Thursday, 2 May 2019

What To Expect

You can expect all falsity to give way under the pressure, and growing pressure, of the Light.  For example.

Christianity is founded on error.  The story, in brief: A Jewish general-cum-governor of the Judaean region named Josephus, at the time of the Jewish Revolt against Roman rule in the 60s CE,  saw the writing on the wall, and saved his neck - and not so incidentally the necks of a number of his fellow members of the priestly line and their families - by ingratiating himself into the good graces of the Roman general whom he predicted would become emperor; not a gesture sufficient in itself to gain his hoped-for reward, but he finessed it with knowledge and then, undoubtedly, access to riches of the Temple, which he knew of because of his priestly lineage.  And Vespasian, the said general, having everything going for him to ascend to said throne except wealth, was no fool (he thought), and the deed was done.  Josephus then finessing the deal by being at the very least the major party in Vespasian’s imperial household behind what was to become known as the New Testament, in concocting a story about a pacifistic Messiah figure back at the beginning of the generation (figured at the time as consisting of forty years) that saw Titus, Vespasian’s elder son, engage in the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there; Josephus painting Titus as the anticipated Son of Man of Jewish religious literature, having come to chastise the Jews for failing to heed the warning of his concocted messianic figure to do such as to ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,’ and obey authority, and who ‘announced’ that ‘My kingdom is not of this world,’ so behave yourselves, you unruly Jews, stop your incessant rebelling, and be obedient subjects to the Roman Caesar; ‘Jesus’s’ pubic ministry ‘coincidentally’ paralleling Titus’s military campaign in Judaea to a t.(1)  The result of Josephus’s turncoat behavior being that a) he lived a fine life, as an adopted member of said household, writing his histories (and himself into his ‘gospel’ story as Saul become Paul; his true historical biography ‘curiously’ paralleling that of his character Paul, down even to a shipwreck on the way to Rome, where they were 'at the same time,' imagine that coincidence); and b) his Jewish priestly-line friends became the heads of the new religion based on the concocted story of said Miracle Man.  (Whose persona was dressed up with pieces of the stories of many a god-man talked about by itinerant story-tellers at the time.)(2)  Which also not so incidentally is why the leaders of the new religion made the bishop of Rome the head cheese: He was their man.  And also why they established celibacy as part of ths deal: So that other bishops who would undoubtedly begin to crowd in on the Good Deal would not be able to pass on their control of the populace to their sons, with the positions to be appointed by the Roman pontiff.

All of which is now to come to a halt.  In the Light of Truth.

Regardless of what our erstwhile masters have to say about such a thing.  I mean, of Truth.

That there is such a thing.

And it is going to continue to grow.  And grow.  And grow.

And take over, ultimately,

the whole world.

In that Light.

With all falsehood and corruption to be wrung out of the social order.  Of Man.  On his way to 

his ultimate destination.  As a facet, fractal, aspect, point of view, expression of

The All That Is.  

And you can take that to the bank.

Under New Management.  (And with the elimination of the fiat-money & interest-bearing monetary and fractional-reserve banking systems.  And the introduction of NESARA/GESARA.  And beyond.)  

Other Issues, briefly:

* Global Warming, er, Climate Change

A fraud.  Well, sort of.  Yes, there is some ‘Man-made Climate Change’.  From Weather Warfare.  Aka geoengineering.  Our Erstwhile Masters - aka the globalists; aka the New World Order crowd - have been attempting to a) control the populace’s access to food and potable water, and b) set up conditions for a world government.  Of their making.    

Of, that is to say: the Dark side.

Their best-laid plans withering, now, in the light of a -

the -

New Day.  Of

the Light.   

At long last.

May it shine for a good long while. 

To help us see our Way through to


* National Security

The citizenry of individual nation-states will determine their country’s policies, in the Light of this New Day.

No one else.

The Individual is sovereign.  As a child of God.  Governments rightly being the servants of The People.  Not their masters.

In the United States, its 'national security' will take the form of:

* All those who are in the country illegally must return to their home countries.  (If they wish to return to this one, they will be allowed to apply.  Through the front door.  In a proper vetting process.)  And no more persons will be allowed into this country via other than said front door.  And even if someone is in this country 'legally,' but under false pretenses, they, too, need to return to their home countries.  And if it is a country that they have come into this country from as a 'refugee,' and it is still engaged in civil unrest, but they can't prove that they were personally under danger there, they need to go to a UN camp in a neighboring country.  That's what the UN is for.  Not to be a conduit for 'regime change' - and cultural change - in other countries; as it is engaged in at this time.  To be a part of the Correction Process to be engaged in at this time.     

* The mayors and governors of Sanctuary cities and states will be arrested, for breaking federal laws.  As the beginning of a TOTAL CLEANING-OUT of corruption in the country.

There’s more, along this line.  Of a wringing-out of Darkness in this country, and the world. 

But you get the idea.

As I say:

At long last.


(1) And Josephus also succeeding in getting back at a leader of the Jewish Revolt this way - a king of a region further to the east, in his realm of Edessa (in the northern Syria of our day), who had as one of his names that of Jesus - whom he blamed for the calamity that was brought down on the heads of the Jews, from his inglorious attempt to stand against the might of Rome, in the consequences meted out to the Jews by Titus.  'See?  See what happens when you don’t listen to people like, er, me, and listen instead to hotheads, who don’t know how to live to fight another day???'…

(2) See, for good example, D.M. Murdock’s ‘The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’ (written under her pen name of Acharya S).  Also her ‘Christ In Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection’.  Also her ‘Who Was Jesus?: Fingerprints of The Christ’.
   Other important reading in this vein is Ralph Ellis’s ‘Jesus - King of Edessa’.  Also ’The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero. And the crowning work of the genre: ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill.  All, helping us to get to Truth.
   In our time.


P.S. There is something bizarre about how 'desperately' the Democrats and their allies in the MSM are going after Pres. Trump, and now his AG Barr.  With the failure of the Mueller Report to indict Trump for 'Collusion,'  they are now attempting to 'get' Trump on 'Obstruction' charges.   Um, hello??  If there was no Collusion, there was no crime, therefore there really can be no Obstruction.  'But he covered it all up somehow!'  Pathetic.
Unless there is something else going on here.
     It is almost as if the Democrats and their assets in the MSM made an agreement, amongst themselves before The Play going on, that they would fight their corner to the 'bitter' end.   Give no ground whatsoever.  To make the ultimate victory of the Light all the greater, in generating as big a reaction in the 'other side's players' as possible.
     What a thought.  And there they were, making such a good target on one's hate list...
     You mean we have to love them too???!!

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