Friday, 10 May 2019

Signs Of The Times

On Setting Things To Rights

To go along with the note that I ended my last blog on, in balancing out Love with Light.  Which can be fierce:

1) (A friend from my days in the spiritual community called the Findhorn Foundation, who is still in touch with some of them on an email List,* and who has done some homework on the subject of vaccines and is aware of their increasingly mandatory application in this country, and knowing my stance on both subjects, sent me some material giving the other side of the vaccine ‘hysteria’ going on. My response:)

Good material.  And check the latest issue of The New American magazine online.  It has a cover story on this very subject.  An excellent read.  And if any on the List ask you what you would do, please emphasize how vitamin A is the classic antidote to measles. Those of us of a certain age got that from our parents in the form of cod liver oil.  Foul tasting stuff.  Fortunately, we have vitamin supplements in our day.  That is how we should be dealing with such as measles.  Not with terribly UNSAFE vaccines.  (Aborted fetal tissue?  That is the very definition of an autoimmune disease.  Grrrrrrrrrr.....................)



* I dropped off of it very quickly, upon my return to the States in early 2012, because none of them - even them - wanted to hear the truth about BHO’s ineligibility for the job; and when I also then tried to alert them to the truth about 9/11…
   ’Tis a worry when even supposed ‘spiritual’ people have been brainwashed into sheeple.  

2) from ‘Kamala Harris Tells Social Media to Stifle Conservatives Or Else’ - Dave Hodges - May 9
(Sen. Harris has told social media outlets to ‘control conservatives or face consequences’.  The excuse being used by these totalitarians is to label conservative thought ‘hate speech’.  Hey - they ain’t seen nothin’ yet.) 

Stan Stanfield Fri, 05/10/2019 - 00:04
Dave, your viewers/listeners need to know that besides all the other factors in Kamala Harris's background that hurt her run for the office of POTUS, there is the fundamental fact that it would appear that her parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of her birth, and therefore she would not even be eligible for the job. The classic definition of a 'natural born' citizen is a person, quote, "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof. This is from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-building subjects, Emer de Vattell's 'The Law of Nations'. (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.) This whole subject needs to be addressed - and soon, before we go further into error on the subject.  

I am increasingly short-fused on so much of what is going down these days, in the form of the last gasp of the Dark side to exert control over The People.+  My patience - never my strong suit - is wearing exceedingly thin.  I understand the whole ‘free will’ thing.  But when our free speech itself is being fundamentally attacked, and in danger of disappearing into the maw of The Beast, and said Beast then being allowed to run rampant and and get away with it, I will not stand still much longer.  I have a hard time existing in the Dark at the best of times.  It is getting way too dark here, now.  

Time for the 7th Cavalry to start setting things to rights.  In a big way.


+ Another case in point: a Fifth Column in this country; just waiting for their Der Tag signal.  Gun-free zones will be the first to go under the hammer (if/when Trump is nearly simultaneously eliminated from the picture).  And we will have been conditioned to the subsequent declaration of martial law and confiscation of the people’s guns by the current waters-testing of many of the states’ demanding mandatory vaccination of the people in their states.
   If you accede to that statist demand, you will accede to the one following it.  It’s a Fabian, step-by-step approach, to Total People Control.  By the Bolsheviks of our time.  Preparing for their Tet Offensive, leading to a Red Dawn-like invasion, of forces that have been quietly put in place.  While America Slept.

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