On The One Hand…
there is the likes of the Dave Hodges site The Common Sense Show, which gives us the worst-case scenario of what is ‘up’ for us (potentially):
An EMP attack, taking out much of the country’s power, as prelude to a Der Tag operation: terrorist cells being activated, especially to take out our governing personnel, and then to herd those of us left from various kinds of attacks - EMF and so forth - into the (already existing network of) FEMA camps, ‘for food and water’ ostensibly, but really for people control, ultimately by way of extreme prejudice - the guillotine (and our bodies to be used for food, Soylent Green-style, for the inmates who are still possibly re-educatable to the New Order Of Things, in an AI-infested gulag).(1) Our military largely having been sent out of the country on fools’ errands (think a you-should-pardon-the-expression Trumped-up war with Iran, and/or Venezuela), and the ranks having been filled with illegal aliens, ‘on a path to citizenship’ again ostensibly, but really for Takeover, long planned for. And Chinese and Russian troops at the ready, to pour into the country, via overland (thus the Cabal’s need to beat Trump to too much of a barrier to their movements) - with staging areas already present at the least in Mexico - and underground - with tunnels already existing into the prepared-for likes of Southern California - and by sea, including via ‘compromised’ ports like (my home town of) Long Beach, and inland ports as in Stockton and Sacramento. With the LGBTQ+ ‘minority class’ having largely been co-opted into joining the revolution, against ‘Conservatives and Christians/White Supremacists’ by joining in their demonization by the overegged likes of terms like ‘racists’ and ‘sexists’ and ‘homophobes’. All, a meticulously-planned operation - including the likes of the mainstream and social medias and academia and Hollywood - to prove that the U.S. was not so invulnerable to takeover after all, contrary to widespread opinion, snicker snicker.
That’s one scenario for the future - and the very near future, at that.
And On The Other Hand…
I follow a site called Golden Age of Gaia which has a lot of ’spiritual’ stuff on it, largely consisting of channeled material (from both Galactics and Celestials).(2) Of late, there has been a plethora of very positive-sounding such material, with such comments as “The quest of the ages is at an end” and comments on such positive, uplifting themes as Ascension, and Delegations (that one in association with Disclosure), and Accountability (the Deep State to get theirs, in the end. And The End), and Revaluation (of currency) - and topped off with an Event described as being “heart-opening”.
Hey - I’ll be glad if the day after it all there is still ice cream, there. On the other side of
The End
The Play.
But I will say this for the latter material:
It is far better to join in with, and put out, high vibes, than it is to dwell on the negative side of things. Potential or otherwise.
Yes, it is there. And needs to be known about. But it needs not to be energized.
We have work to do. For the Light.
It’s as simple as that.
Let’s be about it. Being careful of the vibes we are putting out as we do.
(1) This latter point is my addition to the scenario. But it fits, with people who use children for their sexual pleasure, and then have the bodies to dispose of, as they will. Plus the bodies of babies that have been subjected to Satanic rituals; giving those who have turned away from the Light a taste for human flesh.
Well, why not. When you think that you are gods. Before you have earned your wings.
(2) Some of those sources think highly of Obama. So I think some ‘voice to skull technology’ is going on there.
As always: Discretion is advised, in considering all these sorts of things.
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