheists: There is no Absolute, period.)  All is relative.  Relative, to whoever holds the Power…Disgusting stuff.

But necessary.  In order to give us ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ an edge to hone ourselves against.  And so, is a part of The Plan, for all that.(3)

Now coming to a close.  For

it’s graduation time.  To a new, higher level of consciousness.  Wherein - and whereby - all these elementary-school lessons are over.

For now.  (And NOW.)  At least, for those who are ready to advance,  Up the ‘grade’ of 

the stairway to the heavens.

Of which I think there are at least twelve.  Before Unity.

But then,

what do I know.          

At least I know one thing.

I know immorality when I see it.

And I see it all around me.



And subject to change.

And not soon enough, for me.

And I hope

for you, too.

For, you see, you - in your essence - are God having an experience of - yes, Itself; but also, of



(1) And glancing through this little pamphlet brought to mind a couple of other such pamphlets buried in my clutter; viz. ‘Obama and Islam’ by Spencer and David Horowitz; and ’The Truth About Islam: Is This Really a ‘Religion of Peace’?  What The Koran Actually Teaches About ‘Jihad’ and Jesus’ by Christians Against Radical Islam. 

(2) ‘America - and white supremacists; and so Western Civilization itself - are responsible for Climate Change, and so they have to go’.  
   Um, that Climate Change…that would be that construct of the likes of the Trilateral Commission, created as a means to gain POO?  That Climate Change??  Including whatever is going on in the entire solar system, because of conditions on our Sun - that one???… 

(3) ‘Joseph’ (of just-previous reference in these pages) to the contrary notwithstanding.  But I will go with my basic feel for the situation, at present.  It all seems to make sense, this way.
   And there is sense in the Creation.
   Or there wouldn't be one.
   In any event: Either 'way' - mistake or opportunity - we're going Up.
   And to continue, on that note...

Suffer, The Little Children

First, a note: Many years ago - in the late '50s thru the '60s and on into the very early ’70s, to my knowledge - conservative groups kept a close eye on our public education, with communist subversion a known commodity.  The Watchmen - who turned out to be, in practice, primarily females - seem to have retired.  And with few females to replace them at the watchtowers, for being in employment, apparently (another story.  And part of this one), few conservatives seem be on the watch these days.  More than a pity.  For one example:  

from ’The Weaponizing of Education: Transforming Your Children Into Immoral and Ignorant Globalists’ - Dave Hodges - May 27
(Hodges covers the threats to this country from both without and within it.  In this blog he took on Common Core, enacted under the Marxist Obama (and a double threat to our culture, for being as well a Muslim, at heart; his time in a Christian church being merely a political cover, with the ’tactical’ morals of both a Marxist and a Muslim), which, contrary to misleading comments about it, is not “dead and buried” in the country.  An aspect of it:)

"Destroying the Culture By Eviscerating the Morals of Children

“Did you know that pedophilia is a sexual orientation? At least that is what government-based school officials in California believe and they are forcing this abomination, or should I say Obamanation, down the throats of our youngest and most impressionable people.

“This perversion of becoming the mainstream belief in many school districts as evidenced by what is going on in the Brea Olinda School District (BOUSD). Amazingly, district officials are not even trying to hide this outrage. At a parent-orientation meeting earlier this year, the BOUSD , stated that teaching pedophilia as a sexual orientation is “no big deal”. At least that is what Assistant Superintendent of Curricula Kerrie Torres stated in a very matter-of-fact manner, where in effect, this District, like so many others, are stating that sex between a boy and a man is indeed nothing but an expression of a sexual orientation. [Note: That is a specific form of pedophilia - meaning sex with children - called pederasty.]  To make it clear, the leading officials in the BOUSD have made it clear that they are ignoring the rape laws I [sic] every state and declaring this inhumane act as a sexual orientation.

“This represents the undermining of the American culture. This is the kind of propaganda that will open the door to more extremist positions that children are being forced to accept.

“Yet, there is another example how children's moral fiber is being threatened.

“Pretending to be teaching “media literacy” and other educational topics, there is a disguised and a new web series called the “Radical Cram School”  that is indoctrinating young Asian girls and other “people of color” into becoming radical feminists, socialists, racists, revolutionaries, anti-American zealots, and full-blown social-justice warriors." This program also promotes gender confusion and “The Resistance” against President Trump. The intent is omnipresent. Trump is associated with populism and patriotism. The globalists seek to destroy these concepts and by linking these ideas to repugnant and false charges of racism and sexism, populism and patriotism is radicalized in children's minds. In one episode on “vocabulary” the creator of the program introduces the girls to something called “gender non-binary” and “gender fluid.” This concept, one of the young girls says, means  that a child can choose to be any gender they want to be In this program, a child is not just a boy or a girl. They typically give answers that they are “gender fluid.”…


“These practices separate children from the moral guidance provided by parents and it separates children from God, which is the ultimate goal! This represents the weaponizing of American education.”

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Truth Will Out

   Truth Will Out

      I AM here
To shine the Light
                of Truth
On all the dark recesses
And bring everything out
             into the light
             of a - this -
     New Day.

And, Truth be told,


Monday, 27 May 2019

On Memorial Day

   ..Lest We Forget
    A Lot Of Things

    I Wonder

I wonder if birds
Enjoy the view, or
Just take it
For granted
In their world
Of perspective,
For food

         as we do
  for the soul.

         …as to

    Our Mission Here

I know of no higher calling
Than that of the raising
Of the children
Of the next generation.
Be about it
With appreciation
For your efforts
In that direction.


And no sooner had I jotted these thoughts down, on a bench overlooking the ocean, on a sunny day, on this Memorial Day, with seagulls and other birds flying their patrol, with families about, and a bevy of us earthbound birds engaging in a yoga class on the grass of the bluff above the beach, when I opened the book I had brought to read in, and continued, at this point:

“Remember that you have not lost who you are; you have not separated yourself from who you are as an angelic being - not totally.  You have not severed each connection.  You are not less than you ever were - you just believe that you are.  Remember that that creative ability, in line with God-creative ability, that you used for aeons before you fell into the trap of the Fall is still yours.  It is yours because at core you have not changed.  It is only the outer layers of your vibration that have changed.  It is your perception that has become narrow and a straight-ahead rather than a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view of things.”

Wow.  Talk about synchronicity… 

This, from the book 'The Fall (You were there.  It’s Why You’e Here)’, a communication from a discarnate being called Joseph.  The chapter is titled ‘Remember Who You Are’.  He goes on:*

“You are a fragment of a greater angelic being - that is all you have ever been.”

It is just for us to Remember…

A word at this point.  I see life as an opportunity - a classroom.  Joseph sees life as a mistake - the Fall being, in his take on things, a literal thing.  From his higher perspective than mine currently, he’s probably 

more right.

In either event: We are facing  

an Ascension.

For those who are ready to leave The Play behind.  And get involved in

the Real Thing.

As to that:

You need to leave your identity with your body behind.  You have a body; but you are not your body.  You are, as Joseph says, “at core” an angelic being, experiencing life in a 3D simulation, a realm of Duality.  And, only one bite at the apple?  I don’t think so.  That’s what the Wheel of Karma is all about.  To ‘grind out’ disharmony.  Is for us incarnates to experience the consequences of our actions.  And set things to rights.  And then to move on.  And off that Wheel.  To 

the heights.  Ultimately, of

The All That Is.

As Joseph goes on to say in this chapter (and the note to wend my way on, back home at the end of the day, in this warm but ultimately unsatisfying sun):

“I am trying to put into words the need to dispense with the view of your physical life as being all there has been of you.  You are so much greater than that; you are so much nobler than that, and the tiny personality that you set such store in is confining and imiting you (according to the desires of the Field) [associated with the Fall] as to the great task ahead of you, if you wish to negate the effects of the Fall on yourself and on your brothers and sisters around the world.  In other words, in order to be the most effective being you can be in the fight to convert the illusion that you find yourself and your brothers and sisters trapped in, and, in order to be the most potent weapon for good you can be, you have to access your angelic memories and not your physical ones.’

Happy re-membering.          

* Joseph comes through a trance transmitter named Michel G. Reccia; who has transmitted five very interesting books in a series called The Joseph Communications.   This one came through in 2012.  His most recent book, ‘From Here To Infinity,’ came through in 2015.
   And when I say ‘came through,’ it happens in a small group setting, with the others asking questions at the end of each communication, also transcribed into the books.


As for the last stages of The Play:

from ‘If We Outnumber the Globalists Then Why are We Losing?’ - Dave Hodges - May 27
(Hodges emphasizes points of action that Pres.Trump could and should be taking along the southern border- and underneath it -  to interdict the invasion coming from there.  He quotes informed sourced who say that we have been invaded by 10 million IAs since October - !)

Stan Stanfield - May 28 (just)

Keep pounding away, Dave.  If Pres. Trump doesn’t hear ‘noise’ from the informed, he stands too much of a chance of listening to his circle of advisors - who can’t be trusted.  Things are too serious to be left up to chance.  Rest in the knowledge that you did all that you could, when you could.


"Live your light fearlessly." - Matthew Ward

Something Old, Something New

from ‘How Could Stanley Ann Dunham Have Delivered Barack Hussein Obama In August Of 1961 in Hawaii, When Official University Of Washington Records Show Her 2,680 Miles Away In Seattle Attending Classes That Same Month?’ - posted by Tim Brown - May 24; from an earlier posting at Pamela Geller’s site in 2008, and then reposted at this site by Tim in 2012
(The article never did get around to saying who they thought his real birth father was, only commented on the resemblance to Malcolm X.  I came across this article via a link embedded in another article of theirs - ‘Finally, Someone Serious Has Said the Word: Treason’ - posted on May 26.  My contribution (better late than never):)

PurpleChilli - May 27

Very interesting stuff.  Thanks for the reprint, Tim  To get back to the physical similarity w/Malcolm X:

There is (more than) a theory that Malcolm X was indeed the birth father of BHO, but not with Stanley Ann D; about whom there is no evidence that she was ever pregnant.  The case is that BHO was the offspring of MX and a Jewish communist groupie in NYC, and was placed with another family in the communist network to be raised free from the notoriety of being MX's son (with a communist mother), to be groomed for high office when he grew up, as part of the plan for the Marxist overthrow of the U.S.A.  Two supporting points to this scenario: 1) When SAD arrived in Wash. to go to college, she was reported to have absolutely no clue how to raise a baby, even regarding the nappie stuff; and 2) when BHO was prez, he was seen at a Knick's basketball game with a strange woman, who also was taken on his junket to the UK, again with no report (in the kept press) as to who she was.  This all would also 'cover' the fact that very early on, he told someone that he was going to be president of the U.S. when he grew up.

There is of course the theory that his birth father was his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.  But the resemblance to MX is more compelling.  Either way:  We have been had.  And it is time to redress that grievance against the U.S.A..


Fittingly enough, being posted on this Memorial Day.

Sunday, 26 May 2019


      I AM

I am a frustrated
Leader of men
In battle, war
Now out of joint,
             no more
To inspire to great heights
Of service for
A worthy cause;
A thing of the past.
       And religion
Such a thing, too,
For that matter,
       in the light
Of a new day.  
Is my leadership skill
To be applied
Now, then??
          Oh.  I know.
             In service
To a higher cause

Saturday, 25 May 2019

On The Great Divide

Some refections on where we are at.  In this country.  And the world.

To start with my home country.  In a free country, operating under free institutions, the people are not the property of the state, to do with as it wills.  We in the U.S., it would appear, have become that way, owing to some bit of skullduggery, of nefarious business along the way.  But properly speaking, the people are the sovereign in this country.

And so it shall become again.  But in a further light.  The further Light of the nature of all of us.  As facets, fractals, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source.  In perfect alignment with the Will and Nature of

The All That Is. 

With us fractals operating under the Idea that:-

As you do unto others, so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One.

Now, for some details.

Take the LGBTQo+ phenomenon.  Those souls have incarnated into this physical realm of males and females with their brains skewed from the norm, which makes them think of themselves as other than their ‘pure’ dualistic biological natures.  There are a number of environmental factors involved in that skewed orientation.  I don’t want to go into all that here.  Here, I just want to highlight the fact that said spectrum is off the norm.  Is abnormal.  And thus, should not be codified in law as though it were a normal condition, and thereby being given some cache, as though it is nothing to look at, correct.  When it is the equivalent of a canary in a coal mine, definitely something that needs to be looked at. And corrected.  By a truly healthy society,*

This is not a religious matter per se. It is, rightly speaking, a spiritual matter.  And so, e.g., it is a nonsense that ‘we’ have been brainwashed into letting biological males, with male body strength, compete against females in various athletic competitions, just because they ‘feel’ that they are females.  And letting them use Female lavatories and showers/dressing rooms is a measure of our lack of having dealt with this matter in a proper fashion.  As homo sapiens sapiens.  With some degree of intelligence thereby.

This ‘funny’ business has, of course, been a part of a larger agenda: that of attempting to bring this country down, a la the same sort of agenda of the communists of old.  Which brings me to my next point: which is  

the matter of the New World Order crowd attempting to disrupt and take over this country, as they have been in the process of attempting to do in Europe.  This is the Dark-side equivalent of - trigger for -

the Real Thing.

The end of the line.  For a/the Play.  In a/the Process, of education.  The education of

apprentice gods.

Learning to use power.

The right way.

And being very careful, in

the process.

For being creators by our very nature.

A nature of, and from, high energy.

Not the low energy of

the Dark side.

Which has allowed us to ‘hone our edge,’ in our educational process.

And so, is due some credit. 

And so, as we in the U.S. in particular look to the disenthronement of the Deep State, may we be careful in our treatment of souls some of whom have just been playing parts on that side of The Play.  Are not of the Dark side per se.  Have not ‘sold themselves to the devil,’ as it were.

As for the others - those seemingly irredeemable souls.

Ah, well.  My advice:

Leave them to heaven.

As has been said:

Judge not. 

Lest you be judged.  

For, remember:

We Are All


* Yes, we have had homosexuals for a very long time in this realm.  But as I say, there are environmental factors involved in this phenomenon, and they have become more extensive in our time, by all accounts.  So, we need very much to get at the underlying causation of the phenomenon.  If we are to be rightly responsible incarnates, looking after our responsibilities as such incarnates.  In this schoolroom, for aspiring gods.
   As I have said somewhere before:
   Life is a school  The purpose is to graduate.


P.S. Part of The Play, and The End Game going on:

A friend has forwarded to me a sad story from the Collective Evolution site, of their being taken down by the censoring/deplatforming going on, by our Erstwhile Masters:

“It is getting really thing is that the light is getting stronger so the PTB are feeling more and more backed into a corner.  Otherwise there would be no need for this.
The brighter the light, the darker the shadow.
Am just reading Edward Bernays 1928 book, Propaganda, with an updated introduction.”

“What’s happening to media today is both heartbreaking and crazy, and we’re not sure how many people are actually aware of the Orwellian-type of censorship that’s currently taking place in our world. When it comes to geopolitics, things have become quite clear within the past few years. There is a general consensus among many political leaders and academics that, for a long time, there has been a deliberate manipulation of the opinions of the masses, and the individuals behind this “unseen mechanism, constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power” of global geopolitics. Our minds are “molded, our tastes formed” and our ideas are “suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” (Edward Bernays)”

(My response - in part:)

Yes, bad news.  CE is an excellent site.  Sorry to hear that they have been hit so bad by the censorship/demonitization etc. going on.  But I guess it was inevitable, for a site of such integrity.

Thanks for alerting me to this article. 



And then there is Mike Adams, over on his Brighten site, at Counter Think, with a hard-hitting 'Five Cosmic Things' going on: how we are being done in by our EMs, in their moves to depopulate the planet, and turn those who are left into transhumans -  they think.  On their way to being killed by these monsters.

The Games that People will get up to...

...when they lose contact with

their essence.


Even them.

Lest we forget.........

...and lose our own such contact.

I Get Mail...

1) The American Conservative Union wants me to help them with their Petition drive to the House of Reps to get behind H.R. 153, the ‘Mobilization Against Sanctuary Cities’ Act.  The point of the Act is for the House to withhold billions of dollars of tax monies to some 300 cities that are refusing to cooperate with ICE officials to deport illegal aliens having been convicted here of (other) crimes.  A worthy cause.  Especially because

2) of how, for example, the Democrats are preparing an all-out assault on Texas Rep Will Hurd.  Why?  Not just because he is a black Republican (supported in his campaign by the Black Republican Fund, which has just alerted me to this situation), and thus puts the lie to their narrative about black Americans being victims in this country of the ‘white male privilege’ majority (still; if barely, now). But because he, a former undercover CIA agent in the likes of Afghanistan, knows the mentality of potential terrorists in this country.   Which brings me to

3) a notice on an email site that I take that reported how some Muslims have appeared, as if from nowhere, in Laramie, Wyoming spreading around posters in the city urging the teaching of Arabic to their K-12 children.  Now, why would they be doing that??  Yes, more and more Muslims are coming to live in this country - as witnessed by the last elections for the House.  But please permit me to cut to the chase here, in the interests of time and space:

Knowledgeable Americans know that we have been systematically invaded by a force of Fifth Columnists, hiding amongst ‘their’ pawns in the Illegal Alien invasion of this country.*  They are here, not just to be terrorists (in most likely a Tet-like offensive, to open their campaign with).  But to be the guards of the FEMA camps, being set up by the Deep State to house the millions of American citizens who won’t go along with their agenda.  Of a world ruled by them.  With an iron fist.  Using foreign troops to guard us recalcitrants - among the ‘deplorables’ - because Americans can’t be trusted to do the job.  (Including the guillotining that is planned to go along with it.)  And the more of us who understand their language, the better, for their enterprise.

Such ‘Arabic’ persons are also appearing in other places; like Colorado.  But not to go into all that, here.

Just, here, to sound the note.

Of warning.

To him who has ears to hear.  

P.S. I purposely withheld the identity of the online site that I got this latter info from, because they are already the victims of the social media arm of the NWO offensive against America that is going on.  And has been going on. 
     For long enough.

* Actually, the pawns of their masters behind them.  The likes of George Soros.  And others of the New World Order crowd.  Out to bring down this country. Via a pincer movement, from within and from without.
   But to continue.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Economics 101

      Economics 101

In all my years, I have never
Had the same level
             of incredulity
  as contained in
            the following
Two-part question:
You let a private consortium -
        of bankers, no less - 
Have access to the plates
From which your currency
               is printed
       without requiring
       at the very least
An audit?  And expected
Anything other than
             the outcome
        of your money
Being worth, oh, say,
           three cents on 
The dollar??
              you got it

On Telling It Like It May Be

from Operation Disclosure:

“RV/Intelligence Alert  - May 24:

“We are on the final stretch of the transition.

‘Worldwide reset is imminent.”

Thursday, 23 May 2019

On Telling It Like It Is

1 a) If Western Civilization was built on the minds of a lot of people, a majority of whom were white males - as it was - and if so-called universities of our day are teaching - indoctrinating - their captive students to denigrate white males - as they are - then Houston is not the only body of people that needs to be told, and warned, that we have a problem.
     And speaking of bodies of people:
     b) People need to be dealt with on an individual basis, on their own merits.  Not on the basis of being part of a particular group, e.g., by their race or religion or national origin or political persuasion.  So, for example, it will come out that Mossad agents and sayanims were involved with the planning and execution of 9/11.  But not all Jews are involved with the New World Order crowd, attempting to take over the planet at this time. 
     As to that attempt:
     c) Anybody who engages in espionage or outright sabotage will be dealt with by measures appropriate to such a heinous offense.   

2. On The Culture Of Capitalism  
     The individual is independent of the state.  Has his/her human ‘property,’ and other property, independent of the state’s control, or at least, ownership.  The state can tax his/her property and earnings, but can’t control either him/her or it, except under certain conditions, when his or her actions affect others.  By which the state can do a fearful job of taking it all over, if it has a mind to.  And has.
     An example: The EPA under BHO tried to take major control - in effect, nationalization - over private property in the country under Waters of the United States (WOTUS) legislation designed to give the federal government responsibility and authority to regulate the country’s ‘navigable rivers and lakes,’ under the foot-in-the-door attitude that a puddle on your property ultimately drains into a creek that drains into…you get the idea.  The idea being to a) abolish and b) nationalize all private property in the country.
     Which leads ineluctably to the next subject:

3. On The Culture of Socialism/Statism
     The individual is, and property are, controlled to a large extent by the state, with communism being outright ownership of both the individual and property.

More Americans need to wake up to what is going on regarding their country.

With everybody waking up to the cosmic fact that

You will be dealt with by/on the basis of your own individual actions.

You might as well get used to it.

P.S. To clarify:
     Capitalism can be taken to extremes.  As it has.  And thus, needs to be held in check.
     By a working rule of law.  Meaning, in this country: its Constitution.
     Not this ‘Words mean what I say they mean’ Humpty Dumpty business that we have been subjected to (a good descriptive word for it) under the Lefts’s thumb, for a long, long time. 
     Needing now to be corrected.
     Along with the excesses of the corporate Establishment.  As we approach


Continuing in the same vein as the title of this blog:

from ‘The Problem Of Voter Fraud & Manipulation Must Be Resolved Before 2020 General Election’ - Tony Elliott - May 23
(A hard-hitting article on this terribly important subject.  Glad to see SOMEBODY coming out this hard on it.  My contribution:)

Gold Radio - May 24

Thank you for this article, Tony.  As a resident of L.A. County, I have refused to commit a crime by voting.  More specifically, to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting here is the scam that you have identified so well.  I have been disenfranchised by the fraud, with my potential vote diluted to the point of disappearing, so I refuse to take part in it, and thus give it a veneer of respectability by engaging in it.  There needs to be a total cleaning of the system.  The federal government can at least insist on that for federal elections.  As for the state itself: We need Pres. Trump to declare Martial Law, by imposing the Insurrection Act - this state being in a state of insurrection from the Union.  Needing to be cleaned out, from top to bottom, of its political criminals, and its voter reg rolls needing to be certified, by independent CPA's, among other cleaning-out measures.  Sign me Disgusted in L.A. County.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

The Cloward-Piven Strategy At Work Internationally

Having lived Down Under for the better part of the ’90s (in a lovely, leafy suburb of Sydney, on the coast), I have some idea of the mentality there.  And yes, the laid-back culture is definitely present.  But sometimes, it is all too far laid back.  There is a convict streak in the Aussies still.  What do I mean.

They are so laid back that they have failed to rise to many an occasion of the loss of their rights.  It is as though they are telling their jailers, that as long as you allow me to throw another prawn on the barbie, you can do to me whatever you want to.  Item.  They allowed their jailers to take away their guns, after a very questionable mass shooting event in Tasmania.  (Much like as has just happened in New Zealand.)  Item.  They have widely accepted fluoridation.  (There is some resistance to that government control policy, but not enough to throw it off vary extensively.)  Item.  While I was there, a slowly-slowly maneuver started to lead to mandatory vaccination, which has just been fastened on them.

We here in the States have a far stronger history of defending our rights.  But we have been subjected to the same sort of propaganda barrage as they have.  And, not paying enough attention to what has been going on - in our own version of laid-backness, in the good life, albeit beginning to fray away, and thus drawing some attention to what is going on; in our version of playing inmates - we are close to going under (so to speak) ourselves.  Thus:  

from ’Watch Australia Because Their Government’s Tyranny Is Coming Here’ - Dave Hodges - May 21
(First, students in Brisbane were made to either join in on an LGBTQ event or pay a support group.  Then, the Opposition to the conservative party that (fortunately) just won the elections - against the ‘word’ of their MSM; precisely as happened here in 2016 - included smashing their cars, etc. etc. etc.  The modern-day Bolsheviks at work Down Under…
(Hodges said that “some think (Oz) is a beta test for what is coming to America.  Bad’day Mate!“ and asked for people’s comments.  Mine:)

Stan Stanfield - May 22

Violence may not be able to be avoided, Dave.  The NWO crowd think of themselves as the Bolshevik Revolution on steroids, thanks to academia, the MSM, and Hollywood sounding the note for culture change and political revolution - the big government that Pres. Reagan warned about, and put off, for his time  The would-be despots are on both sides of the political aisle.  What to do?  Trump needs to declare Martial Law, and use their best-laid tools - under both the Bushes and BHO, and as started under WJC - against them,  And may it start in my home state of CA, where it is a crime to vote, the system is so corrupt.  A clean sweep. And especially: All Illegal aliens: Out.  They are the nucleus of a Fifth Column in this country.  B'day indeed.  


And another post on Hodges’s site is titled ‘“We’ve Lost Control!” Say Federal Officials As America Is Being Occupied' - May 21*

He points out that immigration officials on site are reporting that 1000 illegals are coming through a 12-mile stretch near El Paso, Texas every day, and they are saying that they can’t handle it.  And the Democrats control the purse strings, for Trump to be able to hire more border patrol people…

It’s show time.

P.S. Just ask any Democrat: ‘If the people who are pouring over our border illegally were likely Republican voters, would you be acting the way that you are??’

As Hodges might say:

‘Let me know what you hear.’

P.P.S. And in his next post, Hodges says: “According to a Gallup Poll…40% of Americans identify as socialists!  Has the brainwashing worked?  Have we been conquered from within?” 
   We are about to find out…
   And remember: We are in a Process. With a Synthesis as its outcome.   Not a zero-sum game.

* “‘We’ve lost control of the border,’ say the federal officials who liken the immigration process to bailing out the Titanic with [a] teaspoon.  America is losing its country  The infrastructure is [in[ danger of collapsing.  Hospitals, schools and public services will soon be overwhelmed.  America has been conquered…..” 

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

On Doing One's Civic Duty...

…In A Manner Of Speaking

Recently I was served notice to appear for Jury Duty.  The last time that happened, a few years ago, now - a while after my return to my home country and old hometown - I went through the motions, and turned up at the courthouse on the designated Monday morning, where I told the check-in guy of my position on such judicial matters: that I would refuse to serve on a jury under what is called Admiralty Law, and would tell the judge so.  He didn’t seem to be too concerned about the matter; that, or he didn’t know what to do about it.  As it turned out, I wasn’t called up out of the waiting pool during the morning, and shortly after we returned from lunch, the rest of us were released, for the day and the rest of the week’s schedule.  So, I had no opportunity to ‘show my colors,’ as it were.

What am I talking about here/what is Admiralty Law?  First, to note that that form of law is signified by the gold fringe on the U.S. flag that one sees often in films and on TV, but most people fail to understand what that is all about.  In a nutshell: It is about a/the takeover of our country that occurred, apparently, in 1871.  I don’t know all the details;* I just know enough not to be a supporter of that act of subterfuge any longer.

I went online to see what I could do to register my complaint ahead of time this time.  They do have a section where you can Request To Be Excused.  I filled in my Reason thusly:

“I wilt not serve under Admiralty/Maritime Law, only under American Common Law/Natural Law - the law of the land, as opposed to the law of the sea.”  

I was originally scheduled for Duty in the second week of June, and was advised by the online system to check in ahead of time for further information.  I have waited a week, to give them time to take in my Reason for Excuse. and see what they would come up with in response.  What they have ended up doing is to kick the can down the road a bit further: they have changed my week of Duty to the end of November.

Anything can happen between now and then.

So, let’s see how it all goes.

How it all goes.   

PS. If you are interested in this subject, a good source of info on it is a researcher by the name of Anna von Reitz, of Alaska.  She has done yeoman’s work - so to speak - on the whole matter.  It is too convoluted for me to follow in detail; but that’s just me.  
     Her postings are posted online at Paul Stramer’s site, paulstramerdotnet   That’s how I keep up with the latest on this saga.
   Which is coming to a head.  And I don’t mean a ‘head’ as in seaman’s lingo.    

* I do know that we American citizens became ‘lost at sea’ by this subversive act.  And need to stand up now and say, loud and clear: ‘I am not lost at sea.  Here I am.  And here I stand.  For myself.  Not my false personage.’


And speaking of our courts:

from ‘Obama Appointed Activist Judge Orders Trump to Surrender His Business Records to the Democrats’ - Dave Hodges - May 21
(It's very clear from prior presidential record that he doesn't have to do that.  But anything on the part of the Deep State to attempt to block his administration, and set him up for impeachment proceedings.  The Hammer on them awaits.  
Another such blow that should come:)

Stan Stanfield - May 21

This is more reason why the Trump admin needs to bring BHO up on charges of ineligibility for the office of POTUS, for not being a 'natural born' citizen - the definition of which is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof - and when he is found guilty as charged - by a legitimate court - all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - INCLUDING TO THE SCOTUS, AND INFERIOR COURTS - go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he had never been there.  For, he was never there legally.

The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattell's 'The Law of Nations'. 


If this is true - and it is - why didn't the Repubs make an issue of it?  To answer that, look at who they ran as candidates in the 2016 primaries.  At least four ineligible persons among them, on this issue: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, and Bobby Jindal.  And the Repubs KNEW what they were doing.  Proof: Between 2003 and ’08 alone, both major political parties tried a total of 8 times between them to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress on this very issue - proposals all of which had this issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue.  The conclusion is clear: They colluded in a crime.  It’s payback time.

On Finding The Pony

I like a story that became the theme for a short story that I came across many years ago.  I forget the details; but let’s say that it was about a young boy who was having troubles in life but was still optimistic, and when it came time for his birthday, in a particularly difficult time of his life, and he opened the door to his room and found it chock full of shit, he immediately exclaimed: ‘Yay!  In all this shit, there must be a pony!’ 

I’m not sure that things could get worse than they are now.  Well, yes; on reflection on various times in the past, they could.  But in the way of falling away from any sense of a larger Reality than this one,  it’s hard to imagine that it could be any more comprehensive.  There isn’t an area of life that isn’t permeated with a sense of, in a word, rebellion.  Rebellion, against all of ‘the old,’ and a belief in ‘a new’.  But ‘a new’ - right now; in The Process - of the likes of totalitarian Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.  

The negative side of the likes of the story above.

I’d like us to stop and think for a moment.  What If…

What If the world were suddenly hydrated with a huge amount of money for everybody on the planet.  What do you think would happen to our attitudes towards each other?  If we all had a lot of money, we would’’t need to look on each other as a competitor for scarce goods and services.  There would be enough for everybody, and available to everybody, in a ‘state’ - physically and mentally - of Abundance.  Now, you are undoubtedly thinking, ‘Right - the old utopian idea of the socialists’.  But that’s not what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about the feeling that lies behind ‘the old utopian idea of socialism’.  The feeling, of all of us, in this, together.

‘In this’: Life.

Physical life.

Why wouldn’t we treat each other kindly, and even with a sense of joy?? 

The joy

of the Reality.

Behind the Play that we are in. 

As in a classroom.  For learning lessons. 

But let’s say that it was time to graduate from this class.  And even, now, from elementary school itself.

Remember the feeling?  Graduating from elementary school - and ready for what was called Junior High School in my day and is called Middle School in this day??  Being one of the bigger kids, now??? 

That’s a fair description of where we are at, now.  As Humans.  In

the Play.

Just think about that feeling.  Of being ‘one of the bigger kids now’.  

And with the same innate joy of the young boy who could look on a roomful of shit, and see

the gift of

a pony.

Monday, 20 May 2019

In Pursuit Of Truth

Yesterday I mentioned how I considered autism, e.g., a crime against humanity.  Here's an example of such criminals:

From Golden Age of Gaia:

Bayer Discovers “Black Ops” Division Run by Monsanto, Shuts It Down

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Bayer discovers “black ops” division run by Monsanto, shuts it down, initiates internal investigation as law enforcement prepares criminal charges against the chemical giant
Mike Adams, Natural News, May 15, 2019
(Natural News) For over a decade, Monsanto has been engaged in building and maintaining “hit lists” of journalists, lawmakers and regulators to be taken out if they opposed the evil agenda of GMOs and toxic glyphosate weed killer chemicals that now inundate the world food supply. Any influential person who opposed the Monsanto agenda was subjected to one or more of the following:
  • Attempted bribery
  • Death threats and intimidation
  • Character assassination through well-funded “negative P.R.” campaigns
  • Defamation via coordinated Wikipedia attacks, run by Monsanto operatives
  • Career destruction, such as getting scientists blacklisted from science journals
  • Being doxxed, having their home addresses publicized and their families and co-workers threatened
In other words, Monsanto has been running a “black ops” division for over ten years, spending perhaps $100 million or more on efforts to silence, destroy or assassinate anyone who interfered with the agricultural giant’s market dominance.
Now, the criminal mafia activity that Monsanto has carried out for years is finally being exposed as law enforcement closes in on the crimes of this evil agricultural giant now owned by Bayer, a corporation that appears to be making an effort to “clean house” and end the Monsanto crimes that targeted journalists, lawmakers and regulators with intimidation and bribery campaigns.
Law enforcement preparing criminal charges against Monsanto division operatives
“French prosecutors said on Friday they had opened an inquiry after newspaper Le Monde filed a complaint alleging that Monsanto – acquired by Bayer for $63 billion last year – had kept a file of 200 names, including journalists and lawmakers in hopes of influencing positions on pesticides,” reports Reuters.
This “hit list” of journalists and lawmakers was directly translated into action to intimidate, threaten or bribe these individuals, just as happens in the United States. In fact, a Monsanto spokesperson now confirms the Monsanto mafia used the list to take out anyone standing in the way of the Monsanto agenda. “There have been a number of cases where – as they would say in football – not the ball was played but the man, or woman, was tackled,” admitted Matthias Berninger to Reuters. Berninger is the “head of public affairs and sustainability” of Monsanto.
Further into the statement, Berninger admits Monsanto collected “non-publicly available data about individuals” and then issued an apology from Bayer for the activity. “Following an initial review, we understand that this initiative has raised concerns and criticism,” said Bayer in a May 12th public statement. “This is not the way Bayer seeks dialogue with society and stakeholders. We apologize for this behavior.”
What Natural News can reveal is that Monsanto hired black ops teams and private investigators to dig up the personal locations of individuals and their families, then engaged in activities to threaten and intimidate those individuals while publicly smearing them online through coordinated, well-funded character assassination campaigns.
This author believes that, over the last decade, I have been personally hunted by Monsanto-funded black ops teams who intended to destroy my credibility and physically harm my person in order to silence my public criticism of Monsanto and end the publishing of MonsantoMafia.comGMO.newsGlyphosate.newsand the dozens of other websites that Monsanto did not want to see published.
See my full video here, which explains more:
Health Ranger: I am willing to share details with Bayer’s investigation team in exchange for a public apology and a retraction of the smears
I am willing to consider the possibility that Bayer is genuine in its attempts to clean up the “Monsanto mafia” mess that it has inherited. It is possible that the culture of Bayer is not nearly as evil and corrupt as the culture of Monsanto, which is why I am willing to sit down with Bayer’s internal investigators and privately detail the illegal tactics that have been used against myself and others who spoke out against the multiple criminal activities carried out by Monsanto’s “black ops” teams.
I will do this in exchange for a public apology from Bayer that specifically names myself, the Food Babe, Jeffrey Smith and other individuals in the independent media (there are about twenty) who have been specifically targeted, smeared and threatened by Monsanto operatives over the years. Bayer may contact my legal team for more details of what we are requesting.
This is a rare opportunity for Bayer to hear directly from the victims of the Monsanto “black ops” division that Bayer likely was not aware it was acquiring when it purchased Monsanto, since the entire division operated in secret and relied on internal corporate money laundering to obfuscate its operations.
Bayer’s attorneys may reach out to Natural News through our public contact page. Our attorneys are also making contact with Bayer’s legal team to initiate discussions.
Bayer says it will support criminal indictments of Monsanto operatives
If you read the Bayer announcement that went public on May 12, you’ll find that Bayer is openly supporting the criminal indictment of Monsanto operatives who ran its black ops division. “Bayer will fully support the public prosecutor’s office in France in its investigation,” says the statement.
That same statement also explains:
As an immediate measure, we have decided to suspend our cooperation with the involved external service providers for the time being. The responsible Monsanto manager left the company shortly after the acquisition.
The “external service providers” were, Natural News has learned:
  • Negative P.R. firms hired to engage in online character assassination.
  • Rogue private investigators tasked with geo-locating targeted individuals.
  • “Wet work” intimidation / assassination teams that were directed to threaten violence and / or carry out direct violence against “enemies” of Monsanto, including the targeting of innocent family members.
Bayer goes on to explain, “We are also currently investigating further appropriate consequences both internally and with regard to external parties. Bayer stands for openness and fair dealings with all interest groups. We do not tolerate unethical behavior in our company.”
If true, this would stand in great contrast to Monsanto itself, which was run like a criminal mafia organization, complete with “hit men” and terror campaigns that focused on critics of the biotech company.
Perhaps Bayer is hoping to clean up the Monsanto nightmare and initiate a new era of operations where public debate replaces the intimidation, threats and murder campaigns run by former Monsanto operatives. As someone who has been routinely targeted, threatened and smeared by Monsanto, I am willing to entertain the possibility that Bayer is looking to right past wrongs. Even though I may never agree with the widespread use of herbicides and pharmaceuticals across society, I don’t go out of my way to criticize corporations unless they are engaged in acts of extreme evil.
McDonald’s for example, sells all sorts of garbage food products that are unhealthy for society, but McDonald’s doesn’t hire hit teams to hunt down and try to assassinate critics, for example. McDonald’s just runs ads and tries to get the public to focus on social happiness instead of the chemical pesticides found in their products.
And for the most part, it works. Nobody goes to McDonald’s expecting an all-organic diet in the first place. McDonald’s is a “voluntary compromise” where a consumer is obtaining convenience and low cost in exchange for surrendering a bit of their own long-term health. But no one from McDonald’s puts a gun to their head and demands, “EAT HERE OR DIE MUTHA F##KA,” which is essentially the way Monsanto was run for over a decade.
Investigating “the project Monsanto commissioned”
Finally, I want to draw your attention to one more line in the Bayer press release. It refers to “the project Monsanto commissioned” and promises to “evaluate the allegations.”
I can report to you that this “project” is the black ops unit of Monsanto. It was commissioned by angry, evil Monsanto managers whose personal hatred and violence is only exceeded by the violence of the Monsanto corporation itself, which unleashed Agent Orange on the world, along with a long list of other deadly chemicals that were used against innocent civilians as weapons of war.
Monsanto was run by some of the most evil, criminal-minded people in the history of the world. These people, I believe, are directly responsible for acts of extreme violence — both online and offline — that specifically targeted Monsanto critics like myself. They belong behind bars, and it looks like Bayer may actually be willing to help put them there.
It’s time for Bayer to close the chapter on this Monsanto era of disinformation, destruction and death. Otherwise, the anger against Monsanto that is well deserved and widely publicized across the activist community will continue to reflect on Bayer and its share price. Monsanto has committed acts of tremendous evil against innocent, well-meaning individuals who only advocated a cleaner food supply and honest labeling. If Bayer does not open a dialogue with these activists and help resolve some of these issues, Bayer will continue to pay the price for crimes that it inherited through its acquisition of Monsanto, which has already proved disastrous from a financial point of view.
I believe the only way Bayer can resolve this is to talk to those of us who suffered through these malicious attacks and still somehow made it out alive. Bayer needs to publicly apologize, set the record straight, admit the crimes of the Monsanto black ops managers, and retract all the smear articles and Wikipedia entries it funded.
It’s time for Bayer to come clean.


GAoG also carried on the same release (Sunday) an article about a film on GMOs entitled 'Secret Ingredients,' by Jeffrey Smith.  Harrowing stuff.  Again, on how so many of our chronic diseases and behavioral/neurological problems are traceable back to environmental conditions, like GMOs, and Monsanto's glyphosate/RoundUp Ready.  Do your homework.  And become part of the solution.  No longer part of the problem.

The latter, as a practitioner of consumer apathy.