Sunday, 5 May 2019

The River Of Life

I see that some students at their high school, named after the Father of this country, in the state of Washington (now, I wonder where that name came from), have agitated for the removal of a mural there depicting an event in the founding of this country, because why?  Because said person was a slaveholder.

Ah yes: the Founders of this country.  Men of their times.  Indeed.  But also, men for all times.  Larger than just their times.  And legitimately to be judged on their full merits and demerits; the latter mostly as perceived from our times.  

And so, you modern-day Americans, you are engaged in the trashing of the memory of the key Founder of this country.  And so in trashing the memory of that Founder, and by legitimate extension the other Founders of this country, you are as well trashing their legacy.  What they set in motion, by their sacrifices.  Which means that you are trashing this country - more specifically, this country at its finest.  

It may have moments when it needs to be corrected - as it has; when it has been taken over by bad spirits.  But the essence of this country is a gift to this planet; and peoples from all over the world have been drawn here over the past few centuries because of that essence.  Which is, in a word: Liberty.  Freedom from the heavy hand of the oppressive state, be that simply tyrannical or ideological or religious, or from whatever intent.  

So, you students, seduced by the sinister murmurings of those who are attempting to bring this country down, and under their thumb, are demonstrating, in your act of ‘deconstruction,’ that you don’t believe in the mission of this country, as a beacon of Light to the world.  And thus, that you don’t love this country, and what it stands for.  So: leave it.  Try your luck - your good fortune to be here - elsewhere.  Find a country more suitable to your satisfaction.  But leave the Founders of this country - and especially its Father - alone.  If you find them distasteful to you, find some other country to live in - to attempt to live your life in, that is not as distasteful to you as this one.  Leave, not just the state of Washington that you are not being forced to live in.  But this country.

Now.  I suspect that there is more to this business than just what I have addressed herein.  Than ‘meets the eye’.  I suspect that those students - and I am presuming that they were mostly blacks -have fallen under the spell of the black professional victims who are attempting to extort ‘reparations’ out of the American people.  For past ‘injustices’ to blacks.  That the white Americans of this day and age are supposed to feel - be made - guilty for the perceived sins of their forebears in this country, for (the widespread practice in those, and earlier, days of) slavery.  Ah, but wait: There were white slaves too in the early days, of the American colonies.  Where would such a mentality, of ‘reparations,’ end???

I will tell you:

Here.  And now.

That it’s time to move on.  In the light of this New Day.  For all of humanity.  In the New World, just about to break through such limitations.  Into a new time and place.  

Building on the best of the old.  And opening to the brightest of the new.  In the Light of our Creator Source.  Having made it - this far - through the testing waters of 

the River of Life.

Wherein we have all - all - played various parts.  Over time.  Leading to

the here and 


And with the United States of America as the flagship of the fleet of nation-states sailing these new waters.

A nation that we should all be proud of.  And to be a part of.  At its finest.  But -

hey -

your choice.

And you need to make it, like,



P.S. For the record; as to Where I Stand:
     If Black Studies were primarily about telling the story of blacks in America, honestly, and extolling their subsequent achievements, that would be one thing, and desirable, as history, and as part of a legitimate Black Pride agenda.  But they seem to have been turned, by ideologues, into merely clubs to beat the whites in the country over the head with; as part of the Marxist attempts to take over this country, and merge it into their totalitarian New World Order, generating ‘class warfare’ as part of the process and to that end.
     No thanks.
     And that goes for Women’s Studies, too,  It seems to be all about - really - demonizing ‘white male supremacists,’ to and for the same end.
     No thanks.  I don’t buy it.  It’s pure Marxist tomfoolery.
     Get a life, people.  We're all in this

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