Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Laidback And Screwed

The power of the mainstream media is directly proportionate to the gullibility of the public.


During the mid-‘90s, when I was living in Australia, in a leafy and waterfront suburb of Sydney, in semi-retirement, I was in the waiting room of a chiropractor one day where I came across a copy of a book with the intriguing title of ‘Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: The American Assault On the American Brain’.  Whoa! I thought; what’s this??  I was to find out, and then from my own purchased copy of the book.  Written by a ‘medical historian’ Ph.D. by the name of Harris L. Coulter, it was the eye- and mind-opening story of the history of vaccination, including the early signs of its involvement with what has come to be known as ASD, for Autism Spectrum Disorder; part of a wider spectrum of what can be called subclinical encephalitis: brain damage conditions, like ADD and ADHD, and LD (for Learning Disorder), and PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder) and PDD-NOS (PDD Not Otherwise Specified).  All, ways of saying brain damage without having to admit to it.  Vaccinations being known, and medically accepted, as the cause of what is called vaccinal encephalitis (‘one in a million’).  But not admitted to for its subclinical aspects of the same thing:

Brain damage.

This eyeopener led me to further research into the matter, ultimately to purchasing and devouring nearly a dozen books (and a few videos) on the subject of vaccinations and the largely-unreported downsides thereof.  (Which downsides include the likes of arthritis/arthralgia, autoimmune diseases/disorders of all kinds, including lupus,(1) Crohn's disease & gut damage in general, diabetes, epilepsy/seizures, meningitis, SIDS//SUID(2) - the list goes on.)  It was to the Aussies’ credit that three or four of those books were by Aussie researchers into the appalling and ugly matter, and that there were some public meetings to address the issue.  It was to their discredit that they largely relied on their mainstream media to give them their information regarding what was going on in their national life, and life on the planet in general. 

A not-so-incidental comment here:

After informing myself quite well on the subject, ‘circumstances’ would have it that a major push for vaccination began to surface in the country, and the likes of the Sydney Morning Herald was not informing the public of the full range of comment on the issue; to the point where I took them to the Press Council, for failing to do so.  The Press Council is supposed to be a watchdog on the industry.  Not for the industry.  In any event, I submitted to the Council, in support of my complaint, a lengthy list of articles on the subject that they had printed, and Letters to the Editor - all highly in favor of the moves towards, ultimately, mandatory vaccination of the public.  Their response was to file two examples of how they felt that they had been fair.  One was a cartoon by their house cartoonist on the subject.  (Which I had already acknowledged, in my presentation; as the sole example in their pages of a dissenting voice to what was in effect The Agenda.)   And the other was a letter to them by Dr. Coulter himself, who had responded to another Sydney resident’s concerned comment on the subject (unbeknownst to me), in lieu of his not being able to come out to Australia in person, in which he succinctly made his case.  And which the SMH had never printed in their paper.  So it was nothing but evidence of their collusion in the matter.   Collusion with TPTB.  Our erstwhile masters. 

The Press Council ruled in their favor, against my complaint.

There is something to be said for the Aussie laid-back lifestyle and attitude.

And something against it.

But to move on, in this particular blog.(3)  I will round out my comment on this subject - of the use of vaccinations as a weapon of People Control (laced, as some of them are, not just with such people-control substances as anti-fertility agents; but outright killer cells) - by mentioning an example, some years later than my encounter Down Under with the Dark side, in the UK, where I was then living.  It had to do with a gastroenterologist by the name of Dr. Andrew Wakefield.  Briefly:

Dr. Wakefield was part of a team of gastroenterologists who suspected, from the reports of parents, that the MMR ‘jab’ (as they are called in the UK) was at the least associated with the gut damage of the children who were appearing before them for treatment. They ran a study on this, and reported the results of their study in a medical journal.  Because Dr. Wakefield continued with the investigation into the matter, he ended up losing his license to practice medicine in the UK, and had to move - somewhat ironically - to the U.S. to continue his research into the matter, and alerting of the public to his findings.  All of this, because he just didn’t know what he was up against.  In short: The defense of a mother of her child(ren) is as nothing compared to the wrath of those who are imbued with both power and the love of it.

I bought Dr. Wakefield’s book on his experiences - titled ‘Callous Disregard,’ subtitled ‘Autism And Vaccines - The Truth Behind A Tragedy’ - while still living in the UK, and brought it with me when I retired back to my home town here in CA in 2012.  In glancing through it today, from this subject having come back to the front of my attention via the cover story in the current issue of The New American, and the reports of measles outbreaks around the country that occasioned that report and the draconian responses, in both state governments and the federal government, that have come about in the wake of those outbreaks, I came across a copy of a comment that I made to a vaccine info site back in early 2011.  It pretty much sums up the whole story:

“…I think what we have here is a classic case of selective sight.  Deer [Brian, a reporter for the London Sunday Times; Wakefield’s particular nemesis] sees what he wants to see, to prove his pre-selected conclusion: that Wakefield is a fraud because he had a vested interest in making a case for the lack of safety of the MMR because he wanted to push a monovalent vaccine that he was involved in.  [Subsequent to his/their findings, and feeling that the trivalent vaccine was too dangerous, and figured that a single jab for just the measles would have better/safer outcomes.]  I can make the same sort of case against Deer: that he is a fraud because he has a vested interest in both taking down Wakefield and making a case for the safety of the MMR because his employer, the owner of the Sunday Times, is James Murdoch, who sits on the board of GSK, the company now responsible for the MMR vaccine in the UK;[4] which company struck a deal with the government to make the drug company immune from liability for damage from its product.  This is called a sweetheart deal; and Deer is the sweetheart that makes it stick in the public’s mind.

“So we have two conflicting stories.  Which is the truth, or at least, the more true.  Only a thorough investigation can uncover that answer.  Deer challenges Wakefield to fight him in a UK court, with its strong libel laws; but he also knows, cynically, that such an avenue is terrible costly - and, since the government is involved in this matter, that it would pull all the strings it could to affect an ‘appropriate’ outcome.  (Just as the MMR litigation families were denied justice when their legal aid was withdrawn - by a judge who also had a conflict of interest in this matter.  What a murky web has been woven.)  So there we are; the outcome being fought in the court of public opinion.

“Not a fair deal.  Not a scientific one.  Wakefield deserves a chance to clear his name.  At least he has been able to find a publisher for his side of the story.  Everybody interested in justice being served should buy his book.  And write letters.  And never give up.  Too much is at stake here.  In this matter of the case of the People versus the Establishment.  For it is all of our’s battle, against power.”         

All of this shows two things.

1) The power of money - and specifically the love of money - to control out lives.(5)  And

2) The love of some to have Power Over Others.  POO for short, as I call it.

I urge more of the public to wake up, to how they are being had, by people with a vested interest.  And not just out of greed.  But out of a desire for total control.  Over ‘the Other’.

P.S. What would I do about (for example) measles??
     Its history is that its incidence - of both morbidity and mortality - was going down well before the advent of the vaccine tor it.  Due to such environmental conditions as better nutrition and hygiene, and cleaner water.  With ‘nutrition’ a particularly key component of the answer.  Vitamin A/cod liver oil being the precise antidote to measles; which application is both preventive and palliative.  
     Hey - mothers used to know these things; and would, e.g., have ‘measles parties,’ where a neighborhood child having come down with it and in bed for its duration would occasion them to bring their kids to play with him/her, in the hopes for their child to get over this rite of passage.  Measles, besides conferring lifelong immunity (which a female can then pass on to her offspring, and thus protect them until their own immune systems can begin to kick in and take over.  The same, e.g., with pertussis), appears to have a maturing role in general, both of the immune system - in generating protection from other viruses/bacteria - and in skeletal development.  
     And there are natural treatments/palliatives for all of the childhood diseases: large doses of vitamin C even for polio; colloidal silver for the DPT triad; the list goes on.  Conferring both prevention and SAFE treatment.
     Hint.  Hint.  



(1) Vaccines have in them such ingredients as mercury, aluminum, casein (dairy product), gluten (wheat product), peanut oil and other oils, MSG/glutamic acid, and - what??! - aborted fetal tissue.  Which, in the triggering context of a vaccine, would tend to cause an immune reaction to one’s own human tissues
   What could go wrong???

(2) These 'crib' conditions can also be from toxic gases outgassing from crib mattresses, esp. used ones (the uric acid from previous use breaking down the material).  But, as Aussie Doctor Archie Kalokerinos has amply demonstrated, the conditions were particularly present in Aboriginal children with low vitamin C levels, as a form of scurvy.  The stress of the infant vaccines on their systems using up their meager supplies of vitamin C, and causing their hearts simply to stop beating - precisely as in scurvy.    

(3) But not before noting herein that Australia has been a bellwether for agendas that have then struck Up Over, in the likes of gun control (the public there had their weapons of self-defense taken away from them via the same sort of mass-shooting event that has subsequently been orchestrated in the UK - and successfully there, too - and then in the U.S., where that desired outcome is still pending), and then the push for mandatory vaccination.  And fluoridation of their populace as well (even in the face of some determined freedom fighters on that subject in that country).     

(4) I may have the precise initials/name of the company at the time wrong here.  But the effect is the same: A terrible, and telling, conflict of interest.

(5) But the profit motive itself is involved.  More on that, another time.  Just to say, here:
   Big Pharma itself is not the only problem to be dealt with, here.
   It's a systemic one.

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