…In A Manner Of Speaking
Recently I was served notice to appear for Jury Duty. The last time that happened, a few years ago, now - a while after my return to my home country and old hometown - I went through the motions, and turned up at the courthouse on the designated Monday morning, where I told the check-in guy of my position on such judicial matters: that I would refuse to serve on a jury under what is called Admiralty Law, and would tell the judge so. He didn’t seem to be too concerned about the matter; that, or he didn’t know what to do about it. As it turned out, I wasn’t called up out of the waiting pool during the morning, and shortly after we returned from lunch, the rest of us were released, for the day and the rest of the week’s schedule. So, I had no opportunity to ‘show my colors,’ as it were.
What am I talking about here/what is Admiralty Law? First, to note that that form of law is signified by the gold fringe on the U.S. flag that one sees often in films and on TV, but most people fail to understand what that is all about. In a nutshell: It is about a/the takeover of our country that occurred, apparently, in 1871. I don’t know all the details;* I just know enough not to be a supporter of that act of subterfuge any longer.
I went online to see what I could do to register my complaint ahead of time this time. They do have a section where you can Request To Be Excused. I filled in my Reason thusly:
“I wilt not serve under Admiralty/Maritime Law, only under American Common Law/Natural Law - the law of the land, as opposed to the law of the sea.”
I was originally scheduled for Duty in the second week of June, and was advised by the online system to check in ahead of time for further information. I have waited a week, to give them time to take in my Reason for Excuse. and see what they would come up with in response. What they have ended up doing is to kick the can down the road a bit further: they have changed my week of Duty to the end of November.
Anything can happen between now and then.
So, let’s see how it all goes.
How it all goes.
PS. If you are interested in this subject, a good source of info on it is a researcher by the name of Anna von Reitz, of Alaska. She has done yeoman’s work - so to speak - on the whole matter. It is too convoluted for me to follow in detail; but that’s just me.
Her postings are posted online at Paul Stramer’s site, paulstramerdotnet That’s how I keep up with the latest on this saga.
Which is coming to a head. And I don’t mean a ‘head’ as in seaman’s lingo.
* I do know that we American citizens became ‘lost at sea’ by this subversive act. And need to stand up now and say, loud and clear: ‘I am not lost at sea. Here I am. And here I stand. For myself. Not my false personage.’
And speaking of our courts:
from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘Obama Appointed Activist Judge Orders Trump to Surrender His Business Records to the Democrats’ - Dave Hodges - May 21
(It's very clear from prior presidential record that he doesn't have to do that. But anything on the part of the Deep State to attempt to block his administration, and set him up for impeachment proceedings. The Hammer on them awaits.
Another such blow that should come:)
Stan Stanfield - May 21
This is more reason why the Trump admin needs to bring BHO up on charges of ineligibility for the office of POTUS, for not being a 'natural born' citizen - the definition of which is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof - and when he is found guilty as charged - by a legitimate court - all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - INCLUDING TO THE SCOTUS, AND INFERIOR COURTS - go with him. Into the trash bin. For it to be as though he had never been there. For, he was never there legally.
The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattell's 'The Law of Nations'.
If this is true - and it is - why didn't the Repubs make an issue of it? To answer that, look at who they ran as candidates in the 2016 primaries. At least four ineligible persons among them, on this issue: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, and Bobby Jindal. And the Repubs KNEW what they were doing. Proof: Between 2003 and ’08 alone, both major political parties tried a total of 8 times between them to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress on this very issue - proposals all of which had this issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue. The conclusion is clear: They colluded in a crime. It’s payback time.
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