..Lest We Forget
A Lot Of Things
I Wonder
I wonder if birds
Enjoy the view, or
Just take it
For granted
In their world
Of perspective,
For food
as we do
for the soul.
…as to
Our Mission Here
I know of no higher calling
Than that of the raising
Of the children
Of the next generation.
Be about it
With appreciation
For your efforts
In that direction.
And no sooner had I jotted these thoughts down, on a bench overlooking the ocean, on a sunny day, on this Memorial Day, with seagulls and other birds flying their patrol, with families about, and a bevy of us earthbound birds engaging in a yoga class on the grass of the bluff above the beach, when I opened the book I had brought to read in, and continued, at this point:
“Remember that you have not lost who you are; you have not separated yourself from who you are as an angelic being - not totally. You have not severed each connection. You are not less than you ever were - you just believe that you are. Remember that that creative ability, in line with God-creative ability, that you used for aeons before you fell into the trap of the Fall is still yours. It is yours because at core you have not changed. It is only the outer layers of your vibration that have changed. It is your perception that has become narrow and a straight-ahead rather than a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view of things.”
Wow. Talk about synchronicity…
This, from the book 'The Fall (You were there. It’s Why You’e Here)’, a communication from a discarnate being called Joseph. The chapter is titled ‘Remember Who You Are’. He goes on:*
“You are a fragment of a greater angelic being - that is all you have ever been.”
It is just for us to Remember…
A word at this point. I see life as an opportunity - a classroom. Joseph sees life as a mistake - the Fall being, in his take on things, a literal thing. From his higher perspective than mine currently, he’s probably
more right.
In either event: We are facing
an Ascension.
For those who are ready to leave The Play behind. And get involved in
the Real Thing.
As to that:
You need to leave your identity with your body behind. You have a body; but you are not your body. You are, as Joseph says, “at core” an angelic being, experiencing life in a 3D simulation, a realm of Duality. And, only one bite at the apple? I don’t think so. That’s what the Wheel of Karma is all about. To ‘grind out’ disharmony. Is for us incarnates to experience the consequences of our actions. And set things to rights. And then to move on. And off that Wheel. To
the heights. Ultimately, of
The All That Is.
As Joseph goes on to say in this chapter (and the note to wend my way on, back home at the end of the day, in this warm but ultimately unsatisfying sun):
“I am trying to put into words the need to dispense with the view of your physical life as being all there has been of you. You are so much greater than that; you are so much nobler than that, and the tiny personality that you set such store in is confining and imiting you (according to the desires of the Field) [associated with the Fall] as to the great task ahead of you, if you wish to negate the effects of the Fall on yourself and on your brothers and sisters around the world. In other words, in order to be the most effective being you can be in the fight to convert the illusion that you find yourself and your brothers and sisters trapped in, and, in order to be the most potent weapon for good you can be, you have to access your angelic memories and not your physical ones.’
Happy re-membering.
* Joseph comes through a trance transmitter named Michel G. Reccia; who has transmitted five very interesting books in a series called The Joseph Communications. This one came through in 2012. His most recent book, ‘From Here To Infinity,’ came through in 2015.
And when I say ‘came through,’ it happens in a small group setting, with the others asking questions at the end of each communication, also transcribed into the books.
"Live your light fearlessly." - Matthew Ward
As for the last stages of The Play:
from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘If We Outnumber the Globalists Then Why are We Losing?’ - Dave Hodges - May 27
(Hodges emphasizes points of action that Pres.Trump could and should be taking along the southern border- and underneath it - to interdict the invasion coming from there. He quotes informed sourced who say that we have been invaded by 10 million IAs since October - !)
Stan Stanfield - May 28 (just)
Keep pounding away, Dave. If Pres. Trump doesn’t hear ‘noise’ from the informed, he stands too much of a chance of listening to his circle of advisors - who can’t be trusted. Things are too serious to be left up to chance. Rest in the knowledge that you did all that you could, when you could.
"Live your light fearlessly." - Matthew Ward
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