Thursday, 16 May 2019

On Origins

In my last blog I referred to, and quoted from, what I call my health bible - Adellle Davis’s ‘Let’s Get Well’.  Which brings up the subject of bibles.  And I have just recently been appalled by what I have seen in what we call the Old Testament.(1)

For some background: When I dropped out of university lo, those many years ago now, and started out on what has been a lifelong search for Truth, I read in all of the religions, as well as philosophy and ESP and so forth and so on and on.  But I only scanned through the Bible, which didn’t cause much of a ‘take’ for me.  So I wasn’t fully prepared for what I have just come across. 

I read online a reference to Deuteronomy.  Specifically, Chapter 7 thereof.  I forget the context of the reference.  But I will never forget the material itself.

Vicious stuff.  Not at all the consciousness of a truly higher being.  

This is the precise sort of thing that gives credence to Zechariah Sitchin’s take on the origins of it: that the god of the Israelites, like many of the time, was a tribal god, apparently one of the Anunnaki - ‘Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came’.  3D-oriented astronauts from a planet in this solar system - name of Niburu - on an eccentric, 3600-year orbit around our Sun, coming through this vicinity on that cycle (and having been responsible for the creation of the asteroid belt on one of its ancient returns).  The Sitchin material - in nearly a dozen books, all extremely interesting, to anyone to any degree interested in our material origins, and what all has been going on in the perceived realm of our galaxy - answers many questions from and about our past.  Not to go into all that here.  Here, I just want to concentrate on this matter.  Of the very possible origins of so much of the ‘material’ that has been responsible for what we call Western History, for a long time.  As emanating from the Jewish belief in being a Chosen People.  Who have an excuse for going after the ‘goyim’ all the time.

Because - in effect - “the Bible tells them to’.     

No wonder so many Jews are megalomaniacs, wanting to control the world.  Which Bolshevikism was on the way towards, in their idea of ‘international socialism’.  And of how to run ‘their’ world.  To say: With an iron fist.(2)   

People like Dave at the X-22 Report seem to think that Pres. Trump is in control, has the upper hand, and has the ‘Deep State’ on the defensive.  Well, the DS may well be on the defensive; but that is when we need to close their operation down, and quickly.  Because it is when a creature is cornered that it is at its most dangerous.  And these people who have been attempting to corral the world into their New World Order gulag - and their numbers contain more than just Jews, and not all Jews, to be clear, and fair - have developed a lot of technological tricks by which to run their world operation; including weaponized vaccines, and mind- and people-controlling EMFs, and Weather Warfare, and cell-phone movement, and ubiquitous facial recognition cameras, and monitoring of all electronic communications (and other elements of the NSA's surveillance spy grid), and suitcase-sized nukes, and so forth.

Forget about ‘the 2020 elections’ (with voter fraud galore).

It’s time to act.  


P.S. And not to excuse the Muslims for their terrible beliefs in superiority as well.  I have read some of that material in the Koran.  And it has to go, too.

For Truth to take over on this sorely put-upon planet.  Needing now from us

our best.  No longer

our worst.  In what is, at its best

a Play.  Not

the Real Thing.

P.P.S. An interesting footnote here, and to my research into all these sorts of things over the years:
   Some years ago I came across an article by an engineer who got intrigued, from his trained perspective, with the description of ‘The Ancient of Days’ in some Jewish writing or other, and concluded that it was referring to a machine, that made manna, basically out of dew and sunshine - kind of like algae - with the ‘Ancient’s’ beard being the drippings from the mouth of the machine, and the tribe of Levi given the responsibility of tending it, reverently, as a gift from their god, who thereby helped them get through their ‘forty years in the wilderness’.
   Before they set about conquering all their neighbors.  
   And thereby started a process that has run down to our day. 
   And, I hope, has finally
   run down, indeed.


(1) Which presumes a New Testament.  But about which there is considerable question.  Just as with the Bible itself.
   But to continue.

(2) See: 'The Communist Takeover of America: 45 Declared Goals' (Congressional Record, Appendix, pp. A34-35; January 10, 1963)

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