Some people have been talking a lot recently, in indignation, about their ‘First Amendment rights,’ and/or their ‘Second Amendment rights’. Let’s take a look at all this.
The American form of government is a federal one, wherein and whereby the federal government is one of enumerated powers, limited and delegated - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man called, with good reason, the Father of the Constitution, James Madison. (The Federalist Papers, see esp. Nos. 14, 39 and 45.) All the rest are retained in and by the States, and with that understanding as reinforced by the 9th and 10th Amendments.(1) We have First and Second Amendment rights, as codified in the Bill of Rights, against incursion by the federal government, and as retained by ‘the people’ via their state constitutions. One could reasonably conclude that such rights as codified in the First and Second Amendments signal a basic support of them in the American experience, and experiment in government of, by and for the people. But they still have to be secured via their state constitutions, as a rule of law. Otherwise it is only a presumption. Not a fact.
The argument has been made that the provisions of the Bill of Rights were turned around wholesale by the 14th Amendment to apply en masse from the federal government to the states (and thus the idea of ‘our First Amendment rights’ and/or ‘our Second Amendment rights’). But that is only an argument. (Called the ‘incorporation doctrine’.) And I would say, here, a false one. In no way either does the 14th Amendment, or did its authors, say or intend in effect ‘that the terms of the Bill of Rights shall now apply from the federal government to the states”.(2) That is a notion that has been put forth, for many years, by shyster lawyers and judges, who have been and are attempting to make of this country’s form of government a centralized/national one, rather than a federal one. The easier to take us over with, my dears. From the center. Instead of having to do it piecemeal, through the individual states.
And since Pres. Trump unexpectedly took the presidential office - defying even the fraud employed by the Dems, in massive voter fraud operations - and is returning this nation to some semblance of its true status, he is raining on the parade of the New World crowd into their desired totalitarian central government, and so those creatures are beginning to revert back to the federal form, and attempting to take it down piecemeal, via the individual states. In such measures being employed in our day as mandatory vaccinations, and the forcing of LGBTQ+ ‘rights’ on the populace, and such.
And new t get to that latter point, specifically. Which is what inspired me to address this whole issue. When I read as to how, in many states, biological females are being forced to compete, in such sports as track and field, with biological males, who merely claim that they ‘feel’ like a female. And thereby, with such ingenious ploys, are the enemies of this nation still attempting to hijack it, now piecemeal, Or bring it down in a general state of civil war.(3)
All, to accomplish their desired end. Of it. And the substitution, on its ruins, of their vaunted NWO. Run by them. The minions of the Dark.
I wilt not go here into the specifics of this particular issue, of the skewing of the brains of our children that has been going on for a very long time - and too long a time, of whatever length. That is for another time, for more detailed addressing. Here, I just want to use it as an example of ‘the state of the nation’. Of how it has been attacked from within.(4) And though the federal form of government on which it was founded made much sense at the time - in the checks and balances of such a form, necessary when ‘men are not angels’ - it will no longer suffice. To get the job done.
The higher ‘job’.
Of bringing about the kingdom of heaven on Earth.
Which will have all corruption wrung out of it.
And when I say all
I mean
To be purely of
the Light.
The day of the Dark side
no more.
Its ‘job’ - as it were -
At long last.
That we can get truly
on with it.
Our progress on
The Royal Way.
The Play over. Time for
the Real Thing.
As we also head out to the stars.
And beyond.
Into other dimensions as well. In our
Graduation time.
Those of us, that is to say, who make
the Grade.
(1) 9th Amendment “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
10th Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
(2) The 14th Amendment says only: “…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” (emphasis mine) This is only about making the blacks equal before the law; that the law must be color blind, must apply to all citizens equally, now including the former black slaves. Period.
This is as big an issue as that other part of this amendment, involving citizenship - where the 14th says that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States…” (again, my emphasis) People in this country illegally, or on diplomatic mission, or just visiting, are ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of their home countries. Not of the U.S. in this understanding of the term. There is no such thing as ‘anchor babies’. And I trust that Pres. Trump will soon move to clarify that, either via recourse to the U.S. Supreme Court to do so, or via an Executive Order.
And if he won’t, I will. Under a declaration of martial law. Which this country sorely needs, to put these issues, and other such governance issues, to rights.
But to continue.
(3) And with the Dems pushing such 'Equality' legislation on the federal level as well. All of which I find reprehensible.
They may think that they are females. But they have the body mass and strength of the biological males that they are. Grrrrrrrrr..................................
(3) And with the Dems pushing such 'Equality' legislation on the federal level as well. All of which I find reprehensible.
They may think that they are females. But they have the body mass and strength of the biological males that they are. Grrrrrrrrr..................................
(4) And from without, via a pincers movement, occasioned by the infiltration into this country of terrorists, and others out to do us harm. As the NWO crowd in effect took it as a big challenge to bring this country down, from the mental state that it was impregnable, could only be brought down from within.
Hey - not when you’ve got real termites at work on the job.
The same termites that took down Russia, in the Bolshevik Revolution pf 1917. And which subverted the nations of Eastern Europe, and Poland, and so forth.
But to continue.
Just not on that Way.
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