Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Suffer, The Little Children

First, a note: Many years ago - in the late '50s thru the '60s and on into the very early ’70s, to my knowledge - conservative groups kept a close eye on our public education, with communist subversion a known commodity.  The Watchmen - who turned out to be, in practice, primarily females - seem to have retired.  And with few females to replace them at the watchtowers, for being in employment, apparently (another story.  And part of this one), few conservatives seem be on the watch these days.  More than a pity.  For one example:  

from ’The Weaponizing of Education: Transforming Your Children Into Immoral and Ignorant Globalists’ - Dave Hodges - May 27
(Hodges covers the threats to this country from both without and within it.  In this blog he took on Common Core, enacted under the Marxist Obama (and a double threat to our culture, for being as well a Muslim, at heart; his time in a Christian church being merely a political cover, with the ’tactical’ morals of both a Marxist and a Muslim), which, contrary to misleading comments about it, is not “dead and buried” in the country.  An aspect of it:)

"Destroying the Culture By Eviscerating the Morals of Children

“Did you know that pedophilia is a sexual orientation? At least that is what government-based school officials in California believe and they are forcing this abomination, or should I say Obamanation, down the throats of our youngest and most impressionable people.

“This perversion of becoming the mainstream belief in many school districts as evidenced by what is going on in the Brea Olinda School District (BOUSD). Amazingly, district officials are not even trying to hide this outrage. At a parent-orientation meeting earlier this year, the BOUSD , stated that teaching pedophilia as a sexual orientation is “no big deal”. At least that is what Assistant Superintendent of Curricula Kerrie Torres stated in a very matter-of-fact manner, where in effect, this District, like so many others, are stating that sex between a boy and a man is indeed nothing but an expression of a sexual orientation. [Note: That is a specific form of pedophilia - meaning sex with children - called pederasty.]  To make it clear, the leading officials in the BOUSD have made it clear that they are ignoring the rape laws I [sic] every state and declaring this inhumane act as a sexual orientation.

“This represents the undermining of the American culture. This is the kind of propaganda that will open the door to more extremist positions that children are being forced to accept.

“Yet, there is another example how children's moral fiber is being threatened.

“Pretending to be teaching “media literacy” and other educational topics, there is a disguised and a new web series called the “Radical Cram School”  that is indoctrinating young Asian girls and other “people of color” into becoming radical feminists, socialists, racists, revolutionaries, anti-American zealots, and full-blown social-justice warriors." This program also promotes gender confusion and “The Resistance” against President Trump. The intent is omnipresent. Trump is associated with populism and patriotism. The globalists seek to destroy these concepts and by linking these ideas to repugnant and false charges of racism and sexism, populism and patriotism is radicalized in children's minds. In one episode on “vocabulary” the creator of the program introduces the girls to something called “gender non-binary” and “gender fluid.” This concept, one of the young girls says, means  that a child can choose to be any gender they want to be In this program, a child is not just a boy or a girl. They typically give answers that they are “gender fluid.”…


“These practices separate children from the moral guidance provided by parents and it separates children from God, which is the ultimate goal! This represents the weaponizing of American education.”

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