The Ultimate Revolution
My Fellow Americans:
We have been lied to.
We have been lied to about vaccinations.
We have been lied to about fluoridation.
We have been lied to about cancer.
We have been lled to about first manmade Global Warming, and then about Climate Change, when the first lie began to be shown for what it was.
We have been lied to about 9i/11, and so many other false flag ops.
We have been lied to about a whole host of things, which are now going to come out of the darkness into the Light.
Under the pressure of Light.
As we on this entire planet enter
a New Day.
A New Day for celebration, of deliverance from the spell of Darkness that we have been under. The more to appreciate
The Light.
More to come.
Hold onto your hats. It is going to be an en-light-ening ride.
Into a future of unparalleled joy, and en-light-enment.
As I for one - and for The One that we are all aspects of - refuse to live in the darkness - the relative darkness - any longer. The relative darkness, which has been part of our education, as apprentice gods. To learn what happens, and can happen, when you, individually and collectively, attempt to go your own Way, lose your connection with your essential Self, as ‘a piece of the continent, a part of the main’ of your intrinsic nature, and identity.
Much has been made lately of ‘Identity Politics’. The identity to which we should be aspiring, and invoking, is as a fractal of our Creative Source. All of us. As expressions of
The One.
May we all do a better job of expressing that. Our true natures. In the days and weeks and months and years and centuries ahead. Lit on our Way by the Light of
The One. In Whom, and by Whom, we move and live and have our being.
Let us never forget that
For now, it’s time to move on. Into that more perfect Light.
In more perfect Union with
The Light.
Blessings on the rest of
our Journey
P.S. It will be a shame to lose some of you along The Way. But that’s free will for you.
For. You. And your edification. As to your true nature. Your true Self.
To learn to live up to, on your individual journey, along
the Royal Highway.
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