Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Enemy Of The State...

…Of A Certain Kind

What goes around, comes around.  I am again at odds with the government of this country.  

To explain, I need to go back in time a bit (as befitting a coming-around-again scenario).  It was 1975.  I had already had a brush with The Law, on a principle; but I will keep this telling short, more to the point.  I was working, in Southern California, for a wholesale fabric company, name of S. Harris & Co. - who had a fairly quality line of fabrics for commercial and residential use - in their Customer Service department (taking phone orders, and ultimately doing the pricing for the team) - when somehow I heard about some people who had become Tax Resistors, on principle.  The ‘principle’ was that the whole thing - about income tax - was unconstitutional, somehow; but the specifics of the issue was what got my attention, and led me to going to some of their evening talks.  For those who weren’t around at that time, a brief explanation:

President Nixon had just taken the nation off the gold standard completely.  The reasons were immaterial to the telling of this story (I think he said it was largely to undercut ‘speculation’); but the Tax Resistors smelt a rat, and found a way to deal with the matter.  Which had to do with the inconvenient - to the federal government - fact that there was a legal definition of the U.S. dollar, which involved a certain amount of silver/precious metal backing.(1)  I was outraged at the chicanery, and joined in on the Resistance, by a) filing a legal form with my employer for them to stop taking out my federal tax automatically and assuming responsibility for that payment myself, and b) stamping my paycheck with a stamp that said something like ‘I have not been paid in dollars.  See U.S. Tax Code No.’ such-and-such.  The point was to go to court, if it came to that, and state that ‘I will pay my taxes when I am paid in the dollars that you say that I owe you’.  

This went on for some months, when fate intervened, and in a rather rapid fashion.  Briefly: I had gotten into the habit of reading a book in my car in the parking lot of the business while having my lunch, which was a very interesting, and intriguing, book titled  ‘The Secret Life of Plants,’ about some curious aspects of Nature, in relation to the subject of consciousness.(2)  Towards the end of the year I finally got to the last chapter, which turned out to be about an extremely interesting ‘spiritual community’ in the north of Scotland called Findhorn (after the neighboring fishing village to the caravan (trailer to us Yanks) park in which it was located).  Intrigued, I went to Pickwick’s Bookstore in Hollywood - a large bookstore that I was familiar with from many years previously, when I was living in that area - and checked out what they might have on the subject of the community proper.  Lo and behold, a book about it had just been released in paperback, titled ‘The Magic of Findhorn’.  Lo and further behold, a spiritual organization whose periodic meetings I had been attending, and on whose mailing list I was, announced that they were going to be hosting a major conference coming up, in Santa Monica, at which were going to be such speakers as…the founders of the Findhorn community.  One thing quickly led to another again, and in a matter of a few short weeks I was on my way to the community, not just to visit, but to become a member.  Which I ended up being, off and on, for the next thirty-five years or so.  Ending only when I decided to retire back in my old home town, in the sun, near the beach, in 2012.  In part as well to find out what the hell was going on back in my home country, with the failure of the American people to understand that BHO was ineligible for the office of the presidency, and, what was worse, if that was possible, seemed to be something of a Manchurian Candidate in the position to boot.

And thus, things back in my home country seeming to be coming to a head.

As to the concluding piece to this blog:  Part of my research into what all that has been going on in my home country in my ‘absence’ has involved coming across more information regarding this nation’s past from my previous ‘go’ with its history.  Which has led me to the awareness that the country has already been hijacked, previous to the current efforts towards that goal by the Democrat Party and allied other minions of the New World Order leadership.     
I don’t know the details.  Apparently something happened in 1871 that turned the United States into a corporation, and we citizens became ‘lost at sea,’ and subject to Admiralty law, for satanic purposes.  All of which has caused me to reply today in the following manner to a summons to appear for jury duty:

“I will not serve under Admiralty/Maritime Law, only under American Common Law/Natural Law - the law of the land, as opposed to the law of the sea.” 

I suppose it was inevitable that, sooner or later, I would again run afoul of the law.

Of despots.


(1) Up ’til then, our paper currency said on it that it was redeemable in (at the least) silver.  The TR people had produced a sheet showing how the wording on our currency had gently gently changed over the years, until this final play of the shell game, when the U.S. dollar - actually, Federal Reserve Note - just became redeemable in itself.  Sweet.

(2) Including Cleve Backster’s experiments with hooking up plants to a lie detector and getting readings similar to a human’s.
   I don’t know what happened to all that valuable information in that book.  It needs to be brought back to the light of our day.  For us to deal in a more ‘natural’ way with the likes of the terrible effects from pesticides.  But to continue.


P.S. As for ‘American history,’ a footnote: Over at The Common Sense Show yesterday (the 13th), Dave Hodges, in a post of his about Sen. Cory Booker, said of him: “This man exemplifies the paranoia expressed by Joe McCarthy.”  I took exception to that comment, and expressed it in the following way: 

Stan Stanfield Tue, 05/14/2019 - 02:02
Just to clarify something, Dave: Sen. Joe Mccarthy [sic] was not "paranoid". He was on to something. As became proven with the likes of Whittaker Chambers's testimony about communist subversion in the U.S, government agencies, and in particular with Alger Hiss. A part of American history that apparently a lot of Americans have missed out on. McCarthy got smeared because he was blowing the whistle on the far Left, and they have controlled the narrative, so that 'McCarthyism' has become a dirty word. Thus, the power of the MSM. 


And this, from an old man who in his youth had a Letter to the Editor printed in his hometown evening newspaper expressing concern that “Guilt by association is a dangerous trick that can cause unjust and devastating criticism of something worthwhile”.  The letter was about some previous LtE writer’s criticism of high school fraternities and sororities for somehow causing the cancellation of some church event or other.  I was adapting a term that I had come across at the time, regarding people ‘associated’ with accused communist fronts, to my particular concern at that point.  As I faintly recall, the initial issue where I had come across the term was regarding an outfit that was lauding the ‘agrarian reform’ going on in mainland China.  I was to find out later the facts of that matter: it was, indeed, a communist front.
     Live and learn.


(As for Dave Hodges: I like his site, if he is a bit over the top on the danger side.  But then, these are the days, my friends.
And they are about to end.)

from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘FBI Discovers Major Terrorist Training Base in ALABAMA!  MSM Is Silent’ - Dave Hodges - May 13

Stan Stanfield Mon, 05/13/2019 - 23:21
  • Good commentary, Dave. Thanks. You are certainly doing your best. It all helps. And to keep pounding on these themes. It will get through. Sometimes, repetition is necessary. (As a teacher, you would know that.)

P.P.S. And as for my quoting verbatim from a letter I wrote some 67 years ago: Yes, I remember it well.  It was my first ‘outing’ as what became quite a prolific letter-writing career of mine over the years.  Most of them published in the Oakland Tribune between 1969 and the latter part of 1972.  When I first ran foul of The Law.
     But, as I say…
     Another time, perhaps.
     Here, at the end of an era.
     And an Era.
     Speaking of cycles.

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