1 a) If Western Civilization was built on the minds of a lot of people, a majority of whom were white males - as it was - and if so-called universities of our day are teaching - indoctrinating - their captive students to denigrate white males - as they are - then Houston is not the only body of people that needs to be told, and warned, that we have a problem.
And speaking of bodies of people:
b) People need to be dealt with on an individual basis, on their own merits. Not on the basis of being part of a particular group, e.g., by their race or religion or national origin or political persuasion. So, for example, it will come out that Mossad agents and sayanims were involved with the planning and execution of 9/11. But not all Jews are involved with the New World Order crowd, attempting to take over the planet at this time.
As to that attempt:
c) Anybody who engages in espionage or outright sabotage will be dealt with by measures appropriate to such a heinous offense.
2. On The Culture Of Capitalism
The individual is independent of the state. Has his/her human ‘property,’ and other property, independent of the state’s control, or at least, ownership. The state can tax his/her property and earnings, but can’t control either him/her or it, except under certain conditions, when his or her actions affect others. By which the state can do a fearful job of taking it all over, if it has a mind to. And has.
An example: The EPA under BHO tried to take major control - in effect, nationalization - over private property in the country under Waters of the United States (WOTUS) legislation designed to give the federal government responsibility and authority to regulate the country’s ‘navigable rivers and lakes,’ under the foot-in-the-door attitude that a puddle on your property ultimately drains into a creek that drains into…you get the idea. The idea being to a) abolish and b) nationalize all private property in the country.
Which leads ineluctably to the next subject:
3. On The Culture of Socialism/Statism
The individual is, and property are, controlled to a large extent by the state, with communism being outright ownership of both the individual and property.
More Americans need to wake up to what is going on regarding their country.
With everybody waking up to the cosmic fact that
You will be dealt with by/on the basis of your own individual actions.
You might as well get used to it.
P.S. To clarify:
Capitalism can be taken to extremes. As it has. And thus, needs to be held in check.
By a working rule of law. Meaning, in this country: its Constitution.
Not this ‘Words mean what I say they mean’ Humpty Dumpty business that we have been subjected to (a good descriptive word for it) under the Lefts’s thumb, for a long, long time.
Needing now to be corrected.
Along with the excesses of the corporate Establishment. As we approach
Continuing in the same vein as the title of this blog:
Continuing in the same vein as the title of this blog:
from freedomoutpost.com: ‘The Problem Of Voter Fraud & Manipulation Must Be Resolved Before 2020 General Election’ - Tony Elliott - May 23
(A hard-hitting article on this terribly important subject. Glad to see SOMEBODY coming out this hard on it. My contribution:)
Gold Radio - May 24
Thank you for this article, Tony. As a resident of L.A. County, I have refused to commit a crime by voting. More specifically, to aid and abet in the commission of a crime. Voting here is the scam that you have identified so well. I have been disenfranchised by the fraud, with my potential vote diluted to the point of disappearing, so I refuse to take part in it, and thus give it a veneer of respectability by engaging in it. There needs to be a total cleaning of the system. The federal government can at least insist on that for federal elections. As for the state itself: We need Pres. Trump to declare Martial Law, by imposing the Insurrection Act - this state being in a state of insurrection from the Union. Needing to be cleaned out, from top to bottom, of its political criminals, and its voter reg rolls needing to be certified, by independent CPA's, among other cleaning-out measures. Sign me Disgusted in L.A. County.
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