Wednesday, 1 May 2019

On Rounding The Final Turn

As things heat up to Completion Point - to say as well: As our Erstwhile Masters throw everything at us in an attempt to keep their control over us, including their weaponized vaccinations* -  it will pay for us to keep reminding ourselves, and our families and friends, of our essential Selves, beyond The Play.

For you see, once we really get that We Are One Another, via the Process of reincarnation, and more clearly that We Are All One, via our essential/intrinsic natures, as fractals - individualized identities - of The All That Is, we can begin to see the future more visibly.  And closer.  Just around the Final Turn.  And start out on a more equal footing reflecting this truth, via what is called the Global Currency Reset (GCR), and Revaluation (RV/Reval).

The Day of fiat and interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking being over.  As part of the illusory realm that we were trapped in for so long.  Massive amounts of gold now to be put to use to back the new currency, and monetary system.  As a Debt Jubilee is declared, and we start from a Year One.  Only under spiritual principles.  Of what could be called communitarianism.  Not the atheistic communism, wherein everyone is equal, and some are more equal than others.  Those being the members of the Party who are running the operation.  As Masters Over.  In a belief system of Power Over Others.  Or POO for short. 

But back to the monetary system; to run, until we get the hang of the likes of replicators, and teleportation, and such technology, for aspiring gods, having learned important lessons along The Way.  

We still need to function within somewhat of an economic system.  Which the impulses to a Universal Basic Income (UBI) have been all about, in anticipation of a time when automation will take over many of our current jobs.  Without the consciousness of our spiritual natures, such an idea will never work, for long.  We have been secularized for so long, in not believing in anything beyond ourselves, that such an idea may take a while still to get off the ground, and run well.  But it will, ultimately.  Because

We’re there.

Or at least, can see it, from where we are.                 

Just waiting for us.

To get it.


The key.

* Antidotes: Vitamin A for measles, and colloidal silver and massive doses of vitamin C for other viruses that they are throwing at us.  All, for People Control. 
   Their Day being almost over, now.  Just a little further.........

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